Ethan POV
"Ethan.. What does it say?" Taylor asked, too scared to look herself.
"Two lines..." I said.
We both fell to the floor. Holding each other.
"I can't believe it. This can't be happening!" Taylor said.
The others came in and instantly knew what was going on.
We all hugged and Grayson began to speak.
"I know this isn't the time but we have a flight home in three hours and we kind of have school tomorrow." He said.
The reality hit us. We had school tomorrow. We still had school.
We were kids and we were having kids.
"Let's pack our things and go to the airport. We'll worry about this back in New Jersey" Taylor said.
I took her hand and we all went to our separate rooms to pack.
Megan POV
"Jenny and I are going to make our way home now. We hope to see you soon?" I said.
Everyone nodded and we hugged and said good bye.
"Tay, if there's anything you need, we're here ok?" Jenny said.
"Thanks guys" she responded and then we left.
I couldn't believe she was pregnant. She was one of the youngest.
Even though we had argued, we were still the best of friends, and I really felt sorry for her.
Maddi POV
"Hey Grayson, can I speak to you?" I asked, exiting the door.
He followed and we went to a bench outside the hotel.
"Um, what's up?" Grayson asked.
"I know this is going to be hard on all of us especially your brother and taylor, but we have school tomorrow and I just I don't know.." I trailed off.
I didn't really have anything to say.
I was popular in school. We all were and I was a little worried about how quickly this news would travel.
"I know you're worried about the others at school but don't be! We all have each other right?" Grayson said, reassuring me.
"Yeah I guess..." I said,but I was suspicious of how he actually felt.
We walked to our own rooms and the girls were all packed.
I quickly threw everything into my suitcase and we all met in the lobby.
"A cab to the airport!" We said to the lady at the desk.
It arrived promptly and we made a short journey to the airport, even though it only took about ten minutes.. It felt like ten hours,.
The conversation was dry, all day. Everyone tense from the news.
"Boarding flights to New Jersey." The flight staff called.
"Let's go!" Grayson said. And we made our way to the plane.
A/N: Sorry this is a short chapter. I didn't know what to say but the next on will be longer and better! Vote and comment! Thankss.