❝You were driving the getaway car, We were flying, but we'd never get far. Don't pretend it's such a mystery. Think about the place where you first met me.❞ -Taylor Swift; Getaway Car
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"See Rosalie, this is why they say to never get re-involved with your ex in any way," she muttered under her breath lungs burning, as she and the two former Russian assassins ran from a whole lot of other Russian assassins.
"Where are we trying to get?" Natasha shouted over the echoing gunshots, "Motorbike. Eastside of the building." Yelena replied, "Please, please, please, say it's nearby. I'm not in shape enough for this."
"And we're going out the window now." she ran after them, "I don't even know why I'm surprised, I did this stuff for years."
The world around her blurred as she slid down the roof next to Natasha, "Make sure to hold on tight." the redhead teased, "Funny." she replied dryly grabbing onto the pole.
Years ago, on one of her and Natasha's missions, she had literally almost fallen off of one of these, she came out of that with a sprained wrist rather than a broken back, because Natasha caught her at the last second.
Yelena unhooked it, and it began to fall forward, one of the assassins jumped towards them and Natasha caught her wrist sliding down the pole, "I got you!" she spoke, and Rosalie shot a worried glance towards the redhead.
Rosalie gasped as the woman fell off the pole with a sickening scream, seconds later the pole crashed into the side of the opposite building throwing all three women off of it. Yelena crashed through the glass window, and Rosalie fell attempting to grab the windows ledge but her grip slipped, causing her to free-fall down also crashing into several poles, she groaned in pain just kind of laying on her side when she reached the bottom.
"You ok?" Natasha spoke quickly, assessing the state of her ex-girlfriend, "I think I cracked a rib or two." Rosalie groaned, trying to catch her breath, Natasha nodded, deciding that at the very least the brunette wouldn't die while she was trying to help the other woman.
Rosalie gently pushed herself up from the murky water, still leaning down in pain as she held her ribs. She was 80 percent sure that she had literally cracked a rib or two. She leaned against the brick building for support, "It hurts to breathe. Wonderful." she muttered in pain.
When working for Shield, especially as a field agent, injuries were nothing out of the ordinary, basic medical training was just part of the drill going into the job. You had to be able to assess your own injuries, as well as others. To tell when you needed an evac vs when you could make it out without one.