Chapter 3

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John was already sitting at the table near the window. The sun began to shine through, enveloping the older man. He made sure to pull the seat out for Katrina before getting comfortable, 'you look nice', he complimented, and Katrina rolled her eyes, 'no need to pretend, I look terrible right now; I almost slept in'.

'Like any normal person, and you look fine'.

'Yeah? Well, I wish I looked like you'.

John cocked an eyebrow at her, 'you wish you looked like a man?' Katrina threw him a dirty look, 'you know what I mean!'

'Do I?'

John passed the menu over, and Katrina tried her best to be quick, seeing as John hadn't even looked through his.

'Take your time; it's okay'.

John suddenly said it was clear that he was aware that she was trying to rush through, 'I can recommend some dishes to you if you'd like?'
Katrina gave up and accepted the offer, and in the end, she went for a big breakfast, 'I had this the first time I came here, and I enjoyed the meal', John said as he returned from the counter.

'I'll take your word for it'.

She ate everything... Everything was on the plate, and she even finished before John, who kept his attention on her; the food wasn't as interesting as Katrina.

'It's really frightening that you're watching me eat... I ate like a pig just then'.

'You ate as any person would eat'.

'Then you don't... You haven't even eaten'.

John looked down at his plate, 'it's not the end of the world, and I can put this to takeaway', Katrina sighed and looked out the window and down the street. Having breakfast with John was helpful; it took her mind off what happened.


She looked back at John, who cocked his head to the side, 'try your best not to think about it, okay?'
She knew what John was referring to, but she was having difficulty doing so, 'how're you able to do it?'


'Forget about it?'

'I can't forget about it; I try not to think about it... Though it's easier said than done for some people'.

Katrina sighed, 'I just... I don't know. I was walking through that playground, and I just saw... Someone, I couldn't see their face'.

'It's good that you hid when you had the chance'.

Katrina chuckled, 'I was honestly surprised that that person hadn't heard me. Then again, I wasn't wearing any shoes, so they may not have heard me'.
John hummed, 'you're lucky'.

'Yeah, and I'm even luckier that you came along; otherwise, I would've been all alone until the police came'.

John hadn't said anything; he just stared at her as she kept on talking. Katrina felt the wave of self-consciousness engulf her. John seemed to notice, 'sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.
Katrina was observing him herself, and she was pretty interested in how he became who he was. He seemed to have everything in line and have his head screwed on pretty tight.

'It's quite alright. Are you doing anything after this?'

John shook his head, 'not that I know of, no'.

'Want to go for a walk?'

'Are you calling me a dog?'

John shot back; his tone was far from severe, and Katrina shrugged, 'yeah, I'm calling you a dog', she winked at him.


Hearing that John made her laugh, she dragged him outside the cafe but led him away from the playground. John took the lead quickly as he began to pull Katrina along with him. They had passed the pain park straight away, but Katrina didn't feel like stepping into that area after what she had seen. It looked like John hadn't even noticed the park, he just kept walking, and she was glad. But he was heading in a direction where she had never been.

'I guess I haven't gone through the whole town yet; I don't even know this place'.

'We're passing mine, by the way; I just need to sort some things out and then we can probably go to the lake?'

Katrina cocked an eyebrow at him, 'sounds like a plan'.

Johns' house... Fucking hell, his place made Katrina feel poor.

'You alright?'

She snapped out of her daydream and looked up at John, 'oh yeah, I'm fine', he seemed to know that she wasn't, and he sighed, 'hey, you didn't have a drink back in the cafe, do you want to come inside and have one with me? It's okay if you don't want, just thought I'd ask'.

It'd be interesting to see what was in his house.

Katrina smiled, 'yeah, sure', she took his hand and allowed him to pull her inside.

The inside was just as impressive as the outside, okay not I feel poor, she roamed around the living room and then into the kitchen, 'you have all the stuff that I need basically, where'd you get these?' She tapped the knife block, 'I've been after those for a while, the shops always seem to be out'.
John had filled the kettle up and let the water boil, 'I actually got that online, the net is a wonderful place... If you know how to use it, that is'.

'I know perfectly well how to use this alright? I just... Never really trusted online shopping'.

'Of course you'd have to be mindful of what could happen'.

John winked at her and Katrina couldn't stop the butterflies in her stomach and her heart racing.
He was right, you still had to be mindful, anything could happen. 
When the water had boiled John handed her a hot cup of tea, 'so... History check on you?' Katrina said as she placed the hot cup onto the counter but kept her hands wrapped around the porcelin. John seemed to hesitate and Katrina had a feeling she overstepped, 'oh god, I didn't mean to go that far I was just-'.

'It's alright, I'm just trying to figure out what I should say first'.

Katrina waited for him to continue, she was interested in him, that's why she wanted to know more.
John sighed and placed his drink on the counter with hers.

'I had a hard time growing up, my parents passed away when I was very young and I had been adopted but I wasn't treated like any normal kid would be'.

Katrina wasn't going to ask about that.

'I was married once... But she passed away three years ago to cancer'.

'I'm sorry to hear about that'.

John waved her off, 'it's in the past now...', but she could tell that he was still shaken up by it and she wasn't so sure whether or not it was a good idea to catch up with him.

'What about you?'

He suddenly asked and Katrina sighed, 'well... I moved out of home when I was eighteen and lived with a friend until I was able to support myself... Found myself in this town and I've been living here for at least two years'.

'And we hadn't even crossed paths until now'.

Even Katrina was surprised, though it was quite unfortunate that they had met in such a way.... A bit odd that he was there as well as me...

'Your mind seems elsewhere, are you okay?' 

John asked as he moved closer to Katrina, 'yeah... So you were enjoying a nights walk that night?' She asked, he didn't seemed to be dressed properly. 
John moved closer, he was now at arms length, was he there the whole time or?
She flinched softly when John slowly grabbed her by the hips and pulled her closer, Ah fuck it, she kissed him.

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