Chapter 11

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Today was Rebecca's 34th birthday! Julia wanted to do special for her Mom so she made her a card. Colby and Julia woke up early so they can give Rebecca breakfast in bed. They made her pancakes and eggs. It was around 9. They went into her room. Julia woke her up peacefully. Rebecca's eyes fluttered opened.

"Happy Birthday Mommy" Julia said as she climbed into the bed and hugged her tightly. "Thank you honey" said Rebecca as she kissed her head. "We made you breakfast in bed" "Thank you" "I also made you card" "it's wonderful" Julia left the room to eat her breakfast and play on her iPad

When Julia left Colby came up to Rebecca and placed his lips on her. He held it for a minute and he pulled them apart. "Happy Birthday Beautiful" Colby said as he gave her roses and her favorite mint Chocolate. "Thanks Handsome" "My mom will pick Julia in a bit so we can spend it together" Colby said with a wink.

About an hour later Holy came and picked up Julia. Rebecca and Colby went to get coffee at his coffee shop and head to the gym.

Rebecca and Colby took showers and watched a movie on the couch. "I want to take you somewhere tonight" Colby said with a smile. "Like where" " A nice and fancy restaurant"

That's what they did. Colby took her to a fancy restaurant. They had a great time talking and enjoying each other's company.

When they got home they got dressed and I think you know what happened next.😉

Colby woke up first and starred at her. Rebecca's eyes fluttered opened. " I definitely wore you out last night" Colby said with a wink. Rebecca rolled her eyes.

They got coffee at his shop and went to pick up Julia. When they arrived Julia ran up to them and hugged them tight. She missed them so much. Julia was always by her mother side. The farthest Julia ever stayed away from her mother is when Rebecca has to wrestle and Julia is in the gorilla watching her.

They spent the rest of the day at Holy's house playing board games,watching a movie, and leaving. This was a fun few days but now it it is time to go back to focusing on work.

Colby had something planned. What might it be?

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