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One day i will find you

Bring that light back

You are not alone

One day will be their

Will I be?


I know I will be their

One day for sure

Seeing you in my arms

Caressing your cheeks

Rubbing away your tears

Treating your wounds

Sharing your pain with me

Walking with you

One day

Pray to god

One day i will be by your side

I will paste your smile back

For your own good.

One day

You will again see the reason

You will see the stars again

Moon again

Me too

I will be your shoulder when you want to break out your emotions

I will be your saviour

Wait for me

One day

For only you



I will hug you

When you cry


To help you

Feel special

One day you will feel the spark

I will be their to handle you

Don't worry

One day

Only for you



One day

Some day, one day Where stories live. Discover now