Chapter XXVI

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Bruce's eyes opened.

He was lying in his bed in the manor. He looked around the room. The last thing he remembered was the unbelievable fear, but now the bedroom that had once felt strange to sleep in was now somewhat comforting to him.

Remembering the images he'd seen from Crane's toxin, Bruce's hand seemed to attract to the bite mark on his neck.

He spotted Alfred seated by his bed, avoiding eye contact, with a cup of tea in his hand.

"How long was I out?" Bruce asked.

"Two days," Alfred said. "It's your birthday. Many happy returns."

He handed Bruce the cup, which he took a sip of before getting down to business.

"I've felt these effects before, but this was so much more potent. It was some kind of hallucinogen, weaponized, in aerosol form."

"You have been hanging out in the wrong clubs, Mr. Wayne."

The voice wasn't Alfred's. Bruce looked up to see Lucius walking into the room.

"I called Mr. Fox when your condition worsened after the first day," Alfred explained.

"I analyzed your blood, isolating the receptor compounds and the protein-based catalyst."

"Am I meant to understand any of that?" Bruce asked.

"Not at all," Lucius shook his head. "I just wanted you to know how hard it was. Bottom line, I synthesized an antidote."

"Could you make more?"

"You planning on gassing yourself again, Mr. Wayne?"

"Well, you know how it is. You're out at night, looking for kicks, someone's passing around the weaponized hallucinogens."

"I'll bring what I have. The antidote should inoculate you for now."

The day went on from there, and Bruce spent most of it in the cave below the house, which he had nicknamed the Batcave, making sure he was still fit for his coming battle with Crane.

He only went back to the manor when Alfred informed him of a guest.

Bruce headed for the door, and he immediately felt himself brighten up as he saw Weiss speaking with Alfred.

"Are you sure you don't want to come in?" he asked.

"I would love to," Weiss said, honestly, "but I need to get back to my friends." She pulled out a small present; a gift for Bruce and held it out to hand it to Alfred. "I wanted to leave this for him."


Weiss looked behind Alfred, and visibly lit up as she saw Bruce approach. He wasn't dressed as fancy as before. He'd spent the whole day in his pajamas and nightgown.

Alfred walked away to leave the two alone with one another.

"Hello, Bruce," Weiss said, smiling at him. "Looks like someone's been burning the candle at both ends. What's the occasion?"

"It is my birthday," Bruce said with a smile.

She nodded. "I know. I'm really sorry I can't come tonight."

"You got better plans?"

"Beacon's starting a field trip. My team and I are going to shadow a Huntsman on our first mission."

Bruce nodded. "I understand. Just working to change the world."

She smiled. "Yeah. And . . . you?"

"You said it yourself. Sleeping in."

She laughed. "Right."

Bruce and Weiss were silent for a moment, as they searched for the right way to continue, both wanting a confession in some way.

"Bruce," she said, trying to force the words out.

Then her scroll started to ring. She pulled it out, and saw that Blake was calling her.

She grumbled in frustration. "Hang on." She answered the call. "Blake, I'm a little busy right now . . . Wait . . . Are you serious?! I'm heading there now! I'll talk to Crane myself! I'll meet you there!"

She hung up her scroll, and shoved it in her pocket.

"Is something wrong?" Bruce asked.

"It's Torchwick," she said. "Dr. Crane moved him to Arkham Asylum on suicide watch."

"You're going to Arkham now?" Bruce said, knowing the danger there. "It's in the Narrows, Weiss!"

Weiss sighed. "You enjoy your party, Bruce. I have work to do."

Bruce knew he couldn't persuade her without giving away his secret life. So he let it go. "You be careful."

She smiled, handing her gift to him. "Happy birthday."

Bruce took the gift, and watched as she walked away. He smiled, happy to see her doing good for his kingdom. But that smile faded, knowing she was walking right into his fight. A fight he knew she wasn't prepared for. He couldn't let Crane hurt her. Not Weiss.

He ran back into the house, making his way for the piano.

"But, Master Wayne, the guests will be arriving!" Alfred pleaded with him.

"Keep them happy until I arrive," Bruce said. "Tell them that joke you know."

He headed to the piano, which rested in a library. He pressed a few keys, and one of the bookshelves opened to the elevator. Bruce stepped into the elevator, and pulled a lever that brought it down into the Batcave.

Once inside, he stepped out of the elevator, and headed for the closet. Upon opening it, he looked straight at his Batsuit. Weiss didn't know what she as getting into, and he needed to save her.

Batman would strike tonight . . .

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