Chapter 6

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Red headed back to the cabin and went back to cleaning and preparing for the translucent season, which was getting closer. She went hunting, knowing a lot of the creatures would go into hiding once Translucent season came. Knowing that most of her creatures would be fine, she still cut some purple, red, and blue grass for anytime her creatures couldn't eat enough everorange leaves to fill them up.

Translucent season came quickly for the town. Some wondered if Red would be fine for the Translucent. These people were: Sheriff George, Mr. Butler, those at the Double H, and Alfalfa and his family. They knew Translucent season wasn't gonna be cold, it never was. However, the wind did blow stronger, picking up any excess dust and covering the everorange trees. Everorange trees were the only thing pincantos, ogrises, and konderikes could eat during Translucent.

Sheriff George found himself looking out in the direction Red had continuously disappeared off to. He remembered one time he had to stay the Translucent season with Fire's gang. Red had actually been the one who suggested George stay with them.
That Translucent season had been one of the worst, but while everyone had grumbled and complained, Red had found a way to be entertained. They would all hear her giggling every once in a while. Finally, curiosity got the better of them and they went to her room to see what she was doing.
They had entered her room only to find her make-believing giving orders. She had different objects representing each of them. When they arrived, she had finished arranging the objects and was handing each of them a little package. She had ordered each of them not to open their presents until Christmas. There was even a present for George. Of course, the biggest went to Fire. Each of them had headed down stairs with heads hung in shame.
"Who is she?" George had asked.
"That is Red. The boss's daughter," one of the men had answered.
"How old is she?" The men shrugged.
"Boss brought her in at the beginning of fall. She avoided us like the plague. However, one night she got sick. We all pitched in to get her better. After that, she's opened up a little more," the oldest in the group responded. George had nodded.
The door had suddenly opened and Fire stepped in.
"Howdy," he greeted. They all responded and then hung their heads once again. Before Fire could ask what was wrong, Red had zipped down the stairs and jumped into his arms.
"Christmas is only two weeks away," she had announced. "No one is allowed into the living room until then. I'm gonna decorate." With that, she kissed Fire and then ran into the living room and slammed the door shut, locking it.
"Well, y'all heard the lady, no peeking and no entering the living room until Christmas," Fire laughed and then headed to his office. The men looked at each other and smiled. Then they too headed to their rooms. George had gone to the room he was using and had opened his suitcase. Knowing how important it was for the members to have a good supply of disguises, he had adjusted his suits to fit each of the men. It was Christmas Eve by the time he had finished; but he hadn't found anything for Red yet. He rummaged in his suitcase until he found the perfect gift.
He had smiled and wrapped it up as it was. Then he had fallen asleep, excited for the first time about Christmas.
That morning, Red was the last to wake up, so the men snuck a peek into the living room and what they saw brought a gasp from each of their lips.
Red had taken a tree her size and had decorated it with objects they had taken from the runner her parents had been traveling in. They were presents from the human scientists her parents had befriended. She had even hung each of the objects she had used to represent each of them on the tree.
"Now it's our turn," Fire said as he carried down a big present. "Sorry, guys, but I wanted to see her smiling face so badly, I didn't have time to get y'all something." The men had looked at each other and smiled.
"We agree," they said, pulling out the presents they had made for her." George smiled and brought out his presents, laying them under the tree. They all looked at each other and had smiled.
"Guess we should go fix the only breakfast that child has ever eaten," the cook said and turned away.
"That's because the rest of your cooking is disgusting," one of the men joked and then they all left laughing.
Red woke up in time for breakfast and she came downstairs, rubbing her eyes. She had eaten breakfast half asleep and then sauntered over to Fire's lap and held out her arms.
"Hold me," she had said. Fire blushed and picked her up.
"Ahhh," the men teased.
"Hush," Fire had said and everyone laughed.
"What day is it?" Red asked.
"One. Two. Three."
"Merry Christmas!" they had shouted waking her up. A big smile broke over her face and she had looked at Fire.
"Go into the living room. I shall be down with your presents," she had stated and then left.
They all went into the living room, sat down, and waited. She came down the stairs and ran into the living room. She then went to each of the men and handed them their presents, everyone got one except Fire. "Wait!" she had yelled and then ran away. She came back moments later with a big present. She handed it to Fire and then sat down. She didn't even glance at the tree. Instead, she looked at them and said, "Okay, open them."
They opened their presents slowly and then held up their presents and their faces showed with smiles.
Red smiled and then stood up. "Enjoy," she said, but as she was about to leave, Fire grabbed her arm.
"You haven't opened yours yet," he said. Her eyes widened and she looked around.
"But I thought I was a bother," she said. Fire gave her a big hug.
"I want you," he had said and Red had cried. After that, Red opened her presents and gave everyone a hug. Even George had gotten one.
George smiled at the memory and then went back to making the rounds. He missed seeing the shadow that moved and placed something in front of the door.

Mr. Butler looked into the fire and remembered all the things that had happened since Red had shown up. He recalled how his wife had died and laid down on the couch. He felt the tears stream down his face and then he fell asleep. He was sleeping so soundly, he didn't hear the door creak open and a package being placed just inside the door.

Double H was asleep when a big bag full of packages was thrown against the door. Everyone woke up and ran outside to see what had happened. No one saw anything but everyone heard a creature run away. Tim and Tom brought the bag inside and told everyone to go back to their beds. They would open the bag in the morning.
Zach looked at the bag and smiled. As he was walking back to the bunkhouse, he began to laugh. The hands looked at him and then asked what was so funny.
"Red," he replied.
They entered the bunkhouse but the men wouldn't let Zach fall asleep until he explained what he had meant.
"When I became a member of the gang, Red was the leader. It was actually her second year as our leader. Christmas Eve came around and some of the men were complaining about how hard this Translucent season was and how they should have holed up in a nice town for the Translucent. Red had, of course, overheard us and she told us to be patient. The next morning, we came downstairs and there was a big bag and a Christmas tree in the middle of the room. We opened the bag and found packages for each of us. Of course, there was no package for Red. However, those who were a part of the gang during the time Fire had been around had only smiled and then left the room. We later saw them enter Red's office with packages hidden behind their backs," Zach told them.
"So why were you laughing?"
"The bag thrown was the exact same color as the one in the middle of the room that Christmas day." Everyone then went to bed and fell asleep wondering where Red was and if that had truly been her who had thrown the bag.

Alfalfa and his family were also worried about Red. They had read Romans and had reread it. They focused on verses like: "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." and "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." They prayed to Jesus and each of them got saved. Then they prayed for the Lord to keep Red safe through the Translucent. After praying, they felt a peace surrounding them and they went to bed. They slept soundly through the night. They didn't even hear the kitchen door open. Four packages and a letter were placed on the table and then the door closed as the visitor disappeared into the night.

Red rode away and looked behind her. She was riding one of her ogrises and had been the one who had passed out the presents.
"After all," she told her ogris, "it is the season of giving." She then looked up at the stars and smiled. "Thank you Lord," she prayed. "Thank you for the stars and the white grass. Thank you for the trees and the white food you provide for the creatures. Thank you for the wind. Thank you for my creatures. Thank you for the townspeople and for all the friends I've made while I've been here. Thank you for sending your Son." A tear slid down her cheek as her ogris continued walking home. "Thank you for saving someone like me. I did not and I still don't deserve your love, grace, and forgiveness. You were so kind to give me, a worthless outlaw, a second chance." She stopped praying and began to cry. "Thank you," she sobbed.
When they reached the cabin, she set the ogris free, knowing he was better prepared for Translucent season than a pincanto or konderike. She watched him walk away and wiped her tears away.
Then she entered the cabin and washed her face. She re-stoked the fire. As the room was warming up, she entered her room and grabbed her Bible. She went back to the living room and began to read.
First, she read her daily devos; today she was starting all over in Genesis. After reading about Creation, she turned her Bible to the book of Luke. She then read the story of Jesus' birth. She liked how the angels visited the lowly shepherds. She also liked how the wise men came sometime after Jesus' birth, when Jesus and his family had already moved into a house, just to give him gifts.
However, the part she kept coming back to was Jesus' humble birth. He had been born in a holding. A place where only animals would live; yet God's only Son was born there. He was wrapped in swaddling clothes, basically rags. He was laid in a manger; the place animals ate out of. He was born to a family whose source of income was carpentry.
She didn't understand how God would allow his Son to be born in such a way. At least, she used not to understand until one day she took the time to ponder on that and came to an understanding. If Christ had been born in a palace or to a rich family, those whom the Lord wished to reach would never have been reached. He had chosen such a humble birth because he loved the world so much. He wanted to reach everybody, not just the rich. Jesus wanted to reach someone like her.
She smiled and gave thanks to the Lord again. Then she prayed for everyone to have a blessed Christmas. She got dressed for bed; made sure the fire would last all night long, and went to sleep.

After making his rounds, Sheriff George found the package and picked it up. He took it inside and placed it on top of the desk. He wanted to open it but remembered that tonight was Christmas Eve.
The next morning, he woke up and excitedly opened the present. He opened it and smiled. In the box was the gift he had given her on her first Christmas with the gang. He stood up and walked over to one of the pegs and hung it there on the wall. What he had given her was a rock-type gyun and belt. By returning it to him, she was giving up the things of her old life. He stood there staring at it for a moment, remembering the first time he had ever seen her use it.
It had actually been the night, when Red was twelve, of Fire's funeral. A man had disagreed with Fire's decision of making Red their leader. However, instead of facing him while he was alive, this man had waited til Fire was dead. George didn't know if the man was thinking Red would be slow or just easier to handle. A lot of Fire's friends had shown up. However, George had come representing his company which included Mary, Dave, Stephen, and himself. The man had challenged Red and she had shot him dead. It had been that quick. When he was riding away, he had wondered if Red was faster than Fire; but they would never know.

Mr. Butler found his package the next morning. He opened it up; curious as to whom it was from. When it was opened, he pulled out a wooden carving of him and his wife. They were both dancing; and he began to cry once again. He quickly wiped the tears away and chanced to see a message rock at the bottom of the box. He picked it up and began listening to it:
Dear Mr. Butler,
Thank you and your wife for believing in me. The Lord is so wonderful. I know your wife is dead and you're wondering how this makes God wonderful. God sent his only Son, Jesus, to come to earth to die on a cross for you. Your wife told me that you and her are already saved. That is fine. I am not trying to say you are or aren't. The only thing I want to do is to remind you that God knows all about losing a loved one. Turn your eyes to him and he will give you peace and joy.
With prayers, Red
Mr. Butler listened to the note two more times. The tears fell anew and he dropped to his knees and began to pray. When he was done, he felt peace return to him and he smiled.
"Thank you, Red."

The Double H hands, as they were getting ready for the day, were excited to find out what was in the big bag. They rushed to the main house, but Tim told them they would have to wait until after breakfast. They ate hurriedly, and when they were done they ran into the living room and sat down.
Tim and Tom smiled and then opened the bag. Every package, except one, was addressed to the hands at the Double H. One package had the story of how the Double H came to be. They had learned why the ranch was called the Double H from Fred; but Fred had never told them why Red had started it.
The next package was full of Bibles. There were enough there for every hand to get one. The third package had candy canes in them, which made the men laugh. The fourth, fifth, and sixth packages were white windbreakers for the men.
The last package was addressed to Zach. He gently took it and opened it. Inside were a Bible and a map. Zach stared at them and then a tear streamed down his face. The men were confused but waited. Zach opened the Bible and found a message from Red written on the inside of the cover. He looked up and the men; then down at the note. He read,
"Dear Zzzach,
You asked me once long ago what guided me. I told you then it was a map and Fire's memory. If you were to ask me now, I would say God and a map. You knew me before I got saved, but not many knew me after I found out the truth in God's Word. We have had the opportunity to meet again and I praise God for it. Read God's Word, it will guide you too.
With prayers, Red"
The men smiled and stood up. Some patted him on the back while others stood and just smiled at him or nodded. Zach wiped away the tears.

Violet was the first one to see the presents on the kitchen table. She rubbed her eyes in disbelief and then ran to wake up the others. When the others saw the presents, they too rubbed their eyes in disbelief.
"We shall find out more after breakfast," Alfalfa stated.
"How about during?" Violet asked. At Alfalfa's nod the girls squealed and then made ready. First they all went upstairs and brushed their teeth. Second, they went back to their rooms and dressed for the day. Violet set the table while Anna and Jewel prepared breakfast. Alfalfa read from the Bible to them as they worked. He read Ephesians and Philippians.
"I liked chapter six of Ephesians," Anna said, being the oldest. Jewel smiled.
"I like Ephesians chapter 2," Jewel said.
"What about you, Violet?" Alfalfa asked.
"I like Philippians 4:13, I want the Lord to give me strength," Violet replied.
"So do I," Alfalfa replied.
During breakfast, Alfalfa read the letter while the girls ate. The letter told about their mother's testimony of salvation and Red added a little bit of encouragement. Then they each looked at the presents and saw that each one had their names on them. After the breakfast dishes had been cleared from the table, they opened the presents one by one.
In Violet's, there was a beautiful wood carving of a girl being guarded from the attack of a grizzly. There was a note attached to it.
'Dear Red, Thank you for your friendship. You are right; the little girl whom Fire's grandmother protected was me. She saved my life and gave me a second chance at living. Signed Aunt Fritch.'
Violet felt a tear run down her eye, but she realized there were no words to express how much this statue would have meant to Red and her mom.
In Jewel's was a beautiful quilt. In the middle of the quilt was a scene. This scene was of two little children who were swimming toward two adults on the shore whose faces couldn't be seen. This one too had a note attached to it.
'Dear Red, You have gotten so much better at making quilts. You should be proud. You are right again; Fire and I were saved by his parents from the raging river. Signed Aunt Fritch.'
Jewel felt a tear slide down her cheek as well. What Red had written in the letter was starting to make sense.
In Anna's was a simple painting. This painting was the scene of a wedding. Of course no faces could be seen but Fire's and her mom's. The note on this one was a little longer.
'Dear Red, Yes, I was at your adoptive dad's wedding. However, I did not tell you the complete story. Fire's wife died right after they said their 'I do's.' I am sorry to say I could do nothing to comfort him after he lost her. I do not know if I can truly comfort you after you have so recently lost Fire. I can only think to say, 'He's in a better place.' I love you and am always here if you need a shoulder to cry on. Signed Fritch, your adoptive mom.'
Anna too began to cry. Not only did Red's letter make sense now but it also made the letter all the more tragic.
Lastly in Alfalfa's was a book. It was actually a diary of Red's. This diary had all the stories their mom must have told her while she was growing up. There was no note with this one.
Alfalfa looked up at his sisters.
"I used to ignore or try to get out of listening to Mother's stories," Alfalfa said as a few tears fell down his face. "But Red took the time to not only listen but write them down."
He picked up Red's letter and read it once more:
"Dear Fritch family,
I understand you have recently lost a loved one. I too have recently lost a loved one. I have found that reading God's Word brings peace and comfort. If you haven't started reading the Bible I gave you, please start right now.
I am presenting these presents because they are the few keepsakes I have kept of the loved one I have recently lost. I also know what it feels like to lose a mother and father. You know what my life was before I got saved. I never found peace until my adopted mom comforted me.
I pray these momentums bring comfort to you as they have to me for many years.
With prayers, Red Arrow
"Now the letter makes sense," Violet said. Her sisters nodded in agreement. "I just wish I hadn't said all those harsh things to her."
"We were all thinking what you said," Anna chimed in.
"We don't deserve these," Jewel added.
"Girls," they looked at Alfalfa, "Red gave us these to help us find comfort and not be sad. How about we go put these items up and then go read more of God's Word," Alfalfa suggested. The girls smiled and then nodded.
"After that, could you read us some of Mother's stories?" Violet asked.
Alfalfa smiled and said, "I sure could."
They all stood up and put the items gently away and then returned to the living room to hear more about God and their Mom.

Red woke up and went out to take care of the two pincantos and three konderikes she'd kept in a shed. However, when she got to the holding she saw that all the creatures had already been taken care of. She stood there and stared for a second while the information sunk in. Then she looked around and saw a band of Incains standing beside her house.
She smiled and waved; they turned and walked away. She watched them leave and then walked back into the cabin. There, sitting at the table and waiting, was the man in the suit.
"Howdy," she said, smiling.
"I'm gonna kill you," he sneered.
"Okay." Her reply seemed to startle him for he sat up a little straighter.
"What do you mean by 'Okay'?"
"All you're doing is threatening me with eternal life. You kill me and I get to go to Heaven sooner. I really don't see a downside," she replied.
"You will never have children of your own." Red smiled.
"Can't have them anyways. A stab wound I received, took that ability away from me," she said. "Nice try though."
The man sat still for a while. Red assumed he was thinking because every once in a while he would shake his head. While he was thinking, Red busied herself preparing breakfast. She made enough food for the both of them and set his plate and a fork in front of him. She then grabbed a spoon and dished out the food. After placing the food on the table and preparing her plate, she sat down. Then she prayed for the meal and began to eat.

The man in the suit watched her with a puzzled expression on his face. He couldn't understand how someone could be so calm when faced with possible death. He realized he wanted to have this peace but he was worried she wouldn't tell him. It was then he noticed she was reading while she was eating.
"What are you reading?" he asked.
"My Bible," was her simple and direct answer. He smiled.
"What bravery," he thought to himself. Out loud, he asked, "What is it about?"
This time she looked up. He was surprised by the gentle look in her eyes. "Lots of stuff," she said. "Right now I am reading the story of David. Did you know that, at a young age, his brother's didn't like him?"
"That sounds like my brothers," he thought to himself.
"Did you also know that God wanted him and loved him? He even gave David the means to kill Goliath."
"Who?" he interrupted.
"Goliath was a giant, a real giant; and he had four other brothers. All of Israel, including David's brothers', were afraid of them. David knew God could help him and told King Saul he would take care of this giant just like he took care of the lion and the bear. David went to a brook and picked out five smooth stones. Do you know why David grabbed five stones?" Red looked at the man in the suit and waited.
He thought for a moment and then he remembered. "Goliath had four brothers. One for each of the giants."
Red smiled. "You're smart," she said. "A lot of people think it's because David might miss. Did you know that David killed Goliath with one stone? Did you also know that later David became King of Israel and was called a man after God's own heart?"
"David was a great man." Red shook her head.
"But he still made mistakes and yet God still loved him and forgave David of his sins. God will do the same for you." The man in the suit looked at Red and saw eyes filled with love, gentleness, and hope. He felt like taking her up on the offer but then changed his mind.
"I don't need that," he said, but even as the words were out of his mouth, he realized he did need that. Red's eyes filled suddenly with sadness which surprised him. He decided he better leave before he chose her God. "You will live for now," he said. "Besides, it shall be more fun to see you stop believing in your God." Then he left.
Red watched him ride away and then started to cry. "Another one?" she thought. She didn't understand how people could turn away from the truth of God and his Word. She remembered hearing a passing evangelist say that if you refused the chance God gives you to be saved, you don't get another chance. Red bowed her head and begged God to give this man another chance. She prayed and hoped the man would accept. Then she opened up her Bible and read her daily devos, which were a few chapters of Exodus.

Exodus was her first favorite book. This book had been the one to show her that her old life had been the wrong way to live. She praised God and thanked him for his forgiveness, love, and patience. If God had not intervened, Red maybe would have had the greatest gang; but she would have been lost and going to Hell.

The Translucent season passed quickly and Red used the time to finish reading the Old Testament. As spring began, Red began reading the New Testament once again.
Red left the cabin after the snow had completely melted. Jason's dad visited her as she was packing up to leave.
"You come back?" he asked. Red shook her head. "You come back when you have child," he stated. Red looked up at him.
"I can't..." she started to say.
"You adopt!" he shouted. She smiled warmly.
"Okay," she agreed. "Lord willing, I shall bring my adopted child here."
"Good," Jason's dad said smiling. He then reached out his hand and shook her hand. "Not all things your kind does are bad." Red laughed. She then waved goodbye as she rode away. "Missionaries came to us years ago," Jason's dad yelled after her. "We follow God because he told us God wants to save every person."
Red waved again and shouted, "Praise God."

Red rode by the town but didn't see the people she had invited. She was tempted to enter the town, but then changed her mind. Instead she turned Apache and Casey around and headed to Cap's ranch. She had waited for them in the cabin in the valley long enough. Jason's dad could tell them where Cap's ranch was located.
When she got to Cap's ranch, the first thing she noticed was Cap's door open. Cautiously, she walked up to the door and stepped in.
There was Cap, sitting at the table with a big smile watching Red walk in. Red smiled when she saw him; and walked over to him. He stood up and gave her a hug.
"I have a message from your friends in town and at the Double H," Cap told her when they stepped away from each other.
"They have decided to not come. You have encouraged them and they wish to find the Lord's direction for their lives. Mr. Butler has decided to go back east and join his wife's family in their business. George wants to stay sheriff until another can be found; and he wants to start a Baptist church. Alfalfa and his three sisters want to name the church, Fritch Baptist Church in honor of their mom." Red smiled. Cap continued, "The Double H hands want to turn the ranch into a haven for outlaws to have a second chance." Red stared at Cap in surprise.
"They were inspired by you and want to call it the Arrow project. They are going to use you as an example that outlaws can change their ways," Cap finished. Red sat down in surprise. Cap wrapped an arm around her.
"God is so good," she whispered. Cap only nodded.

Red stayed at the ranch for a week, helping Cap get set for his move. He had decided to move to town and open a wreek skinning business. Wreek's skin was used as clothing because the wreeks skin was strong enough to protect them. A lot of beings fought their own battles without using gyuns, and wreek's skin was tough enough for fighting and soft enough to be worn.
After Cap moved, Red walked through the house, reminiscing.
"Wonder if you want me to move on yet, Lord." Red said out loud. She prayed about it; and decided to spend the night and then leave in the morning. She read her Bible and fell asleep.
She dreamed a little of the past. However, her dream ended up focusing on one event in particular; the death of her parents.

Her parents had died when she was three. The disease they had contracted was rare and incurable. They had been traveling by themselves because her parents had just been to a meeting about building a Zapper. Some earthlings had told them that a Zapper would only take twenty years to build and would allow more people to visit their planet. Her parents had been scientists and knew the land would not allow metal houses to be built. The land actually ate the metal, working like an acid. When the land was able to be used to build metal homes then the land was unusable and unsafe to live at. The earthlings had been mad but no retaliation had come. They were on their way back home and hadn't waited for others to join them.
Her mom had been supportive for the first week they were on the road. After that, she had continuously complained to him about how bad of an idea this was. A month after that, they had started showing signs of the disease.
Red had watched as the disease killed her parents day by day. First the disease took away their ability to keep solid food down. Every time they ate solid food, they would throw it up. The second stage made it difficult for them to keep down even liquids. The third and final stage was the person starving to death. Red watched, without the ability to do anything to stop her parents from dying, as her parents grew skinnier and skinnier; weaker and weaker. One morning Red woke up to find them dead. Not knowing what else to do, Red had grabbed a shovel and buried them.
Thinking that she might have the disease too, Red set the animals loose and then rummaged around until she found her dad's gyun. She cocked it and then pointed it at her head. Before she could pull the trigger, it was yanked out of her hand by the man who would become her adopted dad.

Red woke up with tears falling down her face. She quickly washed her face and then went about preparing to leave. She sang some songs she'd been able to memorize after being saved. Songs like: Jesus Loves Me, Nothing but the Blood, It's Too Late, and On My Cross.
When she was ready to go, she ate breakfast and read her Bible. Then she loaded her stuff onto Casey, for she was gonna be riding Apache through the swamp. However, Casey was going to have to find his own way around and meet them later.

Shawn and the man in the suit saw her leave the ranch.
"I shall follow the blue pincanto," Shawn said. "You follow her." The man in the suit nodded and left. Shawn watched and then smiled to himself. "If I recall, you're headed to the swamp," he said to himself.
Shawn followed Casey and decided this had been the smarter choice. Casey was picking his way around the swamp. A few minutes passed, then Shawn heard a noise behind him and turned around, but nothing was there. He turned back and Casey was gone.
Shawn pulled his creature to a stop and looked around. It was like Casey had disappeared. Shawn checked the ground for tracks; but because the ground was soft, it was hard to discern them. Besides, since Casey had been within sight, Shawn hadn't checked to see what Casey's tracks looked like. He spent the rest of the day, until it got too dark to see, searching. Having found nothing, he cursed Red and her God.
In the morning, he took a look around and found he was exactly where he wanted to be, at the swamp's exit. He heard a creature walking and smiled. "Here she comes," he thought to himself.

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