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Missed you ❤️5.4 mil 📝200k
@user82991: who is she?
@user62782: @madslewis
@madslewis: stop @ me, this is his sister
@avani: y'all are my fav brother sister duo
@user82829: slayyy
@user62829: another h0e
@charlidameilo: summer is vibing
@summerhossler posted
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Hey tiktok ❤️1mil 📝 85k
@user8272: pretty
@user7290: why is she at sway?
@user7153: hey summer
@user4601: sense when did jaden have a sister? ^@summerhossler: sense 16 years ago
@user72991: fugly
@user7261: ur so gorg ^@summerhossler: all you bae
After me snd Jaden made those tiktoks at sway he took me to my new room for 1 month, im excited for this. All of his "Friends" were not here right now so it was just us at sway, thats what its called right? Im still trying to figure all of jadens shit out but ill get there.
I follow jaden up stairs to this big hallway with different rooms, all the doors were mainly open. Jaden leads me down to the 1 door thats closed. My room?
"Soo this is your room i hope u love it" he says while opening the door i quickly smile when i see how pretty my room is
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"Ok well im gonna unpack, let me know when everyone is back." I say while shoving Jaden out the door he just gives me a death glare i just smile back at him as he leaves.
Lovely, now i can shower and chill for a little bit. I grab my suitcase from the corner of my room and bring it to my closet.
I grab an outfit and go to my bathroom, theres one in my room so i just walk in there. I turn on the lights and shit those things are blinding, but this would be an amazing area for instagram pics. Anyways i turn on the shower snd make sure it gets warm before i get in
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After my shower i just put on something comfy because its already like 6:30 and I'm so tired so i don't feel like putting on like jeans and stuff. Soon later i was done in the bathroom and finished showering so i just sat on my bed scrolling through instagram, but then I realized i have never posted on insta yet. Dang i should prolly post.
I just start scrolling through my camera roll, all my photos are from my old town so idk if everyone will like them but I'm just gonna post them anyways. I don't really care anymore
@summerhossler posted on instagram
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