Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

This was completely a natural disaster.

Xu Yu Sheng thought this as he was taken hostage and held with a knife pressed against his neck.

The probability of there being an accident while riding a roller coaster was one in a thousand, and the probability of being taken hostage by a fugitive in an amusement park was even smaller. Against all reason, he himself ran into this kind of situation. He didn’t know whether to say that he was too lucky or unfortunate.

An inexperienced newcomer of the enforcement team rashly opened fire, angering the fugitive with a hostage in hand. Xu Yu Sheng could feel the cold blade of the knife against his neck, but it wasn’t very sharp. Who knew from where this fugitive picked up a table knife while he was escaping.

The surrounding visitors all shrieked and dispersed after the gun fired. Xu Yu Sheng saw Chen Si Yu holding a yoghurt cup and being blocked by the enforcement team. The experienced team leader was now trying to calm the fugitive so that he wouldn’t harm the hostage, but the fugitive continued to loudly shout his requests.

“You’re so noisy.” If they continued to stay like this, he didn’t know how much longer he’d have to wait. By that time, the yoghurt wouldn’t taste good anymore. Also, this fugitive was so loud that it made his ears hurt. Xu Yu Sheng decided to take matter into his own hands.

The fugitive had conveniently captured someone who looked like an Omega. He was a little puzzled when the hostage didn’t cry or shout, but hearing his words, he was even more stunned. This moment gave Xu Yu Sheng an opportunity to attack.

Xu Yu Sheng pried off the hand that was wrapped around his neck and avoided the tip of the knife that streaked past. With a shoulder throw, he flipped the other person and slammed him onto the ground. Accompanied by the snapping sound of bones, the knife instantly flew more than a metre away.

No one had thought that the situation would turn out like this. After all, it was very rare for a hostage to remain calm, not to mention that this one also subdued the fugitive. The enforcement team members were all in a daze. It was only when Xu Yu Sheng turned the fugitive over and pressed him against the ground that they reacted as though they had woken up from a dream and went up to handcuff the offender.

Xu Yu Sheng was called up and forced to listen to the enforcement team leader’s reflective education for almost ten minutes. The main point was that he shouldn’t act without authorisation in such a dangerous situation, that it was very dangerous and so on. The other team members listening to the side all wanted to go up and remind the other that this hostage had subdued the fugitive and pressed him onto the ground. His combat force was probably even higher than theirs.

“Thank you. I didn’t receive a shock, so I don’t need this.” Xu Yu Sheng decline the little blanket that the staff member wanted to hand over to him. He had just been making fun of Chen Si Yu who was draped in this not long ago. How could he possibly put this on himself now.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“Ktja yijcxfa tjr ilaaif oibkfgr. Pa relar sbe nfgs kfii.” Ktf fcobgmfwfca afjw abbx atf oeulalnf jcv ifoa ktlif j ofk afjw wfwyfgr gfwjlcfv ab fcv atlcur boo klat atf jwerfwfca qjgx rajoo. Jtfc Vl Te qjrrfv atf sbutega meq bnfg.

“Tbe’gf atf bcf ktb wjamtfr klat atja qlcx ibnf tfjga yijcxfa.” We Te Vtfcu atgfk yjmx. “Ktja ues kjr rb cblrs. Lf rtbeafv rb wemt atja ws fjgr kfgf jybea ab rajga glculcu.”

“Other people would cry and be extremely scared when they are taken hostage. Who would dislike the noise and also attack back like you? But, you were really awesome, my friend.”

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