11 // Frenemies

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Quick author's note so basically I kind of misspelled Sienna's name in one of the earlier chapters so it's Sienna Carter not Sierra or Serena. k thanks.

Emma's POV

Looking through last year's yearbook I saw Amelia's number, big and bold.

Apparently her quote was, for a good time, call 055-324-6923

She sure is blunt.

"Hello," she spoke with a bored tone.

"Amelia ?"

"Slut !" She exclaimed.

"How'd you find my number, were you stalking me ?"

I snorted at her allegations. As if.

"Stop assuming, I just wanted to ask if you would be open to hanging out with me and-" I thought for a minute I couldn't handle her on my own, I need someone even more bitchier. I snapped my fingers ah Sienna ! How could I forget dear best friend forever.

"Me, you hangout, if u wanna fight why don't you just say that !" she snapped through the phone.

Ugh, can't believe I have to put up with her !

"I just wanna hangout," I cleared out for her.

"Listen I really like Niall, and you just so happen to be his vision and best friend so I wanna get along with you, that's it !" I spoke in one breath.

"Wow, you do live up to your name, S-L-U-T," she spelled out for me.

Fuck now she's done it.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, here I'm trying to get the fuck along with you and you just call me names not fucking fair."

"You have a boyfriend," she spoke nonchalantly.

"I know," I sighed.

"But...... You like Niall ?" She questioned.

I nodded remembering she can't see me I replied, "yeah," I said with another long sigh.

"M'kay, we can hang out." She spoke applying emphasis on hang.

"Really," I asked, a part of me hoping she'd say no but then a big part screaming hell yes gurl .

"Yeah, don't make me change my mind, Friday night 6 pm meet me at the fair."

"Thanks, you won't regret it I promise," I assured her.




"For fucks sake are you flirting with me, Emma ?" She spoke with a mocking tone.

I swear this girl

"Bye Amelia !" I yelled snapping the phone shut.


Friday rolled around the corner and right at my front door as I stepped out into September air.

Welcoming it to wind my hair and entangle it in it's embrace.

I decided on walking to school today since my car had gone to it's monthly service.

"So beautiful," I mumbled when I passed by a blossoming tree.

I hate to say it but I'm sort of excited for the fair today with Amelia and Sienna.

"Hey En," i softly hummed to Sienna.

"Hey," she replied with a blank expressions.


"I need you to accompany me tonight 6pm to the fair."

"I-I can't"

"Please," I put on the biggest pout I could muster on my face.

"I don't know," she let out a big sigh.

"I miss him," she spoke breathily.

"En, it's been 2 years let it go," I spoke almost wanting to break out in a singing gala of frozen songs.

"I can't! Let him or this go, it's hard to."

"I invited Amelia to hang out with us today."

"Why," she asked surprised.

The truth is Sienna hates Amelia more than I ever will, apparently something happened between them.

They were adjoined at hip bff's but something tore it apart which led to them becoming their worst nemesis, exactly the kind of thing that happened with me and Mel.....issa.

"Why," she paused. "her?"

"I like her," I lied through my teeth, it's not that I don't like her I just immensely dislike her guts.

"You know I can't, especially not when I'm with her."

"Please," I tried again.


Yes !

"Thanks, En I promise I'll make it up to you if it isn't the best night ever."


I really want her to be happy and a day at the fair is just what I can do for her.

Miles teller.

That dickhead and Sienna dated for almost 6 months when he decided it would be fun to cheat on her.

She was traumatised and wouldn't eat or sleep for days when she saw him and some random waitress from hooters (her work shirt was on the floor) fucking senseless onto their bed.

And all he had for his defence was 'oops' no sorry or we can fix this, just one word 'oops'.

Today is their 3 year anniversary, Miles was her first love. first ones are the hardest to forget, I hate see her this way, I wish someone out there would actually love her for who she truely is.


The fair was deserted for a Friday, which was better for us.

I walked to the fair with Sienna by my side and my hand in her death grip.

I heard Sienna mumble besides me, something I couldn't bother to hear then suddenly she blurted "I can't do it!"

"En, it's just Mia, relax."

"Yeah, your right it's just...... Mia."

We heard some girl yell incoherent words behind us which made us turn around with me a big smile that Mia showed up and Sienna's face with a big frown that she did show up.

"C'mon," I pulled on Sienna's hand towards Amelia.


"Hi, I'm sorry didn't mean to show up that way it's just that dicktit parked in the handicap zone and I just got pissed off."

Sienna seemed to find this situation funny which led to her letting out a breathy giggle.

"I see you brought your 'friend'."

"Yes, well you already know Sienna so let's go yeah, it's pretty quite in here don't think we need to line up or anything."


"Okay," Sienna said.


"Fine!" with that Sienna stormed off to the ticket counter.


Hope you guys like this chapter it's well yeah next chapter shit is about to go down or not.

Thanks, keep reading.
Guneet ♥︎♥︎♥︎

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