I Like You

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"I like you, sorry i never meant to"


Junkyu woke up as the sun beamed through the window of the room. He was at Haruto's place again, and the other was nowhere to be found. He held his head before listening to his beating heart. He clenched his chest hoping it would stop beating fastly, and might crushed the feeling started to form in it.

Both cleared it at first, it were all just physical, just typical fck buddies, the no string attached rule. Well, sound cliché but he did develop some feelings for the other. Really a headache!

Aside from that, his head is literally throbbing.

A ringing phone added annoyance to his bad morning, he reached for it and found out Yoshi, his friend called. He reached for his clothes before answering the call.

"hey! You called?"

"obviously Kim"

"tsk, why?"

"aunt is looking for you in your unit. She immediately head to my unit after knowing you weren't around. Are you at Haruto's again?"

"it's been a long time, i remember we're both an animal"

"what the hell Kim! Your mouth really needs a filter at times. Eww!"

He chuckled as he fixed himself at the mirror.

"anyways, do you perhaps know what she wanted?"

"she told me to tell you to come home. At your house, not at your unit"

"and why is that?"

"don't know, not interested either"

"tsk. I'll hung up" he immediately cut the line before the other could utter a word.

Junkyu was about to leave when suddenly the door opens, revealing Haruto. The other’s brows knitted together when he saw Junkyu was about to leave.

"you're leaving?" Junkyu rolled his eyes when the other asked, stating the obvious. Completely ignoring his beating heart that was about to explode just being in one room with the guy. Oh God, just stop! He internally scolded himself.

"yes, mom's looking for me" Junkyu was about to pass through Haruto when the other hold his wrist and dragged him to bed. Haruto's hand immediately snaked at his waist as both of them again lie down, Haruto spooning him.

"hey, let go! My mom would kill me knowing i wasn't in my unit"

"no one could kill you except me on bed" Junkyu rolled his eyes at the other’s response, a wasted effort since he was facing his back at him.

They are always like this, made love at night, cuddle in the morning. And maybe, this is the reason why his stupid heart hopes that Haruto did feel something towards him too. It really wasn't a big deal to Junkyu at first, not until he found out how he felt towards the other.

Well who wouldn't? With that face? Haruto might be harsh on bed, more like a beast really but Junkyu could tell Haruto is some kind of sweet man. Maybe his way of luring his prey, tsk. Whatever.

"i'm sorry but i really need to go"

"5 minutes, then you can leave" Junkyu sighed in defeat. He never wins when it comes to this, Haruto is just stubborn, and handsome yes.

"when can we meet again?" Haruto asked

Junkyu felt Haruto is nudging his nose at his nape. It's tickling, but Junkyu just ignored it as his chest again thump crazily. He tried so hard to control it, scared that Haruto might hear it, which he guessed.

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