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"In order to take the stone, you must loose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul. For a soul"

Druig and Makkari look at each other with longing in their eyes. They both knew what was being asked of them, they just did not want to admit it.

"Makkari..." Druig started.

Don't Druig

"We have to-"

Just please...don't. Be with me now.

Druig gave in. He would always give in to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in to the tightest hug she'd ever had. He felt her soft cries against his armor and he just nuzzled his face into her shoulder. They stayed like that for a few minutes before he pulled away.

Druig looked down saw her still crying.


No answer.

"Makkari please look at me" he lifted her chin upwards so his eyes would be facing hers.

No Druig. I don't want to do it.

"You don't have to do anything my love-"

N-no Makkari's hand signals started to get sloppy as she started to break down again. This time falling to her knees. Druig fell with her, cradling her small body in his lap. It broke his heart to see her cry, especially since he was the one doing so.

It's not fair Druig. Why us? Why not anyone else? Makkari signed looking up at him and cupping his cheek.

"Was it ever fair for us? The only thing I'm regretting is not telling you sooner"

I feel like I wasted so much time. I should have come with you when you left Tenochtitlan Makkari signed.

"I could never have asked you to leave. You would have been miserable just staying still...

And if you stayed you would have been miserable as well

"I guess it was never in the cards for us"

Don't say that. We would always find our way back to each other.

"And we'll do it again, my beautiful, beautiful, Makkari"

How can you be so sure?

"Because, we've lived thousands of lifetimes. This one will be no different, I promise"

Makkari smiled and pressed her forehead against his, this was their way of showing their love for one another.

"Makkari, there's something I have to tell you..."

Don't Druig. If you say it now, it means it's goodbye

"I wish we had more time, but we don't and I'm going to tell you this because if I don't tell you now, I never will"

Makkari sighed and nods her head.

"Okay listen. Makkari, I love you. I've always loved you. I've loved you since my first breath...and I'll love you till my last"

Oh Druig...I love you too Makkari signs and grabs Druig's cheeks and kisses him. The kiss is firm, but tender. It was as if they were fitting the past several thousand years, into the next couple moments. Druig pulled Makkari in close as he placed his hands on her waist, he knew what was going to happen next, but he just wanted to savor this moment as long as he could.

He reluctantly pulled away and looked at her, she tenderly kissed him one more time.

I'm sorry she signs to him

Before he can react she swiftly kicks him, so he falls under his feet. Makkari gives him one last glance before she runs in the direction of the cliff. She was going to do this, for him, for Druig. Druig's reflexes kicked in and he grabs her ankle, causing her to fall right next to him. Druig pins her down with his body, staring back into those brown eyes of hers.

Druig and Makkari OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now