It was now 4:26 pm and i was just chilling in my room watching "hey jessie" amazing show by the way, in the middle of the episode i was watching i heard knocking on my locked door.
Its prolly Jaden, but i don't wanna wanna get up. I have to though, i sadly and slowly get out of my bed and unlock the door and i knew it. There was Jaden of course
"Hey sum sum you've been in ur room for a while, you all good?" Jaden asks concernedly while walking inside my room
"Im all good, i just got tired" i say truthfully, but I'm not as tired anymore
"Are you too tired for a party?" He asks hoping i would say no, jokes on you Jaden I'm never to tired for a party
"Nahhhh" i say while laughing, Jaden just rolls his eyes that just makes me laugh more, imagine having to go to a party with ur little sister. Sucks to suck Jaden
"Ok what ever, the party's at 9 but were gonna leave here at 8 so that you can meet everyone" Jaden says while rolling his eyes
party night for summer, party night for summer. Im gonna have the time of my life and none of y'all can stop me
I thought as Jaden left the room, now what should i wear?
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Ugh i look so good, i am the moment 😉😫😘
jk, but i love this dress, it has served me through all the party's i went to as soon as Jaden left. Jaden never let me go to any of the "high school party's" i don't know why but all i know is that there fun and these party's are prolly gonna be a lot funner
Anyways I'm really excited, i right now. I cant wait to meet everyone.
"Summer! Get down here now, or else were gonna leave you here" i hear jaden yell, like not even 5 seconds you could hear all of there loud, loud laughs, Yes i meant to say loud twice.
I watch as all the boys leave to the car and now im here in the house still waiting from summer, ugh the fuck
"Summer get your fucking ass down here, there ready to leave" i scream To summer, i mean obviously
"Im coming right now" she yells, finally shes coming god dam took her long enough
Anyways shes wearing a pink mini dress its short as fuck but sense she took like an hour just getting ready I'm to lazy to make her change, ill be a nice brother for once i guess.
"I like your shirt jae" Summer says while walking to the car with me
"Thanks sum" i say while hoping in the front, josh was driving and summer was next to Bryce and Noah right behind me and the other guys left in an other car