chapter 34

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I've been asked by Prongs to help find a wedding ring for Lily. I new they were going to end up together.
I new to keep it simple. James and I it took forever to get some muggle money. Padfoot was picking out these fancy ones that I knew she'd hate. Prongs found this perfect one it was simple and nice at the same time. I paid for it. "Moony. This is what I want you don't have to pay for this." Prongs says
"I got it and besides I want to do this and let me. Remember Lily's like my sister. I'd do anything to make her happy."
We're staying at the Potters until the holidays over. Lily stayed at the castle we've invited her to stay at the Potters. She declined. We were all nervous about leaving her there becuase a few Slytherins from our year stayed behind. And she's a muggleborn and they are purebloods.
Lily Pov
My friends went home for the Easter holidays. I stayed behind. The professors have been keeping close eyes on the Slytherins. There was 9 Gryffindors, 7 Ravenclaws, 10 Slytherins and 6 Hufflepuffs.
The Gryffindors were 7th all the way to 2nd year. I was the oldest of them all. Thankfully the Easter holiday is over tomorrow.
The day goes by so fast. The mauders and my friends come back at breakfast. I was sitting by myself at the half way through the table. They sat down around me. James grabbed my hand. He grabbed the hand Severus broke. I winced he noticed. I wasn't going to tell him. Everyone of my friends is staring at me. Severus was talking to me he had me pinned up against the wall and when I wouldn't hear him out he through me against the floor. I didn't want James to know cause he'd hurt Snape. He may not be my friend anymore but I see no reason to hurt him. He was just mad with me cause I wouldn't listen your him.
James Pov
I grabbed Lily's hand and she winced. Somethings wrong. I've been saying her name for about 3 minutes now. She was back into reality the 4th minute.
"Lily you ok I've been saying your name for the last few minutes." I ask
"I'm fine." She lied
"Lily your not fine." Alice says
She's obviously hurt in her hand I just want to know who did it to her.
"Lily just tell me what's wrong." I begged
"Fine but you promise not to do anything and not get mad." Lily says
"I can't promise anything." I answer truthful
"Severus." She mumbled
"Huh?" Sirius asked
"Severus." She said a little bit louder
"What did that git do?" I ask
"He had me up against the wall cause he was trying to talk to me and I wouldn't listen. I kept telling him to just let it go he's got other friends. He through me on the floor and I landed on my hand and it's broke." Lily says "I used some healing spells yesterday."
Deep breathes. You want to propose tonight. Don't ruin this. Don't do this.
Lily Pov
I'm in awe. He's sitting there not getting up and finding Snape.
James Pov
It's after dinner and everyone is I'm the common room. It's almost bed and most of the first years are up in the dorms.
It's around midnight and everyone but the 7th year Gryffindors are asleep. We're playing a game when I decide to ask the question.
I looked up muggle marriage customs so I got this. "Lily Marie Evans would you do the honor of becoming my wife."
She just stairs at me for a few seconds with complete shock. Say something this is getting akward.
"Yes A thousand times Yes!" She says
I place the ring on her ring finger. I give her a kiss. She sits right beside me on the couch. I put my arm around her. She's finally mine! Oh snivillus will be mad becuase he's loved her for a long time since first year. She doesn't know it. I do I figured it out in 2nd year. I pull her into my lap and she doesn't even notice. She's so used to it now. I really love Lily.
"Hey Lily where are you staying after this term." Marlene asks
"Leaky Cauldron. I think I don't honestly know."
Professor McGonnagal walks in "Ah yes I assumed you children would be up. Professor Dumbledore needs all of you in his office."
We walk to the office "James? Sirius? What did you do this time." Remus asks
"Honestly don't know pulled a few pranks last week so I don't know." James says
We get to the office. Sirius and I lead becuase we've been there the most out of anyone.
I say the password. We enter there's 8 chairs. There's 32 in all of all the 7th years.
"I've summoned you young Gryffindors here at this hour to talk about joining the order and becoming Aurors." Professor Dumbledore said
"You want us a group of teenagers becoming aurors." Lily says
"Yes miss Evans. The order can use all of you. Mr Potter, excellent leadership, Outstanding loyalty, Great with a wand. Mr. Black, Amazing with a wand, great with spells, and a thriving quality to be different, loyalty is strong. Mr Lupin, Brave, strong hearted, intelligent, managed to get 2nd in every class except potions. Miss Prewitt, excellent friend, loyalty, strong, excellent with your wand. Miss McKinnon, loyal, cunning, bravery, Intelligence, excellence in Defense against the dark arts." Professor Dumbledore paused for a breathe "and lastly Miss Evans, excellent at every subject top marks in everything, Loyal, cunning, brave, and intelligence, great with spells. Why shouldn't you join the order." Dumbledore says "if you want to join. I'll ask you and you answer in a simple yes or no. I won't be hurt either way. Let's start with you Mr. Black." Dumbledore says
"Another chance to make my dear mother angry count me in." Padfoot says happily
"I'll do it." Lily says
"Count me in." Remus says "if you'll except me."
"We will always except you Mr. Lupin." Dumbledore says
"I'll do it." I say
"Of course." Mary says
"Yes. Franks in the order." Alice says happily
"Yep." Wormtail squeeked
"That's all of you. The order will meet in my office in 20 minutes." Dumbledore says
Several aurors come in through the fireplace.
"We could use my old house Dumbledore. My parents are dead and I'd like their house to be turned into the order. My brother won't care he's a death eater." Padfoot says
"Ah yes we could use the black family home." Dumbledore says "Are you willing to give it up for a good cause."
"Anything to make my dear old mother angry I'm fine with. I can handle the house elves. I don't want them anymore. My brother isn't a problem. I'll put a spell on the house where you have to use a special knock to get in."
I forgot Sirius and I are capable of that kind of magic.
I'm partners with a wizard Who's about probably in his 30s. Lily was partnered with Mad eye moody. He's already dueling her. The consecration on her face she's trying so hard. We're watching all of us. She's never lost a duel before. She's got his wand after about 10 minutes.
"I knew she'd be good Dumbledore." Kingsley says
I recognize most of these people becuase they are aurors. My parents were asked to join the order but they refused.
Lily Pov
After 3 weeks of order training has been brutal. I've got bags under my eyes that will never go away. Mad eye has got me working with him for 3 hours than 1 hour brake than back to work. I want to be an auror. I feel like I can make a difference in this war and I was offered a job as a healer and a job as a reporter for the daily prophet also an auror. I haven't told James about these other job offers becuase he would help me choose the job.
James and I just arrived at the order meeting. Man Mad eye hates when I'm late. I guess another 30 minute duel will make me feel better. I'm getting stronger with mad eye than I was before in hogwarts for dueling. The term ended 3 days ago.
I've been staying at the Leaky Cauldron. Several people have invited me to stay with them. I refuse every time.
I started to walk towards the fireplace. "Lily We have to work on wedding plans. Stay at our cottage." James says
I've agreed. He takes my hand. And he shows me around. He leads me to our room. I set my stuff down.
"Sirius and Remus are coming over later. Is that ok?" James asks
"Yeah, it's fine." I answer
James Pov
Lily's perfect in every way. I just can't help but think something is wrong.
"Hey Um honey? Is something bothering you." I ask
"Yeah, I just feel like I've got things things to prove." She answers
I sit her down.
"Honey, your the brightest witch of our time. Everyone's bound to have things to prove." I say
"You don't get it, I'm a muggleborn in a place where very few are half blood or less. Hogwarts was only the beginning. I've got to get a job and make money for myself. I was born into a family James that didn't have alot of money. We worked for what we had." Lily says
I heard a knock at the door. I knew it was Sirius and Remus.
She got up and hugged them. "Hey Remus how's your mom?" Lily asks
"My mom is sick right now, my dad's doing all he can to get her through this."
"Your mom is tough, she can make it through this. Just like you." Lily says
Remus Pov
What I don't understand is how she got all of that wisdom in her head. Something seams to be wrong with Lily. When it got around 11 o'clock.
James and Lily have been married for a year now.
Sirius Pov
This is really wierd. Prongs and Lily have been arguing for the last hour. Marlene and Alice were over as well with Remus and I.
"Fine! If you really think that then Ill just leave!" Lily shouts we hear a crack signalling her apperation.
Marlene and I were the first ones to get up.
"What happened?" I ask
"Lilys gone, apperareted to go to London." James says defeated
"Oh My Merlin this is bad!" I say "Theres death eaters all around. They realize shes not with the saftey of the Order she will be their first target. Dont forget she is the only one who knows top secret order information." I say
Prongs starts crying "This is all my fault!" He punched the wall
I get over to him stopping him before he scares the girls. "Mate, Prongs, look at me." I say
He does as I say "Good, Mate. When is the last time you slept?" I ask I dont need an answer "Mate, go sleep for a few hours. Relax Prongs, we both know I hate being the grown up one. This is a once in lifetime oppertunity. But I dont know about you Prongs but I really dont want to loose the only one who can see good in everyone. Lily. Mate, Go get some sleep. Get a shower to mate you stink." I say
Prongs flashes me the Potter grin "Merlin Padfoot I didnt know you could be that grown up. Moony owes me 10 galleons." Prongs says with a grin
Moony hands over the money. "What were you guys arguing about?" I ask calmly
"She kept muttering to herself the last few days. I kept asking her whats wrong. She kept talking about having stuff to prove about her blood status. I kept telling her it doesnt matter. Blood status has nothing to do with it. She started ranting like crazy saying things that I cant even say. The M-word. I tried to keep my cool. But I tried explaining it doesnt matter. She said to me 'thats exactly what snivillious said'. And I cant even explain the rest without crying. But she apperated away." Prongs says
"Any Idea where she went?" I ask mainly towards the girls.
"Lets check her house." Marlene says "She hasnt seen her house in a few years." Alice says
James Pov
Marlene apperates us all to the Evans household. We start looking. Its a beautiful house but it looks like its been abandoned since Lilys parents passing. Marlene is the first one inside. "Sirius, Remus, go check up the stairs. Alice, James and I will check down here. This place is really small. I have another place she would go to often when she stayed with me over 7th year holiday." Marlene says
Remus casts Lumos and walks with Sirius behind him.
"Wheres the otber place?" I ask
"Her parents grave." Marlene answers
"Do you know where that is?" I ask
"No, but there is someone who does." Marlene says
"No, you dont mean." Alice says
"Yes I do. She is the last family member Lily has beside her grandparents I dont know where they live." Marlene says
"Who are we talking about here?" I ask
"Lilys obonxious sister Petunia Rose Evans Dursley." Alice sighs
Padfoot and Moony came down
"Not here." Moony says
"No but we have a new place to go." Marlene says
Marlene and Alice are the only ones who know where Petunia lives. How I dont know. They seem to be having some sort of argument. "Marlene, keep your temper incheck this time. We really cant do much infront of Vermin. Since hes a Muggle." Alice says
"That may be true, But Im still not afriad to blast the door open if Vermin doesnt answer." Marlene says
The guys and I must have had confused looks on our faces because Alice explained before we went inside "This house is the place to Petunia Evans or Petunia Dursley and her walrus husband Vernon Dursley." Alice explains "Ill let you keep your wands on you but you must keep a cool temper. Im looking at you two Sirius and James. I know Marlene wont listen because she hexed the bloke. Bloody brilliant I may add." Alice says
We ring the doorbell.

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