Chapter Six - Familiar Faces

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I exited the cockpit after the girl and the two were taking with and over. I knelt in front of BB-8 and checked him over as the two finished, the girl knelt beside me.

"You're gonna be okay now your with the resistance, she'll get you home. We all will." she told my droid and I stood up and she copied looking between Finn and I.

"I don't even know your names." she not so subtly inquired

"Rory, Finn." Finn answered and I turned to him

"I can speak for myself, you know. Jeez first Poe and now you, I have a voice. What about you girly?" I questioned her folding my arms.

"I'm Rey." she answered

"Well Rey, nice piloting skills." something burst n the ship and it made me jump slightly.

"Help me with this quick." we lifted to the decking and she jumped down, I did as well. i checked ver what I wrong.

"It's the motivator. I need a Harris wrench. " I stood up looking around "Is it me or does this ship look and feel familiar BB-8?" I asked my droid . Rey handed me the Harris wrench. BB-8 beeped a reply

"How do you not know, your my droid, I've...hold on." I took the wrench and started mending it.

"How bad is it?" Finn wondered

"How bad is what?" I questioned back, not looking up from what I was doing, I had to find a hobby during a strange time for me, fixing things was that.

"The damage." Rey clarified and I looked around the circuitry.

"Oh that, if we want to live not good." I stood back up "Are you sure that I've never been here before, it feels vaguely familiar, there is this smell in the air..." I ducked back down as BB-8 was adamant that I had never been here.

"They're hunting for us now, why are you asking a droid about your past? How would he know." Finn retorted as I did my best to patch things up till we could get back to base.

"I've had him since I was a child, he was a present from a family member. I jumped back up again "I just realised my life is the definition of complicated, ugh it is bugging me how i know this place."

"BB-8 says your base is need to know. If I'm taking you there, I need to know!" Rey insisted

"You don't need to know, I'm going to drop you off , then before you disembark, I will type in the coordinates and put it on auto pilot." I chime resting my arms on the floor "Oh Pilex driver." Finn searched for it.

"But you need a pilot." Rey insisted

"I have one called auto, dead handy, but thanks anyway." Finn threw it to me and I dipped back down and continued fixing the problem.

"Rory, what harm would it do? She's not with the first order and what if we run into trouble again." Finn defended and I sighed, he did make a good point.

"Fine, There Ileenium System. Happy now." I grumble " Bonding tape."

"The Illenum system?!" she exclaimed "Fine, I'll drop you three at Ponemah Terminal" she replied, I thought she wanted to take us home and now she was dropping us off at the closest terminal, this girl confused me.

"What about you?" Finn questioned her, where was the bloody tape, sitting here chatting when we needed to put as much distance between me and the first order as possible.

"I need to go back to Jakku." she retorted

"Back to Jak...Why does everyone want to go back to jakku." Seriously he was picking now to vent.

"Tape, hurry. Can you." I motioned to Rey who grabbed it for him and handed it to me "Thank you, the propulsion tank would have flood the ship with poison gas very bad." I patched it up and the pressure went down.

"Hey Rey, your a pilot. You can fly anywhere, why go back?" Finn questioned and I pulled myself back. "You got family. You got a boyfriend, cute boyfriend." Finn continued

"Obvious much?" I mumble. Then the power went down "Oh man, what now." I whined and ran to the cockpit. I flipped the switches

"Someone's locked onto us. All the controls have been over ridden." i looked up as we were pulled in and instead of feeling fear, I felt myself relax, a blanket of comfort and safety wrapped me up. I briefly heard Rey complain about something.

"Rory! Rory!" I was shaken out of my daze by Finn "Can you un-fix the gas?"

"Why would I want to do that, we're not in danger." I smiled, the feeling wasn't fully developed as to why, what or who made me fee safe, but I did."

"The first order, have us." he groaned as I didn't answer

"I can do it, bring her." Rey stated and I was pulled away and handed a breather and lowered down. I ignored the conversation and focused in to show as coming aboard. There was metal clanging. I heard a familiar voice and  wail. i gasped and pushed up the hatch.

"Han! Chewy!" I cheer

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