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Yamaguchi stared out the window, the stars disappearing as the glow from the street lights ruined the perfect view. He sighed as he couldn't fall asleep. The day was so confusing for him. His head pounded lightly and he was exhausted. However, even though Tsukki was fast asleep on the bed, he couldn't sleep.

He looked down at his phone and skimmed through pictures. He sighed as the thoughts of seeing faces he didn't remember appear through out the photos.

"Tadashi." Yamaguchi looked behind him to see Tsukki rub his eyes gently. His voice was deeper than usual. "What's wrong?"

"Sorry Tsukki." Yamaguchi whispered. "I'm okay, just can't sleep."

Tsukki sat up and looked at his phone. He walked over towards the window and sat on the small cushioned area. He stared at Yamaguchi as he stared up at the sky, looking higher by using his knees as a seat. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to see the moon." He sighed and looked away from the window. "No use, the lights are too bright here."

"Come on." Tsukki said, getting up and putting on his shoes. Yamaguchi followed by putting on his shoes and Tsukki held his hand. They walked out the door, avoiding the doctors that passed by. Yamaguchi smiled as they made it outside and he was lead up a small hill.

"Better?" Tsukki asked as they both lied down on the soft grass. Tsukki turned his attention to Yamaguchi, whos eyes glowed wide with beauty. The millions of stars shined brightly right next to the moon, allowing the faint light to glow his freckles.

He's so beautiful

"It's beautiful." Yamaguchi whispered, gently shaking from the cold air.

Tsukki slid closer and laid the jacket he once had on, on top of Yamaguchi. The boy accepted it and still stared up, seeing shooting stars fly around here and there.

"Tsukki." Yamaguchi said turning his attention to the boy next to him. The two stared into each other's eyes, a faint smile on both their faces. "I... I wanted to tell you something..."

"I did too." Tsukki replied. "But you can go first."

"I..." He sighed and stared up. "You know why I love the galaxy so much?" Tsukki just stared at him knowing that he would continue. "Because of the moon. It's so pretty... and so are you. I- I guess what I'm trying to say is that..."

Say it

Say it

"I like you." The two boys said at once. They looked at one another and a warm smile went across their faces.

"You do?" Yamaguchi asked with a shaky laugh.

"Yes... you are the closest friend I've ever made. You are so beautiful and funny and smart. I really like you..." Tsukki said, gently intertwining his hand with Yamaguchi's.

"I really like you too." Yamaguchi smiled.

The two stared at one another, slowly going closer and closer. No, nothing would stop them. The soft lips of each other was felt through the two teens, and they pulled away with soft smiles and red faces.

"Oh my god what if the disease was transmitted to you now?!" Yamaguchi sat up shaking.

"Tadashi." Tsukki giggled holding the boys hands as he sat up as well. "It can't be transmitted through kissing, you adorable idiot."

Yamaguchi looked at him before letting out a soft laugh. He then began to laugh more and held his stomach, causing Tsukki to think his crush became psychotic. "S-Sorry. I just. This is unreal. That was amazing."

Tsukki blushed and gave a quick kiss to his forehead. "Tadashi Yamaguchi, would you like to become my boyfriend?"

"Yes Kei Tsukishima." Yamaguchi grinned, and suddenly the world turned back into color for the sick boy.

Tsukki smiled and brought Yamaguchi into a hug, the two now staring up into the night sky. They held wide smiles and sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"What do you think happens when we die?" Tsukki asked suddenly, his heart hurting at the thought.

Yamaguchi stared at the sky and smiled. "I know what happens..."


"We become stars. I'll be the brightest star up there. So you'll always remember me."

Tsukki shook his head and squeezed Yamaguchi harder. "Don't say that. You won't die."

"Tsukki... I've lost my memories of close friends. Who am I kidding? I'm not healing..."

"No." Tsukki growled. "You promised me you would never leave."


"You promised you idiot. Anyways, if you die...then I die too."

"Don't say that!" Yamaguchi mumbled. "How about this. When I get out of that crappy hospital we will live life to the fullest."

"How so?"

Yamaguchi thought, before leaning against Tsukki and yawning quietly. "We will get married." Tsukkis heart jumped at that word and he smiled gently at the idea. "We will get married and adopt kids! We can live far away from the city and go star gazing every night. We will fall asleep snuggled into one another... every night, and wake up every day by each other's side... I will also remember my old teammates and together we would all play volleyball."

"Can our kids have a dinosaur themed bedroom?" Tsukki whispered, gently kissing Yamaguchi's green hair.

"Of course! They will love them!" Yamaguchi lifted up his hands and pulled Tsukkis head close against his. "And we will die peacefully together in our 90's. Having traveled the world, and remembering all of our old memories. I promise."

"You promise?"

"I'll grow old with you Kei, I promise."

Tsukki smiled and the two shared a softer, yet passionate kiss. The universe seemed to be by their side for just a short moment. The two boys however treasured this moment.

you said you'd grow old with me // tsukiyamaWhere stories live. Discover now