ZEquestrial Stables : Spotted Backdrops : Foundation Sport Horses

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ZEquestrial Stables : Horse Eden Eventing : Spotted Backdrops : The quest for near leopards "Wow, all these different horse genetics," Zamazulika, gorged over the wonders of the coat genetics you could find in the horse Eden eventing databases. "ooooooohhhhh, those coats with the near leopards are so exquisite to the horses conformation. "Scrolls down the search horses section and finds a sublime horse coat with a near leopard and a combination of several coat colours. "That's so pretty," Zamazulika sighed. "Let's see, if we create a bloodline from our foundation Sport Horse Stallion, and aim to get one near leopard coat with the 20 breeding covers we have acquired, then we could, potentially gain a near leopard foal for ourselves in our first season. "Zamazulika grabs a pen from her desk holder and notes down her first stallion, aiming to breed back with a near leopard mare who has a sublime in all three ratings. After carefully studying the games mechanics, she finally admits defeat on breeding for a near leopard and finally caves in to the challenge Spotted Backdrops. Without a premium account it would take a while to proof read all the 20 foals she may have acquired from the databases of Horse Eden Eventing. Zamazulika grabs a cup of grey earl tea from a scorching hot mug holding some of her own merchandise with her favourite developers creations, her first stallion screaming out as a prolific stud on a stunning pasture setting. "Hmmm...", She pondered over her steaming hot mug. Zamazulika, her first foundation Sport foal shined an exquisite near leopard coat from her side account which inspired her with the Near Leopards : Spotted Backdrops challenge. "Hmmm," as she pondered over the sign up screen of Horse Eden Eventing : "Our foundation choices are stunning," she mused as she chose her first sport horse, a black tobiano stallion named Zubi, and a Bay Mare Tobiano Zamazulika. As she notices a very valid training point, the games mechanics allow a dedicated training series to allow her horses to win or place in shows. Geldings train a lot faster. "So, horses can train once a week, which means I shouldn't show my horses until they're fully trained. That'll take a lot of dedication to keep up the consistency,..." she fathomed as she reread the game rules. "I can take on this challenge : I'll name it The Near Leopards Spotted Backdrop challenge." as she writes down her creativity. " If I start taking advantage of the 20 covers we have available from our stallion, we may just have a one in percent chance in genetical forming a near leopard, even with our stallions genetics, there's still a potential. It cost me a total of 5000 Eden bucks to signature the genetic test. The results are as concludes : 

Extension: Ee 

Agouti: aa 

Crème: CCR

oan: rnrn 

Dun: dd 

Pearl: PrlPrl 

Silver: zz 

Champagne: chch

 Grey: gg 

White: ww 

Tobiano: Toto 

Splash White: splspl 

Sabino: sbsb 

Rabicano: rbrb 

Frame: oo 

Leopard Complex: lplp 

PATN-1: PATN-1patn-1 

PATN-2: PATN-2patn-2 

Brindle: X- 

 PhenotypeSooty: No 

Pangere: No 

 Taking a look at the results, she suppressed that Zubi was Homozygous in Crème and Pearl. "A good start, I didn't expect the crème at all in our first foundation. That's astonishing." As she flicks over her scrapbook, which she'd already printed off and posted her foundations delicately to show off her creation and first foundations which could start off a precautious and delusional optimism of near leopard foals from searching in the sales. "Right,!" slamming down her pen in excitement, she publicly announced on her Horse Eden Eventing blog, "let's start the challenge." She smiled happily with firm content as she played through the search horses option the developers have to give. " Near Leopards, here we stride."

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