Chapter 27

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Lily and James sat back down together. "So are you to a couple?" Alice asked
"Why Yes." James says
Lily chocked at that question after James answer.
James punched her back and Lily's face turned Blue. "Madam Poffery!" Sirius yelled
Madam Poffery rushed over and Lily was given something to take. Lily was breathing heavy after that.
"Ah, The muggle flu. Alice if you notice at any time where she gets worse take her to the hospital wing." Madam Poffery says feeling Lily's forehead
"What's the muggle flu." James asks
"Fever, and such. Muggleborns are more common to this than any other blood status witch or wizard. She should be fine in a day or to." Madam Poffery says walking away
"You Ok Lily Flower." Sirius asked
"Yeah, Fine." Lily's response was
Prongs took Lily's hand and held it until we left the great hall.
Alice was pacing back and forth when we got to the common room. She whispered something to lily. Lily coughed for a long time, "Part of the flu, I'm fine." She says
"But I can't believe Frank asked you to marry." She says but was stopped by Alice
"Really?" Alice shouted
"What? Stop screaming." Lily demanded
"Why did you tell them." Alice asked
"Look, I don't feel well. And I'm going to say congrats and go on of to bed." Lily says leaving heading up the girls stairs to the dorms.
James sends Alice to go tell Lily heads rounds are Tomorrow. Lily's a Gryffindor Perfect and head girl. They elected Lily and I in the 5th year for perfects. James went of to bed when Sirius follows.
I get up and head up the boys stairs to. And I change into my pajamas and go to bed.

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