Chapter 4

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Brooks's frame stiffened above me at the sound of Nate's loud voice echoing through the room. He promptly sat up releasing me from the cages of his arms.

"Oh my God," I mumbled as I hastily sat up my gaze falling on Nate standing in the open doorway. His mouth hanging open a look of complete shock on his face as he gawked at us.

I can't tell if I'm embarrassed that Nate caught us, or disappointed he interrupted us.

What the hell did I almost let happen?

I peeked over at Brooks who sat upright, his body tense, his palms flat on the bed gripping the sheets as he stared daggers at Nate. Looking away from him I bent forward and quickly grabbed my sneakers slipping my sock-clad feet back in and tightening the laces.

Nate finally snapped his mouth shut as he straightened his shoulders a smirk lifting the corners of his lips. "Well, shit, and here I thought you were missing out on all the fun. I could see that I was wrong," he said to Brooks his eyes pinging between us.

Finally, his gaze settled on me. "Fresh air, huh?" he teased.

If looks could kill Nate would he be six feet under with the death glare I shot in his direction? Earlier I texted Mia that I went outside to get some fresh air away from the pounding music.

Which was obviously a lie but I knew if I told her the truth she would've read too much into it.

Now Nate was clearly calling me out on my lie.

"Get the fuck out," Brooks barked at his best friend running his long fingers through his already tousled hair.

Lifting his hands defensively Nate backed out of the room. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt," he said still grinning like an idiot. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me," he winked at me before shutting the door.

"You okay?" Brooks asked shifting his focus to me for the first time since Nate barged into his room.

"I'm fine," I murmured without looking at him as I grabbed my purse standing to my feet.

"Where are you going?" Brooks questioned the confusion evident in his voice.

I slipped my bag over my bare shoulder before turning to him with a forced smile plastered on my face. "I really should get going," I replied my gaze landing on him.

He nodded his head but otherwise remained silent and for the first time tonight, an awkward silence settled between us.

Both of us did acknowledging what almost happened before Nate entered the room.

I mean it was a kiss that never even happened it should be nothing right? Maybe for Brooks but not me. It would've been my first kiss in four years.

After Eli, I thought something broke inside of me, I haven't been attracted to anyone since, until Brooks. He brings out something in me that I thought had died a long time ago.

Something about Brooks draws me to him I felt it the first night I met him. And if I'm not careful, he'll have me naked and under him in no time. The last few minutes already proved that. I've spent less than an hour in his presence and I was practically begging him to kiss me.

Brooks may stir up feelings inside me but he is not the guy for me. I got caught up in the easy flow of our conversation and the way he made me laugh. And when he peered down at me with that intense look in his ice-blue eyes it was like my body set afire and I lost all rational thought.

But I need to keep my distance because getting involved with him was a bad idea, Brooks Heyward had heartbreak written all over him. And the last time I gave someone my heart, it was shattered into a million unexpectedly.

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