Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

“Um…… did you two fight?” Ning An first threw out this question. “Ah, I was just casually asking. It doesn’t matter if you don’t answer, haha.”

“Fight? With who? I didn’t fight with anyone.”

“Never mind. I asked you out so suddenly. Did I bother you?” The amusement park was bustling with noise and excitement. The air was filled with the sweet smell of candy and popcorn. There were also many parents who brought their children here. The sounds of laughter could be heard all around.

“Not at all, I didn’t have any plans.” At most, it was just staying in the training room or the mecha simulation cabin. “Where should we go first? Oh, wait a moment.”

Ning An watched as Fu Ke squeezed into the group of children who didn’t even reach his waist. When he came back, he was holding a stick of cotton candy.

“This is for you. Today is your birthday right? Be happy.”

The cotton candy stuffed into his hand was in the shape of a yellow duck. Biting down, the sweet candy melted in his mouth as though he hadn’t eaten anything at all, but it gave him a sense of satisfaction.

After he finished eating, Ning An realised that he had followed Fu Ke to the entrance of the haunted house. The entire door was shaped like the mouth of a ferocious beast with strips of cloth covering the majority of the entrance, obscuring what was inside. Scattered groups of people were lining up to check their tickets.

“Do you want to go in?” Ning An didn’t feel too good when he saw the strips of cloth.

Ning An wasn’t afraid of anything else; he was just afraid of those weird supernatural things. After watching a horror movie with Ning Meng, he would leave the lights on in his room and stay wide awake waiting for dawn to arrive. When he went to the toilet, the entire floor would be brightly lit, and in the middle of the night, he had also almost lifted the bed board to look underneath.

Of course, he wouldn’t say these things out loud. He just hoped that Fu Ke simply asked in passing and wasn’t interested in it.

“Are you scared?”

“Of course not.” Fuck, can we quickly leave!

“Well, since we’re already at the entrance, let’s go in and have a look.” Fu Ke was a little disappointed when he couldn’t obtain an affirmative answer to use as an excuse to comfort him by holding his hand.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“Cigluta.” Coafg ajxlcu j vffq ygfjat, Rlcu Cc yla atf yeiifa jcv obiibkfv tlw lc. Pa cba j ylu vfji. Pa’r jii ojxf.

Ktf atfwf bo atf tjecafv tberf kjr rbwfatlcu ilxf j wbcrafg obgfra. Ktf dejilas kjr nfgs gfjilralm, jcv atfgf kjr fnfc j nblmf cjggjalcu j rabgs. Qtfc atja uibbws ofwjif nblmf olgra rbecvfv, Rlcu Cc jiwbra pewqfv lc ogluta.

Stay calm, stay calm. Ning An’s eyes wouldn’t focus on any spot for more than 5 seconds. He didn’t want those ghosts to appear in the closet in his dreams.

“She seems to want to tell us something.” After the voice sounded again, Fu Ke stopped and asked: “What do you think?”

“Me? I didn’t hear it properly. I was focused on looking at that.” Ning An pointed at the big spider suspended from the ceiling. His only thought was to quickly leave this place. “It’s pretty amusing.”

It might have been because karma would come to those who lie through their teeth, Ning An still hadn’t put has hand down when that spider suddenly fell down. Right afterwards, a shadow suddenly popped up out of nowhere and pushed Ning An to the side. Unexpectedly, there wasn’t a wall there and Ning An fell onto a soft mat. He saw that there was a vertical sliding door in the area where he was just pushed into, which was now closed.

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