Chapter 5

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Weeks passed peacefully, until a man ran in exclaiming, "Sheriff, there's a fight going on between Red and some Incain. Ya gotta watch this. The guy seems to be winning without getting injured!" Sheriff Butler and Alfalfa looked at each other. If the Incain was winning like that then Red wasn't putting up much of a fight.

Red woke up and looked around the room. Sheriff Butler, Mrs. Butler, Alfalfa, and Doctor Ray were in the room.
"She's awake," Ray said.
"How're ya doing," Mrs. Butler asked.
"How long have I been unconscious?" Red asked, ignoring the question.
"Two days."
She sat up and grabbed her head, groaning a little. "What happened?" she asked.
"You were fighting with an Incain and was defeated," Alfalfa explained. She nodded.
"He was there to avenge Jason. If he won, then he would not pursue avenge any farther," Red explained.
"If he lost?" Alfalfa asked. Red smiled.
"I didn't plan on winning so I never asked," she replied.
Alfalfa smiled and said, while ruffling her hair, "That sounds like something you would do." They all laughed.

Three days passed peaceably since the Incain came for revenge. Since she hadn't visited the Macoiun since hearing about it from the farmers, Red decided now was a good time to do it.
She followed the directions given to her by the farmers. As she rode Apache into the Macoiun yard, she heard the sound of Apache's claws hitting rock. She looked down but the yard was covered with grass. When she had ridden to the door, she dismounted and moved some of the grass to see what was underneath. Under the grass, Red found flat stones someone had placed. She walked Apache around and discovered the stones had been placed to form a path. She didn't know what the path originally led to but it would have been a good idea if there had been too many buildings close together to let a riskeer through. She tried to imagine what that could've looked like and wondered if maybe this Macoiun had been the center part of a town.
She walked back to the door, dropped Apache's reins, and walked up the steps. Before she could knock, the door opened and an elderly gentleman in a suit stood there staring at her.
"Howdy," Red greeted, touching the tip of her hat.
"Servants go around back," the man said and slammed the door shut. Red stood still for a moment and then smiled.
"Well, I am a servant of God," she said to Apache and then walked around the building, looking for the back door. Apache followed her, dragging the reins. She found the back door and walked over to knock. Before she could, the door opened and there stood the same man in the suit as had been at the front.
"Howdy," Red greeted again. The man sighed.
"What do you want?" he asked.
"I was told about this place and was wondering if I could come in and look around. If y'all are busy, I could come back later."
"Who says someone else lives here?" he questioned. Red pointed to someone behind him and he turned around. An elderly lady, in very high-class clothing was standing there. He sighed again. "Come in," he said, stepping back.
"Apache, go home. Come back tomorrow." Apache walked over to her and she took the bridle off. Then he turned around and galloped away.
"Who says you can spend the night?"
"No one," Red replied. "But Apache is the leader of his own herd. Apache will move his herd where he wants to. I am planning on walking home," Red replied. The elderly lady giggled, turned, and then walked away. Red followed her into a library.
"My name is Mrs. MacIntosh. As you've guessed, I am the Mistress and owner of this Macoiun. My husband died ten years ago and I have never left this building since. We have a garden in the back and my servant tends to it. We get enough to keep him and me alive."
"What about meat?" Red asked. Mrs. MacIntosh giggled again.
"We fish and the farmers used to sell us their meat; but five years ago they suddenly stopped selling it to us." Red watched as Mrs. MacIntosh was helped by her servant into a chair. "You are welcome to stay the night," Mrs. MacIntosh offered. Red smiled but shook her head.
"I do not wish to intrude. However, I promise to inform the farmers that y'all would like to buy some of their meats."
"We have no more money," The servant said roughly.
"Gentler, Sam," Mrs. MacIntosh said.
"Why don't you trade," Red suggested. Sam walked across the room and grabbed Red's neck and lifted her off the floor. Then he threw her against a shelf of books. Red dropped to the floor and then stood up as some of the books fell to the floor. "One or two of these books could be traded for enough meat to keep y'all fed for three or four days," she continued. Sam walked over and threw a punch but Red dodged. She then walked into the kitchen. Mrs. MacIntosh followed closely behind Sam.
Red opened up some of the drawers and cupboards until she found some cans of honey. "Do y'all have bees?" she asked.
"Sam keeps a few beside the house," Mrs. MacIntosh said.
"Do you ever have extra?"
"Of course," Sam replied, "but it doesn't spoil so we just collect it. Then use it when we need it."
"How many jars do you have?" Red asked.
"Why?" Mrs. MacIntosh asked. Red smiled.
"Get a riskeer ready, grab ten cans of honey, and come with me to town and you'll see."
"What kind of...?" Mrs. MacIntosh silenced Sam by raising her hand. She stared at Red for a bit and then smiled.
"Sam, do what she says." Sam walked off and Red took Mrs. MacIntosh by the hand and led her outside.
"By the way, you should hire someone to come out here and remove the grass that's covering the stone," Red told her. Mrs. MacIntosh smiled.
"Would you do the job for two jars of honey?" Red laughed.
"Yes ma'am; but it'll take me a week to finish it. I'll also be helping y'all get ready for the Translucent season as well."
"It's a deal," Mrs. MacIntosh said.
Sam drove them to town and Red took them to the general store. Inside Red talked to the owner and was able to set up a deal with him. Then she walked back outside to the riskeer and grabbed two jars of honey. She walked back inside and gave him the two jars. Then, with his help, she carried out a bag of flour, a bag of corn, a pair of gloves, and tea. After that, Sam drove them to the café. Red walked in there with a jar of honey and came out with a written contract. The only payment was a jar of honey every five meals they ate. She handed the contract to Mrs. MacIntosh who was smiling from ear to ear.
Sam drove out of town and pulled them to a stop. Red watched as he got down and began checking the harnesses.
"Is something wrong, Sam?" Mrs. MacIntosh asked. He motioned for Mrs. MacIntosh to join him. Red helped her down and then waited at the back. Mrs. MacIntosh walked over to Red with a sad look on her face.
"What's wrong?" Red asked.
"Why did we start off with ten and are now down to five?"
"Huh?' Red asked, slightly surprised.
"Sam says two are missing."
"I took them," Red replied.
"Why?" Mrs. MacIntosh asked. Red smiled.
"Did you forget? You paid me two jars of honey to uncover those stones."
"But where are they?" Sam asked, walking over.
"Remember when those two Hawk Rangers stopped us and wanted to talk to me?" Mrs. MacIntosh nodded. "I hired them to get started on doing that and chopping wood for the Translucent season. I gave them each one jar as payment."
"But isn't that just giving them half of what we agreed to pay you?" Sam asked.
"Actually, I never planned on accepting the payment. I was planning on doing it and then leaving before you could pay me" Red replied, blushing. Mrs. MacIntosh smiled.
"Wait," Mrs. MacIntosh said. "You told me it would take you a week."
"It would've taken me a week by myself, but those two should have most of it done before they leave. I should be able to do the rest in three days."
They got back in the riskeer and Sam drove them to one of the farms that used to sell them meat. Sam got down and gave the man a jar for three days worth of meat. Then he drove them to another one where they gave the family two jars for seven days worth of meat and bread. Lastly, they drove to the house of an elderly farmer. The man walked out to them and recognized Mrs. MacIntosh instantly. They gave each other hugs, and Mrs. MacIntosh offered him a jar of honey for meat. He waved it away and told Mrs. MacIntosh and Sam to come inside. Red watched them go in and drove the riskeer to the holding. She gave each konderike some of the corn and rubbed them down, after unhitching them from the riskeer.
Red snuck away and walked an hour toward the Macoiun. Red met up with Kid and her Arabian.
"Would you be willing to give me a ride back to the Macoiun?" Red asked. Kid smiled and nodded. Red swung up behind Kid and the Arabian galloped to the Macoiun.
After arriving, Red dismounted and walked to the front of the house and began plucking at the grass.
"What are you doing?" Kid asked.
"Getting this grass removed from the stones. Some friends of mine are chopping wood for the people who live here so they will have enough for the Translucent season," Red replied. Red heard the Arabian's saddle creak and looked up to see Kid walking toward her.
"You'll get done faster with help," Kid explained, blushing slightly. Red smiled.
"Thanks." Kid smiled back and got down on her knees. She began plucking and they ended up finishing the stones as the sun was beginning to set. They had only stopped once to drink water out of Kid's canteen.
They were resting and watching the sunset when Red asked, "Does he have a name?"
"In the Bible, Able was the brother that pleased God. One day, I want to make something of my life that will please God and myself," Kid replied.
"Why does Demon call you Kid?" Red asked. Kid laughed.
"I am a kid. Besides, one day I'll be adopted and they will change my name. I wanted a name she and I would always use."
"Why do you call her Demon?" Kid was silent for a moment. Red looked over and saw Kid wipe away a tear.
"She was adopted once," Kid explained. "That was the name they gave her the instant they saw what she looked like."
"Why don't you change it?"
"Demon said that when I call her that, it is the only time she doesn't feel like someone hates her." Kid turned her back to Red and silently cried. Red reached over and wrapped her arms around Kid.
"God doesn't hate her," Red said. "Neither do I. God loves both of you and so do I." Red held Kid as she cried herself to sleep. Able came over and sniffed Kid and then fell asleep next to them.
In the morning, Red woke up and found Kid gone and the two Hawk Rangers standing over her.
"Here we are working and we find you sleeping," Jayson said, smiling. Red sat up and kicked him in the leg. "Ow," Jayson said, grabbing his leg. Red smiled and stood up. Then she walked to the house and let them finish up the outside. She cleaned the house from top to bottom and spent the night in the library.
The next morning, Mrs. MacIntosh and Sam came back. Red showed Mrs. MacIntosh what she'd done while Sam put the konderikes and riskeer in the holding. Then Red led her outside and pointed to the path of stones. Mrs. MacIntosh gave her a hug and Apache trotted into the yard.
"I thought he was supposed to be here yesterday," Mrs. MacIntosh commented.
"He was," Red replied. "Oh well, maybe he got held up."
"Thank you, Red." Red mounted Apache and waved to them. Both of them waved back and Red rode away.
Red gave Apache his head and he headed to where he had been last. Apache stopped at a campsite and Red looked around. From the tracks, Demon had held Apache here until Kid had ridden over. Then Apache had been let go but he stayed near Kid and then left when they did. However, Kid and Demon had gone off in the opposite direction.
Red dismounted and then watched as Apache walked over to where Kid had sat and looked over at Red. She walked over and saw a message rock. A image of Kid appeared and said,
"Thank you, Red. I enjoyed spending time with you. Also, what you said encouraged me. Sorry Apache was late. Demon had him and then he stuck around with us. I stayed up and talked to him and Able while Demon slept.
I hope one day you adopt me. I know Demon will one day be fine without me and I want to become your daughter when that day comes.
With thanks,
P.S. Think of a different name for me. I don't want to be Kid forever."
Red smiled and placed the stone in one of her bags and rode away, thinking of a new name that would be perfect for Kid.

Two weeks passed as Shawn watched the town; he missed seeing Red visit the Macoiun. He had gotten most of his memory back and was waiting for the right time to enact his revenge. A chance had finally arisen.
"Shawn will only get off one shot before ya shoot the gyun out of his hand," Alfalfa predicted when he saw Shawn coming.
"What about Jogh's family?" Red asked, watching Shawn walking his creature down the middle of the street.
"We don't know. We looked for tracks and found out their riskeer was headed west," Alfalfa answered. Jogh's family had gone missing after Jogh's trial. Remembering that Jim had told them how they had planned on going back east, this news was puzzling.
"Red, I have some bad news," Sheriff Jim said, walking up to them after having read a message stone he'd gotten from Jayson. Red didn't take her eyes off Shawn. Soon she would have to step out into the street. "It was Fred who gave them the idea to blame you for the killings."
"Figures," Red said. Alfalfa looked at her. Before anyone could ask why she wasn't surprised by the news, Red stepped out into the street.
"Hi, Shawn." Shawn pulled his creature to a stop and looked at her.
"What's my real name?" he asked. Red smiled.
"You were called Alan Van Beetleus when I last saw you," Red replied.
"What did you do to me?"
"Nothing. Dr. Howse told you not to dump those chemicals into the lake. You ignored his warnings and got kicked out of the city council. You were setting your plan into motion, when Sheriff Inman and I combined our evidence to stop you. You jumped off a cliff and lost your memory."
"I still blame you and that God of yours. I will kill you." Shawn drew his gyun and fired. Red shot the gyun out of his hand and then began shooting at his creature's hooves. The frightened creature reared and then took off running, leaving town, with Shawn fighting for control.

"So who's taking over the Double H?" Red asked walking back into the jailhouse after Shawn disappeared from view.
"Tom and Tim are," Zach answered, having entered by the back way while Shawn and Red were talking. "I've been hired as a foreman. Doug's gonna help us continue the ministry Harvey and Harper had originally started. It will be a place for outlaws to start over." She smiled.
"Red." She turned to Alfalfa. "I promised Mr. and Mrs. Butler that, once you're ready, we'd show them that cabin in the valley," he said.
"Sure, but we'll have to do it before Translucent season comes. By the way, who's going to be sheriff?" Red asked.
"George is, and Matt is going to be his deputy," Zach answered.
"That's good," Red said, smiling.

After a few weeks, Red walked out to the holding. She was ready to take Mr. and Mrs. Butler, and Alfalfa to the cabin in the valley. She hadn't told Alfalfa this, but she was also gonna take them to one of the abandoned houses the gang had used to hide out in.
She walked to the jail, wanting to tell Sheriff George and Deputy Matt goodbye. As she reached for the knob, the door was pushed open with such force that it knocked her down. A man wearing a suit stormed out, ignoring her. Sheriff George followed, but stopped just before walking onto the street. She stood up, and walked over to where he was standing.
"What was that about?" She asked. The sheriff turned quickly.
"Red, I didn't hear you come up." He saw some blood run down her arm. "You're bleeding." Red looked at her arm.
"Yeah, I got it from the fall I took when he pushed me."
"He pushed you?"
"Well, actually it was the door that pushed me, but he pushed the door. I'm sure if he hadn't pushed the door, the door wouldn't have pushed me," Red answered, smiling a little.
"Are you going to press charges?" Sheriff George asked.
"He's been causing trouble all over town and everybody's too scared to press charges."
"Really?" she asked. He nodded. Red walked away, heading in the direction of the man in the suit.

"Hey, you in the suit!" The man turned and Red hit him.
"What was that for?" he asked. Red just looked at him and waited. He touched his lip and saw his blood on his hand. "You're going to regret that." He stood up and charged at her. Calmly, she sidestepped and stuck out her leg. He tripped and fell flat on his face. Red smiled and waited for him to stand up again. This time he got up slowly and started circling her. Red stayed where she was and closed her eyes. He picked up a stick. The crowd that had gathered gasped.

Alfalfa walked up to Jim, who was standing beside George. "What's going on over there?" he asked.
"I told Red that that man had scared everyone so they wouldn't press charges. Do you think I did the right thing?" George answered.
"You'll have to make that decision on your own," Alfalfa answered. "Let's go over there and watch."
"You two go on ahead. I'm gonna check on my wife and have her get some bandages ready for Red and the man in the suit," Jim said.
"Awright. By the way, what's his name?"
"No one knows," George answered. Alf nodded and headed toward Red and the man in the suit.

He swung the stick. She ducked and kicked him in the stomach. He doubled over and she yanked the stick out of his hand. He picked up a rock from off the ground and threw it. She ducked, but not fast enough. It glazed her temple and she fell to the ground. She shook the blurriness from her eyes and looked up. He was holding a gyun and it was pointed at her head.
"Drop the gyun, Mister." The man turned and looked at Mrs. Butler. She was holding a gyun pointed at his head and the crystal was at ready. "If your crystal starts to glow, I'll kill you."
"You couldn't do that," the man sneered. Red swung her leg, knocking the gyun from his hand. The man grabbed his hand and said, "I haven't forgotten you." He swung a left hand punch. Red rolled to the right and slapped him. He swung a kick and Red slid to the left, slapping him again. He growled, "No one slaps me." Red grabbed his arm and broke it. He grabbed it and ran. Then he got on his pincanto and rode out of town.
Sheriff George got a posse together and went after the man in the suit. Red turned and looked at Mrs. Butler.
"Thanks," Red said. Mrs. Butler nodded and then fainted.
"Someone get the doctor," Jim yelled. A man ran to the doctor's house. Before George and the posse got back, Doctor Ray ran over.
Looking around, she noticed George, Bob, and Alfalfa standing to one side. She walked over to them. She stood by George's side for a few seconds then said, "I guess that wasn't such a good idea."
"Alfalfa," she interrupted, "I'll be at the cabin in the valley. Meet me there and if Jim and Mrs. Butler still want to come, they can come with you or whenever. However, we'll have to wait until Translucent season passes." Before Alfalfa had time to respond, Red turned around, went to the holding, mounted Apache, and left. She didn't know who that man in the suit had been; however, she was more worried about Shawn.

She took the west trail and soon found the tracks of Jogh's family's riskeer. That same uneasy feeling came to her and she pulled to a stop. Deciding to ask for God's help, she bowed her head and prayed for the Lord's help as well as guidance. She also prayed for the family's protection.
She followed the trail as it led deeper into the mountains. She pulled to a stop and took a look around. She had never been on this side of the mountains before but remembered Fire headed in this direction once before. She had asked him about it, but he told her that there would never be a reason for an outlaw to come over in this direction.
She was no longer an outlaw but still did not like the idea of coming over here. She looked back at the tracks and noticed that they curved a little up ahead.
She felt uneasy. She was tempted to turn back and then they appeared. Three men and two ladies jumped from behind a rock and stood in front of her.
The men were wearing robes but the women were wearing jeans. She was a little puzzled but held still waiting and watching. The men argued amongst themselves while the women circled her. She held Apache still for a second longer after the women were done looking her over. She touched the tip of her hat and turned Apache around.
The men began screaming something but she kept Apache going. Then she sat still and tall and gave Apache his head. He kept to a walk and they got out of there safely.
It wasn't until they were out of sight that she began to relax. She pulled Apache to a stop and prayed a prayer of thanks.
When she opened her eyes, she saw Jogh's wife and their three kids. They began walking to her, looking nervous. She dismounted and ran to them. Smiling, she gave them all a hug.
"Was worried about y'all. Where have you been?" Red said.
"We were staying with the group of people that live over here," the mother replied.
"Where is your riskeer?"
"They took it," the little girl replied.
"Claimed it was payment for them letting us stay."
"Well, I have three pincantos nearby, not including Apache. How about I give y'all a ride back to town?"
"Actually, could you give us a ride to a different town with a runner stop?" the mother asked. Red nodded.
"Nearest one is about a day and a half ride," she warned. The mother nodded and the children smiled.
Red sent Apache away; and they waited until Apache came back with three other pincantos. Red allowed one boy to ride Biscuit, the other boy to ride Coral, and the mother and the girl rode Debby.
It took them two days to arrive at the nearest town because none of them were used to spending long hours riding. When they arrived, Red helped them buy a ticket to go back east and then watched them leave. She prayed for their trip to be a safe one and then mounted Apache and rode out of town. She had given Biscuit, Coral, and Debby to them so they would have a chance to start over. Biscuit was male and Coral and Debby were both females.
She looked back once and then headed for the cabin in the valley.
She arrived the next day as the sun was setting. Red dismounted and rubbed Apache down with handfuls of grass as he drank from the stream. She turned him loose and then entered the cabin. After getting a fire started, she went to bed.

A hawk awakened her from her sleep when it flew by her window and she sat up. The hawk's wings made the same sound as the hawk's caw on earth. She restocked the fire, got dressed while breakfast was cooking, and then ate after praying for her meal. During breakfast she read the book of Ephesians. Her favorite part was the different armors that God wanted his children to put on to protect them from the wiles of the Devil.
The armor reminded her of the outfit she wore. The loin's area would be the gyun belt; the breastplate would be the vest; the "feet shod" would be boots if she ever wore any; shield would be the rope; the helmet would be the hat; and the sword would be the gyun.
After cleaning up after breakfast, she walked outside and got to work fixing up different areas of the cabin and yard.
It was nearing lunch time when Alfalfa rode into the yard.
"Howdy," she greeted.
"Mrs. Butler died last night," he informed her. She straightened and looked at him.
"How did she die?"
"Weak heart," Alfalfa replied.
"I see," she mumbled. "When is the funeral?"
"The same time as my mother's, tomorrow."
Red nodded and said, "I shall be there." He nodded and rode off.

She mounted Apple as the sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon, deciding to give Apache a break. She rode back to town in time for the funeral.
Everyone was wearing black but her. She was wearing a bright colored shirt with blue jeans. Apple wasn't even a dark colored creature; he was blue and had a purple mane and tail. His name came from the trees his kind, konderikes, took care of.
The funeral went as all funerals go. There was a lot of crying, weeping, consoling, and preaching in a sad tone. She was so tempted to remind everyone of all the great things the dead, who were saved, had to look forward to. However, she held her comments in and decided to wait until the funeral was over to talk to individuals.
The funeral ended with a prayer that Red wasn't listening to. She instead prayed her own prayer of thanks to God for sending his son, Jesus, who died on the cross for all, so people who trusted in him and were saved could go to Heaven. She asked God for the words to say so she could give comfort to those who were mourning the loss.
She first went up to Mr. Butler, but Sheriff George and a group of men were talking to him so she decided to talk to the other family. She saw Alfalfa first and walked over to him.
"Your mom knew Jesus," she told him.
"How do you know?" He asked, looking up at her.
"I went to your mom before I broke up the gang to ask for her advice. She told me how she'd been saved and also told me she backed me up on my decision."
"Why didn't she say anything to us?"
"She may have felt embarrassed about her past. Or she may just not have known how," Red suggested.
"She did seem a bit different after you broke up the gang but I always thought that she was sorry to see you go." Red smiled.
"She may have just finally found faith but didn't know how to share it with you." Alfalfa stared at her.
"I want to know more," he said after a long pause. Red handed him a Bible.
"This one isn't the one I read but I know it is the same kind. God's word is plain about what you need to know." Alfalfa accepted the Bible. "Remember that night that those two missionaries came to our camp. Of all the camps to pick, they chose ours. After hearing about Jesus, I wanted to learn more. That morning before they left was when I got saved."
"Yeah, but you weren't any different. It wasn't until about two months later, when we were robbing that runner, that you began acting weird. Then a month passed and you made the announcement that you were breaking up the gang." Red nodded.
"I had forgotten about reading the Bible," Red replied. "It wasn't until we robbed that runner that I remembered about it. Then I read Exodus and found out about some of God's commandments like do not steal, do not covet, and treat others as yourself. I realized that what we were doing was wrong. I didn't want to do anything wrong anymore. Your mom suggested what to do and she backed me up on my decision."
Alfalfa smiled and said, "Thank you." Red nodded and turned to walk away. "How do I meet this Jesus?" he called after her.
She looked back and replied, "Acknowledge you're a sinner; believe Jesus rose from the dead; confess your sins and he is faithful and just to forgive your sins!" Alfalfa waved to her. She waved back, mounted Apple, and then rode away.

Alfalfa went back home and shared with his sisters what Red had told him. Violet was the only one not interested in hearing what Red had to say. "Then let's hear what God has to say," Alfalfa suggested. Violet nodded and Alfalfa opened the Bible and they each took turns reading. They read the entire book of Romans that the Bible happened to open to.

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