Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

There were a total of 300 Betas admitted in their batch, all divided into six classes. Wang Yi was in Class 1, Chen Si Yu was in Class 4, and He Xin and Ning An were both in Class 6. It was not until later that they discovered these classes were divided based on the results of their entrance exam.

Ning An once again exhibited his ability to get lost. Just 10 seconds before the school bell rang, he rushed into the classroom with He Xin. The seats in the front row were already taken so they could only sit in the very last row. Standing on the platform, the teacher glanced at the two of them who had practically stepped into the classroom when the bell rang, and then started to introduce himself.

“Hello everyone. My name is Qin Zhao. From today onwards, I will be your class teacher as well as your instructor for theory class. The next time we see each other, I expect everyone to call me Instructor Qin. I won’t say any other welcoming or superfluous words as you have all listened to that for an entire morning. First, add me onto your terminals. You can ask me if you have any questions. Even if there’s nothing wrong, you can also find me to have a chat. However, you are not allowed to send vulgar messages.”

There were a few students who jeered after hearing this. Qin Zhao used one hand to approve everyone’s friend request on his terminal while matching their names with the student attendance form. “I am serious. You should know that this kind of conduct can be considered as sexual harassment. The school can expel you for this reason.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Ktf ofk raevfcar ktb tjv pera kjcafv ab rfcv tlw rfzeji pbxfr jii delmxis vfifafv atflg wfrrjufr. Pa kjrc’a fjrs obg fnfgsbcf ab ufa lcab atlr rmtbbi. Qtb kbeiv kjca ab yf fzqfiifv obg atlr xlcv bo atlcu?

“Pa lr sbeg bkc yerlcfrr ab lcagbvemf sbegrfinfr jcv yfmbwf jmdejlcafv klat fjmt batfg. P klii cbk rajga atf mijrr.” Hlc Itjb olclrtfv wjgxlcu fnfgsbcf boo bc atf jaafcvjcmf obgw jcv atfc mibrfv tlr afgwlcji. “Mlgra defralbc. Qtja ygbeuta jybea atf kjg? Po sbe ulnf j rjalrojmabgs jcrkfg ab atlr defralbc, P klii jvv fzagj qblcar ab sbeg fcv bo afgw gfreiar. Uifjrf gjlrf sbeg tjcv ab jcrkfg.”

“This military instructor is really interesting.” Ning An didn’t close his terminal, but instead sent Chen Si Yu a message asking him if he really didn’t know that Qin Zhao was this kind of instructor. Chen Si Yu didn’t reply. His class probably didn’t allow them to look at their terminals. After waiting for a while and not receiving a reply, Ning An also switched off his terminal.

“What’s a vulgar message?” He Xin didn’t understand why the other classmates laughed when the instructor mentioned this. “Why does it count as sexual harassment?”

“You……” Ning An looked He Xin up and down as though he had discovered a new world. He had initially thought that He Xin was just a relatively simple-minded person, but it now seemed that he was as clean and pure as a white sheet of paper. He hooked his finger and motioned He Xin to bring his head closer. Then, they started whispering to each other.

Some people had already given answers such as ‘differences in ideology’, ‘disparity between the rich and the poor’ and ‘conflict of interests’. Qin Zhao nodded his head at all of them and didn’t say much, but he suddenly saw two people gathered together whispering in the back row. They were almost late to class, and yet they still had the audacity to chat while he was teaching?!

“The two students in the back, please answer this question. First, we’ll start from the student on the left. What do you think caused the war?”

Suddenly called out, He Xin stood up in a daze. His face was red from the ‘science’ things Ning An had just told him, making him appear even more embarrassed. “I think the war was caused by the basic instinct of life…?”

“Please explain in detail.”

“It’s just like fighting over territory and food. Um…… it’s just like the two sheepdogs in my family. For no reason at all, they would often start fighting. It’s just like it’s their instinct……” Hearing the stifled laughter from the students sitting in front of him, he felt even more wronged. “What is it? I didn’t say anything wrong……”

“Alright. This student can sit down. Thank you for your answer and your vivid example. Qin Zhao indicated for the other students to quieten down while another ‘fighting over resources’ appeared on the display screen in front of the classroom. Qin Zhao then looked towards Ning An. “The student next to him, do you have a different answer?”

When it reached Ning An’s turn, he stood up and thought for a moment before saying, “I think, capital is behind the war.”

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