Chapter Three

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I looked at the moonlight shining on the river. The cold air made my whiskers freeze but, is was nothing we weren't used to. It was either snowing, icy rain, or windy all year long.
The mountain clan had arrived a few moments after we got the camp cleaned up. We took out the big branches put them in a pile to build a camp wall and cleared a few snow paths from den to den and then the stump.
"Hello." The leader greeted. "Should we get started?"
"Yes." Cinder-star answered.
"Just stand on the stump with us and share the news of your clan and then we will start a vigil." I said. We had already had their own vigil and buried them but we could still hold a second one.
I jumped up on the stump. My paws shook with excitement. Since the moment I saw my first gathering I had longed to be a leader and be up on the high rock.
"Cats of both clans, I call on StarClan to watch as we speak of the news of our clan." I called out the beginning of the gathering.
Everyone focused their attention.
"Our clan has three new warriors, they are Brindle-cloud, Flame-shower and Rain-feather." I said. Everyone in our clan chanted their names and the others joined in. The noise stopped when Cinder-star was about to speak, she told them of the new kits that would be coming, how well the prey ran and the success of taking the lion kits back.
I explained StarClan to them when the leader Fang-star shared all the news.
"StarClan is where cats go when they die. They give the living cats prophecies to prepare them for future events, bad or good, they guide us with wisdom." I explained.
A few cats still stared blankly but mostly everyone understood. The clan mates who understood would tell them more. When the gathering was about to end, we said our goodbyes. Everyone from the other clan seemed to have fun.
"So next moon high?" Fang-star said.
"Yup." I said.
Only a few minutes after they left everyone settled down for the night. I went out to use the dirt place before I went to sleep. I heard the crunching of twigs. 'Had one of the others forgot something?' I thought. I spun around to see a scrawny tom, who looked a lot like Skipp-tail.
"This must be WolfClan." He said.
"Who are you?" I growled.
"Relax, I am from ShadowClan like you, I came because you and your sister both know how evil Finch-star and Poppy-tail are, yet you are the only ones who can help us." He said.
"And you came in the middle of the night to tell us Poppy-tail is evil, tell me more about your scientific discovery." I replied sarcastically.
"Please help, I can repay you, somehow, I promise." He said.
"Look, I feel bad for you but, ShadowClan is not my favorite thing, they missed their chance to overthrow those two and I have my own problems right now, so leave." I told him firmly.
"But he hurt you, don't you want to get rid of him, so we won't have any more of his problems." He was trying to manipulate me, I knew that game.
"You guys had your chance to stop him, you believed me and my sisters were murderers, nobody would listen when I said how he tried to kill me, now because I have more power and you think he hurts you, I have to help." I said.
"He does hurt us." He said.
"Did he force you to watch while he killed your mother and try to kill your sister, and because we had blood from fighting he pinned it on us." I grumbled.
"No, but, you did and you and your clan can help." He pleaded.
I stood for a few seconds to think, I needed to talk with my clan first. "I will have an answer by sunset tomorrow." I said and walked away. In the den everyone was sleeping. 'How could I choose?' I had a clan to care for, and times were hard enough for the clan. To me it depended on what Cinder-star said. Part of me was hoping she would say yes. I could sink my claws in the throat of Poppy-tail, and I would watch the life fade out of his eyes and somehow all the evil he did would fade would be gone, forever.

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