Chapter 1

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Katrina pressed herself against the climbing board in the playground. She wasn't meant to be here but she had decided to take a shortcut which turned out to be a bad idea.
On the other side of the board, she could hear the stranger haul the body upwards, hanging them from the chain of the swing. They hadn't noticed Katrina walking by because she was barefoot but she had to hide just in case they turned around.


She was terrified and her mind was everywhere as she hoped that the stranger wouldn't spot her. There weren't many houses in this area as this playground sat on the edge of the town. Only the kids who live not that far away are the ones to play on these rusty playsets. Katrina hadn't passed through here before and what were the damn chances?
She held her breath when she heard nothing, the stranger had stopped working on the body. They had begun to move, their footsteps growing quieter which was a clear indication that they had finished the job and were heading home.
Katrina was quick to pull out her phone and call emergency. Her hands were shaking and she tried to keep her voice steady whilst trying her best not to be loud in fear of the stranger still being in earshot.

The person on the other end of the phone was trying their best to calm her down and Katrina was grateful but she was scared shitless because she had a dead body on the other side of the climbing board.
When the call had finished and police were on their way, Katrina took a couple of deep breaths before rounding the board and looking at the body. Her heart jumped when she examined the lifeless body of a young boy, he could have been in his early teens. She covered her mouth in shock and backed away as the body swayed against the harsh wind. The boys' lifeless eyes moved in her direction.

'Jesus Christ'.


She yelped and spun around to see a tall man approaching her but he stopped in his tracks when he noticed the dead boy. His dark brown eyes met Katrinas' and she shook her head, 'no! No I didn't do this I-I called the cops and they're on their way!'

'I never said you did this'.

He said calmly whilst joining her side, it was obvious that he was in shock. Katrina was able to examine him properly this time. Dark jaw length hair with a well kept beard which was shaped perfectly. His eyes were a dark shade of chocolate. 


She heard him whisper and she couldn't help but confess to him, 'I saw who did it- well, I saw the person but I didn't see their face', she took note how dark it was and the only source of light were the last remaining lamp posts.

'What're you doing all the way out here?'

His voice was tinted with curiosity and she replied, 'I was taking a shortcut from work... I guess it wasn't a good idea'.

'Well... In a way it was good because if you hadn't have come this way, this kids' body wouldn't have been found... As far as I'm aware, it's rare that anyone come here to play'.

He seemed to have his head screwed on and Katrina was glad, even the fact that he was keeping himself together, 'have you seen dead bodies before?' The man frowns down at her, 'uh, no I haven't, why do you ask?'

'I just- well you seem to calm right now'.

'It's the best thing to do, but people work diffrently, I would understand if you have a panic attack'.

'Well, I'm not going to have a panic attack'.

The man doesn't take his eyes off the body and before Katrina could say anything he moves closer and she tries to grab him, 'hey what're you doing!? You can't touch him!' The man shakes his head, 'I'm not going to touch him, I just want to see if he's anyone that I know of'.

'He's only a kid though'.

'Could be a family that I know of'.


The man seems to stare at the boy for several minutes before shaking his head, 'I don't know who he belongs to', Katrina sighed, 'then it's going to be hard for the police to find out who he is right?'
The man suddenly shook his head, 'times have changed in the police and forensic departments, they'll be able to identify this kid'.

'You seem to know a lot of them yourself'.

'Crime shows, I like them'.

Katrina smiled even though she met this man in the worst way possible, 'what's your name?' He suddenly asked her.


'That's a nice name, I'm John'.

Katrina had recognized him, he would always be in the little cafe on the corner of Flint Street, it was a nice place and sometimes she would go there but work had been rather demanding in the past few weeks. Today had been the last of the busy schedule and she was no free as a bird, even taking some well earned time off.

'I remember you by the way, you'd go to that cafe-'.

'Flint Street Cafe, yeah'.

John smiled at her before moving away from the body, his smile was gone in seconds. Now wasn't really the time for fun and games. 
The sound of police sirens grew louder and both John and Katrina stepped out onto the footpath to guide the police their way.

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