im here, 1

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"Hey guys its summer and today I'm flying out to L.A to see my brother! Im honestly so excited. I have not seen him in like 4 months so this is really exciting, but basically this is just a vlog of my little trip so yeah."

Im so excited to see Jaden again, its definitely been awhile so I'm also nervous.
Im apparently staying his house so yeah, its gonna be weird leaving my parents for a month and just staying with jay but im just so excited

"Ok so i just finshed packing all of my things so im gonna head down to the car with my mom and dad."

I zip up my suitcase and start dragging it down the stairs

"Im gonna miss you guys," i say to my mom and dad

"Were gonna miss you too summertime, but have fun with jaden and please be safe" says my dad very clearly

"Of course dad, are you guys ready to drop me off at the airport?" I ask starting to pull my luggage to the car

"Yep, lets get going" My mom says following me



"Hey bryce" i say to bryce as i head out to my car

"Were you going?" He asks heading over to me

"To pick up my little sister" i say casually

" is she gonna stay here? If so how little because this house for like a fucking todler would definitely not work out" Bryce says seriously, but also being sarcastic

"No shit Bryce, but don't worry shes like 15 or 16" i say kinda forgetting her age, dang its only been 4 months and i don't remember her age? Dang bro.

"So we can still have ragers right? Because i need like a good party at least every other day" he says while grabbing he's vape pen and walking to the back yard, i just simply roll my eyes. Casual Bryce.

I hop in my car and drive off to the airport, while driving i start thinking about my little sister in that environment. Fuck no, i think i would prefer her not to be going to any of these party's in L.A, she probably never goes to party's anyways shes only like 15.

Im just gonna tell her when she gets here,no party's. I just don't want her to get hurt. She prolly should not date guys either, there all man whores.



"JADEN! Oh my gosh i missed you so much" i say while hugging him, i really did miss Jaden

"I missed you too sum sum" he says smiling snd hugging me back, im so happy. Me and Jaden were super close before he left 4 months ago, i think we still are close but when he left he stopped calling me as much. Thats why I'm so happy to see him in person again.

"So while your here i just wanted to let you know L.A party's can get like crazy and sense your only like 16 i don't think you should go to them" Jaden says, ofc i had to roll my eyes. I was excited for these partys but now i cant go? Dammit.

"Jaden can i please just go to one?" I ask nicely while smiling, he smiles bsck at me. He's definitely gonna say yes.

"Yeahhhh no." I let out a deep sigh as he says that

"Ugh what ever jaden" i say rolling my eyes and following him to the car, here we go.

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄, sway boys Where stories live. Discover now