Chapter 3

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I can't believe I'm actually on the train to go to Hogwarts.
It goes fairly quick it's probably cause I'm so excited. I get into the boat with James, Sirius, and Peter.
When we get to the castle we wait at the great big door.
we walk down between the tables Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. "Now, when I call your name you will come forth and I will place the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your house." Profesor says "Sirius Black"
"Gryffindor." The hat says
Slytherins look shocked, one kid starts choking!
"James Potter." Professor says
All first years knew already James has a Huge Ego and He wanted to be in Gryffindor.
"Gryffindor!" the hat says
"Piper Bonns." Professor called
"Hufflepuff." The hat says
"Lily, Evans." Professor calls
"Smart, Intelligent, So it must be Gryffindor." The hat says
She smiled and skipped to the Gryffindor table.
I see a sad boy look at her as she skipped away. James says something to Lily and I smile. the first time he's actually said something without staring at her. "Remus, Lupin." Professor McGonnagal says
"Ah yes, Oh I see 2 houses in mind. bravery, Skilled, Very smart, cunning, So it must be Gryffindor!" the hat says
The rest of the ceremony goes by quickly.
I decide I'll ask Lily some questions, cause you know I'm desperate to make friends. "So, Lily what subject are you most excited for?" I asked
"Potions." She answered "What about you." She asked
"Oh, Either Defense against dark arts or Transfiguration." I say
"I want to be top in our year all 7 years." She states
"Really?" I ask "It sounds like you can but I'm trying to make friends and small talk isn't my best." I manage to get out
"It's ok, In my muggle school I was the smartest little girl. Kid used to make fun of me for it. But I just want to prove I'm not some dumb air headed girl." She says
"I'm sorry kids were mean to you." I say
"Your very polite, Friends?" she said
my eyes got big and I knew they did. "Sure." I said
She smiled "Nervous?" She asked
"Y-Yeah." I said
"It's fine. Your friend got nervous talking to me to." She says "Remember that day at Diagon alley." She asks
"Yeah. But James isn't all that bad. He just likes you." I say hoping He didn't hear me he didn't cause he didn't turn his head.
"Lily, Your friend Severus, I have a feeling will be on the bad side of James and Sirius for years." I admit
"Yeah, I'll stick up for him if needed." She says
The feast is over and we go to the dorms "Dude, You got Evans to talk to you." Sirius said
"Yeah were friends now." I say
"Really?" James asked
"Yeah." I say
We got changed and we picked beds and we went to sleep.

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