Chapter 2: Kuoh Academy

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(Your POV)
Today was your first day of school, and you were nervous.

You had a backpack on your back, and you looked at Kuoh Academy with nervous eyes. The school looks like a grand castle, and you were a lowly peasant. Yet who was the majesty of this grand castle? A grand castle without any flags to soar over it's rooftops. Of the countless nobles that attended this school, who could be this school's majesty? It would have to be someone as graceful as the wind that danced through the leaves of the trees above and your messy hair, yet as powerful and present as the glowing yellow sun that peeked from behind the rooftops of Kuoh's many buildings as it woke up from it's short slumber.

Wait, (Y/N), you're doing it again.

You slapped both your cheeks to slap yourself to focus on what was really happening in front of you. You had a nasty habit of letting your imagination run wild, causing you to see things for more than what they really were. Still, you enjoyed these moments of surrealism, even if they caused you a minor inconvenience. You were getting stares from people, but they must have been staring at you because you were a Native American guy in Japan. You still weren't sure why your family was in Japan, but that's none of your business.

"A foreigner, I wonder what brings him into Japan?" One of the female students commented on your appearance.

"He's kind of tall too." Another member of the student body commented on your height, which was taller than the average person in Kuoh.

"I wonder if he's going to notice Issei running into him." A third student commented.


Before you could process what the girl said, you saw something. You stepped to the side after you saw a brown haired high school boy running towards you. The passing boy had a panicked expression on his face, as well as some bruises. He ran straight past you, completely ignoring your existence. You were confused why this boy was running until you heard the sound of yelling, you turned your head and saw a horde of girls running towards the brown haired boy holding wooden swords. Are they a kendo club? The army of girls ran past you, screaming at the top of their lungs to 'Kill Issei Hyoudou'.

"So his name was Issei Hyoudou?" You thought to yourself before continuing towards the main school building.

You found yourself in front of a bulletin board that displayed different papers, all of which seemed to be club sign up sheets. You stopped in front of the bulletin board and looked at these various clubs. Tennis club, kendo club, music club, occult research club, and more. The one that caught your attention the most was the 'Occult Research Club'. It's flyer looked to be pretty plain, but you still decided to go check. You didn't know where the ORC clubroom was though, so you'll have to ask someone for directions. You looked around, but you noticed that you couldn't see anyone in the hallway with you, so you decided to look around a bit more. You walked down the hallway of Kuoh Academy, the hallway that was lined with lockers and doorways. You walked down the hallway, looking around for someone to help you. Unfortunately, you couldn't find anyone, so you decided to go up the stairs. You walked up the first flight of stairs, when suddenly you noticed someone's footsteps coming down the stairs. You looked up and saw someone. You came across a red haired girl, and judging from her uniform, she was a fellow member of Kuoh Academy. Her crimson hair was one of her most defining features, other than her blue eyes. The red haired girl noticed you and looked perplexed for a moment.

"Um, hello?" You greeted the red haired girl who stopped midway on the stairs to look at you. "I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of the occult research club?"

"The Occult Research Club?" The red headed woman asked in confusion and concern. "Are you sure you want to join that club? I heard that the club deals with all kinds of dangerous things. Are you sure you'd like to join a club that gets into a fight every month or so?"

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