Chapter 7

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The man in the suit followed Red into the swamp. He had been thinking about what she had said about her God. He had tried multiple times to shrug it off, but this time it was troubling him more than usual. He pulled his creature to a stop, got down, and took a drink of water. He looked around; following Red was becoming more and more difficult. A blader jumped out of the water and barely missed taking his head with one of its many blade-like arms.

He waited until he stopped shaking and then remounted and continued following Red. Her tracks were plain to see even as it was getting darker.
Darkness came quickly and the man in the suit continued to ignore the discomfort he was feeling in his heart. "I am fine the way I am. I will never believe in Red's God," he whispered to himself, his discomfort went away.
It was now too dark to see. The man in the suit got off his creature and decided to wait for the moon before he continued.
What he didn't know was that a leether had been following Red but had lost her scent because of the swamp. The leether had followed the man in the suit instead and now saw the man sit down and wait. The leether lay down and waited, deciding to wait for the moon. The leether took a short nap and then woke up as the moon was beginning to come out.
The leether snuck closer to the man and noticed that his creature had wandered away and the man was alone. Something woke the man in the suit and the leether crouched down. The man looked around, even directly at the leether, but then fell back asleep. The leether moved closer and then attacked.
The man in the suit woke up just as the leether landed on him. He screamed once before the leether bit him on the neck, killing him.

She kept riding until she topped the third hill, then she stopped and pondered about her decision. Knowing it would have been pointless to stay, she felt guilty. Apache shook his head and stomped his foot. She sat there a little bit longer, and then gave him his head.
She headed north until the sun was beginning to go down then she turned left and started heading toward the swamp. She smiled to herself and felt sorry for whoever was trailing her. The swamp wasn't a place for a newcomer. It was bad enough trying to find your way in the daytime, but it was worse at night. You couldn't see the holes or the bladers at night.
She looked at the sky and shook the reins lightly. Apache started to trot. She counted to three then turned left. She counted three more times and turned to the right. Then she counted to ten and pulled Apache to a stop. The moon would come up in a little while, and then whoever was trailing her would be able to see her tracks. She made a dry camp and picketed Apache nearby. Later, she was awakened by a scream. She listened for a bit but heard no other sound. She prayed that the screamer had accepted Christ and went back to sleep.
The next morning, she rode out of the swamp and sensed no one was following her.
"Must have met a blader or something," she said to herself.

When she exited the swamp area, Shawn was waiting for her. He smiled when he saw her.
"I'm gonna guess the one in the swamp was the man in the suit," Red said. Shawn laughed.
"Of course," he replied. "Another one whose fault it is he died."
"I told him about the plan of salvation. He chose to ignore it. He also chose to follow me into the swamp. You have also heard the gospel. Y'alls' blood is not on my hands." Shawn's smile disappeared.
"Doesn't God say in his word, 'Thou shalt not kill'? If you kill me then you would be breaking God's rule. If you don't kill me, I will make your life miserable until the day I die."
"I shall pray God grants me the patience not to kill you. However, I shall defend myself if you attack me. If you die in the process, I shall pray for God's forgiveness and be freed from the guilt," Red replied. Shawn was now glaring at her.
They watched each other until the sun was in the middle of the sky.
"Are you planning on using that gyun or are you scared that the God I serve will win and the one you serve will lose?" Shawn reached for his gyun as she dived off Apache and landed rolling into the brush.
Shawn fired but because Apache had already started moving in the opposite direction, his shot was wasted.
Red fished her gyun out of her holster, which began to glow, as she listened for movement. However, none came except for the sound of Apache heading back into the cover of the swamp. She waited a full minute while her heart slowed to a regular beat and then she came to her feet and dived to the left as a fire bullet clipped the bush she had been using as cover.
"You will die," Shawn shouted. Red held still and then crawled more to the left. She wanted to enter the swamp and get back to Apache and then head to the place she was sure Casey was holed up at.

After missing, Shawn dismounted. Then he kept an eye on the location Red had disappeared from. He was certain she wouldn't come up in the same spot she went down and so aimed a little to the right.
Red came out of the bush in the same spot she'd gone down at and dived to the left, but Shawn knew his bullet had missed. He hated her all the more.
After shouting to her, he listened for movement, but the wind had started to blow. It was rustling everything, making it hard to hear. Shawn cursed Red's God. If it wasn't for him, he could've killed Red years ago. He also wouldn't be having as many problems now.
"Why doesn't Red curse you?" Shawn wondered out loud. "Surely, she has had a difficult life. Why is she so stubborn?"
"You should know," Red spoke suddenly. "God still loves you. He will forgive you if you ask." Red ducked as a fire bullet clipped the bush, sending leaves and twigs falling.
She looked up and then ducked again. Shawn was now searching the brush with his fire bullets. After emptying his gyun, Red would move closer to the swamp. Shawn didn't appear to have figured it out just yet, but Red didn't know how long that would last.
The shooting stopped. Red didn't move. She felt the hairs on the back of her head stand up. She looked up and saw Shawn staring down at her. He had used the bullets as a distraction and cover to move closer. Now he was close enough, he couldn't miss.
Shawn smiled triumphantly at her.
"Where is your God now?" he asked. Suddenly, something heavy slammed into him. As he fell, he turned. He hit the ground hard and looked up to see a very angry and protective Apache standing over him. Apache stood up on his hind legs and then came down hard on Shawn's left leg. Shawn felt the bone snap as it was broken, possibly crushed, under the weight; he screamed.
Red got up off the ground and ran to Apache. She swung onto his back and pulled on the reins, causing Apache to turn and miss the second time. She looked at Shawn.
"I'm sorry," she said. Then she spurred Apache. Bullets flew by her as Shawn continued to shoot. Apache lost his footing for a split second and then gathered himself and continued running. The bullets stopped and Red looked behind her. Shawn was standing and waving the gyun at her. She couldn't hear what he was saying, and was glad about that.
Apache continued to run and refused to stop. He ran until they came to a river. He jumped over it; but when his feet touched the ground, he crumpled. Instinctively, Red kicked her feet out of the stirrups and fell rolling. The wind was knocked out of her; but she turned her head, while trying to catch her breath, so she could keep an eye on Apache. They both laid there, it was like both of them were trying to catch their breath, which Red caught first. She stood up and walked over to Apache collapsing by his side.
She slid her hand down his side and belly and then looked at her hand; it came back bloody. She stared at the blood and felt tears run down her cheek. She turned back to Apache and watched as the life in his eyes disappeared.
She cradled his head in her arms and cried. Then she prayed, knowing that Apache was an animal. She prayed the Lord would protect his body until she could come back to give him the proper burial. "Never mind Lord," she continued. "I pray you give him the best burial and please place flowers on his grave." She stood up and felt peace about Apache. She understood that had she not given Apache's burial to the Lord, it would have distracted her from keeping an eye out for Shawn.
She turned and began walking. She didn't know exactly where she was heading. All she knew was Apache had been trying his hardest to get her there.

Shawn found Apache's body, or at least, what was left of it. He had trailed her until it had gotten too dark to see; and had continued following the trail to the river where he found Apache. He smiled to himself.
"Not only did I shoot her best protection but I also put her afoot," Shawn said to his creature. He looked up at the sky. "Where is your promise to protect her now, huh?"

Red looked up to see dark clouds forming in the sky. Lightning flashed and seconds later, there was a thunderous boom. She jumped slightly and looked up at the sky.
"Lord," she began, "I am scared. Please protect me and help me to find shelter from the rain. Amen." Red looked around and saw light up ahead. She began walking toward it. As she got closer, the light turned out to be a candle in a window. A large hut was up ahead; and a light meant people or a person. She had been walking through a forest and when she came to the clearing, she stopped.
A few drops began to fall and Red looked up. She smiled and said, "Okay. Okay. I'm heading to the hut now." She walked up to the door and knocked.
"Who's there?" a gruff voice asked from inside.
"My name is Red Arrow and I was wondering..." she didn't get a chance to finish because the man opened the door suddenly and stared at her.
"You say your name is Red Arrow?" he asked. She nodded. He smiled. "Come in. Come in. Let me get a good look at you." He stepped aside and she entered the hut. There was a fire burning in a fireplace and the candle was burning in the window. "Yes. Yes," the man mumbled to himself. Then he stopped circling her and looked at her through hard, knowing eyes.
"Howdy," Red said, causing the man to chuckle. "I was wondering if I could stay the night. I promise to be gone in the morning."
"You don't remember me, do you?" Red stiffened. "No worries. No worries. Not wishing' you to start the gang. I was a friend of Sir Fire. He talked about you every chance he got. I met you a few times; but you were young and so I'm sure you probably forgot."
"Sorry." Red said. "I've been trying my best to focus on my new life rather than the old."
The man nodded and looked up at her with a gentle smile. "You can stay here tonight." He turned away and made a bed for her and turned around. He walked to the curtain which separated his room, located to the left of the fireplace, from the large, combined living room and kitchen.
"Thanks," Red said. He nodded once again and entered his room. Red watched him leave and then poked her head out the door. Her bags were exactly where she'd left them. She went to the bed, got down on her knees, and thanked God for having kept her safe. She prayed he would keep her safe in the future. "Lord, I also pray that you bless this man for giving me shelter tonight. Keep him safe and forgive me for not remembering such a kind person. I pray you never let me forget what I once was so I never forget to thank you for making me who I am now. In your name, Amen." Red lied down on the bed and fell asleep.
She woke to the sun shining on her face. She sat up in her bed and heard movement outside. She put her boots on; although she didn't recall taking them off, and walked outside.
"Good morning," the man greeted her. She smiled and waved. He was saddling a beautiful red, blue, and black spotted pincanto.
"Where are you going?" she asked.
"Not me. You," he replied. She stopped stretching and looked at him and then the pincanto. It was then that she realized the bags on the pincanto were hers. She looked to the spot she'd left her bags and saw that they were gone.
"Why?" she asked.
"Because you've truly changed. By the way, my brother was the one who stood up for you and got killed."
"No need for an apology. He was saved and had been praying someone would break up the gang."
Red smiled and walked over to the pincanto. "It's a beautiful creature, Sir Storm."
He looked over at her and smiled. "You remembered," he said.
She smiled and nodded. "Only you ever called my dad, Sir Fire."
He gave her a hug and then held the reins while she mounted. "Be safe," he said. She smiled, touched her hat, and then rode off. She stopped and looked back when she got to the beginning of the thick forest and waved. He waved back and she rode away.

Three days passed uneventfully but she knew Shawn was still on her trail. Shawn wasn't the type to stop following her.
On the sixth day after leaving Sir Storm's hut, Red came upon a caravan of wagons. An Incain rode up to her and looked her up and down.
"You with the runners?" he asked. She shook her head. He nodded, turned around, and rode away. She turned her creatures; Casey had caught up, and took a route that would allow her to pass the caravan unseen. She hoped her route would let Shawn know that she had left the caravan alone and so should he.
The caravan took a different route after three days of them being within her sight and she lost track of them. However, she did meet up with the Incain again. He looked her over and turned around. She kept on her route, wondering if maybe he recognized the pincanto, or Casey, or her.
A week passed by before she met any other people. These people were tribals. She had looked over their tracks before riding up to them and had recognized two of them. Both were the tracks of the women who had left her in the cave and taken two of her creatures. She even found the tracks of the two creatures.
Although she was willing to let bygones be bygones, she was short on supplies and didn't want to enter town.
She rode up to their camp and asked to bargain with them. She had heard the rumors but she hoped and had prayed before entering their camp that they would be honest and give her a fair deal.
The oldest looking one motioned for her to sit down.
"Tell me your name," he said.
"Red Arrow."
He sat up straighter and asked, "Are you friends with a man named Mr. Fire?"
"He was my dad."
"Your dad?" he questioned.
"He adopted me after I lost my parents. He died when I was twelve."
"Am sorry to hear. What do you need?"
"Was wondering if I could buy supplies from y'all. I have a man following my trail and I'd rather not go to town."
"What do you need?"
"Whatever y'all are willing to offer. I can compensate you or at least attempt to pay you your asking price," Red answered.
"Don't believe a word she says." Red looked up into eyes filled with hate. It was the two ladies Red had met in that cave years ago. The one who had been injured was the one who'd spoken up.
"Howdy," Red said, touching the tip of her hat. This only seemed to anger the lady even more.
"Do you two know each other?" the elder inquired. Red shook her head.
"We met once," she replied, "in a cave two years ago. They left one day, taking two of my creatures with them. However, I am not here trying to get the creatures back. I only wish to purchase supplies and be on my way."
"Liar," the lady screamed. Red stood up.
"Ma'am, I am only gonna warn you once. Do not go calling' people liars unless you have proof. We only met once and that was not enough time for you to get to know me so back off." Red watched her for a few seconds; then took a deep breath and sat down.
It was quiet for a minute, but the lady spoke up once again. "You used to be an outlaw." Red smiled but she could feel her temper was beginning to grow again. She prayed a silent prayer to God to help her with her words.
"You are correct. I used to be an outlaw," Red said in almost a whisper.
"What items do you need?" the elder interrupted.
"Just enough food for a week," Red replied, turning her attention back to him. He nodded and stood up. Red stood up as well and shook his hand. He smiled.
"Good luck, Fire's daughter," he said. Red smiled in return.
They gave her two sacks of corn, a sack of flour, two sacks of jerky, and two sacks full of canned fruit.
"Thank you."
"No, thank you," the elder replied. "I told your dad that one day I would like to see the woman you would become and now I have."
Red smiled and asked, "How much do I owe you?"
"Nothing," he replied. "Just continue down the path you have chosen and live."
"Only by the grace of God do I even live now," Red replied.
He smiled. "Then may God give you more of his grace."
Red mounted Casey; she was now using the creature she'd gotten from Sir Storm to carry the pack. She waved goodbye and left. She rode back onto the trail, and when no one was looking, she disappeared into the trees.

Shawn followed her trail but lost it and then found it again when she had dismounted to give Sir Storm's pincanto a rest. He saw her disappear into the trees and followed. He never saw the hut or the tracks that led to the tribal caravan. However, he did notice two other tracks were suddenly following Red. As he wondered who it could be his creature suddenly reared. He kicked his feet out of the stirrups and fell to the ground.
"I hate you, God. Quit helping' her," Shawn shouted and cursed looking at the sky. "I will kill Red and have my revenge." Shawn stood up and began walking to his creature. His creature shied a little but he got a hold of the reins. He remounted and began following Red's pincantos' and the two mystery riders' tracks.

The two mystery riders were actually the women Red had met in the cave years ago and again at the tribal camp. They were gaining up on her slowly. The one who'd done the talking at the camp had long blonde hair and grayish blue eyes. She couldn't believe the elder had taken the side of an outlaw instead of taking her side. What she didn't realize was that the elder had once been an outlaw himself and Red's dad had convinced him to get out of that life. She also didn't consider that this, what she was about to do, would turn her into an outlaw. All she knew was that she wanted to put Red through so much pain that she would return the items and get caught by a sheriff in the next town she stopped. Her name was Izzy.
Her companion knew what they were about to do would turn them into outlaws. However, she hoped that once Izzy calmed down, she would realize that on her own. She had seen Red once at the cave and didn't believe she was a bad person. Izzy didn't even remember Red. Ida, Izzy's companion, didn't understand why Izzy hated Red so much.
"Where is she going?" Izzy wondered out loud. Ida shrugged a shoulder but she doubted Izzy was talking to her. "Well, she's gotta stop somewhere and when she does, we'll get her."

However, Red never really stopped. She would rest her creatures and sleep while riding but she didn't stop and set up camp. Red knew someone besides Shawn was now trailing her. She was hoping to wear them out or maybe bore them so they'd leave her alone.
Three days passed and Red knew she would have to stop or kill her pincantos. They topped a hill and Red saw a town. She looked at Casey.
"Got enough energy to make it to town?" she asked. Casey snorted and began walking. Sir Storm's pincanto pulled on the reins in protest so Red let go. She decided he could return back to the hut and she and Casey could handle it from here.
Casey looked back once and then shook his head. They entered the town, bone tired and weary. First Red put Casey in the holding. She almost fell off his back when she dismounted but caught herself in time. Casey nuzzled her gently and she smiled.
"Don't worry. Got enough energy to take care of you," she said. Casey snorted gently and she laughed. She took the bridle off. While he drank water from the bucket, Red rubbed him down with handfuls of grass. She closed the stall door behind her and went in search of the holding hand. He was nowhere to be seen so Red decided to find him after she rested. She headed to a nearby hotel and walked in.
The sheriff of the town was the first to see her. Although he didn't recognize her, he could tell she was someone who had been over the outlaw trail. He decided to observe her and see what transpired.
The hotel clerk recognized some of the qualities the sheriff had seen. The only difference, this man also recognized her.
"Howdy," he greeted. She smiled in return. That she was tired was plain to see. "A room for two nights?" he asked. She smiled gratefully but shook her head.
"Only have enough money to spend one night for now," she said. "I put my pincanto in the holding but didn't find the owner and so I do not know how much I owe." The hotel clerk smiled understandingly.
"I shall find him for you and tell him where to find you. Which pincanto is yours?" Red smiled.
"Casey is blue with black spikes," she answered. The hotel clerk handed her the key to her room and she turned and walked away.
The sheriff walked over to him. "Well?" he asked.
"No," came the reply.
"Why not? It's not like she'd go to the law," the sheriff protested.
"That's Red Arrow. She's not wanted anywhere; and everyone knows her word is true. Besides, she called her creature by his name."
"So what?"
"She's too smart for us," the hotel clerk replied without answering the sheriff's question.
Red walked up the stairs and entered her room. She collapsed on the bed and fell instantly asleep.
The next morning, she was awakened by a knock on her door. Red sat up and watched the door. A knock sounded again only this time it was on another door to the left of her.
Red got out of bed and stretched. She changed her clothes and brushed her hair with her fingers. She re-braided it and tied it off with a red ribbon. Then she walked downstairs and ate breakfast.
"Howdy," the sheriff greeted her. He wanted to know why the hotel clerk had told him to back off last night. "Mind if I sit with you?" he continued. Red motioned to a chair and he sat down.
"Now I'll get to the bottom of this," he thought to himself. "What's your name?" Red smiled. "How old are you?" She continued to eat. "How many people have you murdered?" Red took a drink of her juice. "In how many states are you wanted?" Red finished her breakfast and stood up. "Wait. I'm not done..."
"My name is Red Arrow. I am 20 years old. I have never murdered anyone. I am no longer wanted. How about you? Aren't you still wanted by the Hawk Rangers?" Red replied. The sheriff stiffened and wondered how she knew. However, she walked out the door before he could ask.
Red walked to the holding and found Casey sleeping soundly.
"Found you," a voice said from the shadows.
"Who are you?" Red asked.
"Name's Izzy," came the reply, "and my companion, Ida."
"Howdy," Ida said, stepping into the light. Red recognized Ida and knew who Izzy was.
"What do you want?" Red asked.
"The stuff you took from us," Izzy replied. Red smiled and shook her head.
"I don't have it," she replied. "I sent the other pincanto back to its home yesterday."
"It rained last night and we can't find its tracks."
"I sent him home and now I'm sending you two home," Red said, turning her back on them and opening the stall door. They were quiet for a bit.
After Red put Casey's bridle on, Izzy said, "We don't have a home."
"Go back to the Double H. They can be your home until you find your own," Red replied. She walked Casey out, mounted up, and rode away.
Izzy dropped to her knees and Ida walked over to her. Ida put her arm around her shoulders. Izzy looked at her.
"Let's go home," Ida said. Izzy began to cry while Ida held her. After Izzy stopped they both stood up and walked back to their creatures. Izzy took one last look in the direction Red had gone.
"Thank you," she said.
Weeks later, the Double H learned that Red and Shawn had gone missing three days after Red left Izzy and Ida. They had found the spot where they'd fought but it was hard to say what the outcome was.
"I wonder what happened." Izzy asked Ida.

Shawn caught up to Red a day after she left the town. Since Izzy and Ida were off her tail, Red had been riding during the day and sleeping at night.
Shawn saw her first and fired first. His shot, however, did nothing except warn Red of his presence. Red spurred Casey and took cover in the brush.
"You will die today," Shawn shouted. Red waited. She didn't want to waste any bullets or miss and kill him.
Shawn moved his creature closer. His gyun was drawn and ready to shoot at anything that moved. However, Casey, having been trained when he was young, was lying on the ground. Although he wouldn't be able to stay there long, Red was hoping to move the line of fire away from Casey so he could stand back up.
Red backed up a little and began crawling away from Casey. A fire bullet kicked dirt in her face and she rolled deeper in the brush.
"You dead yet?" Shawn asked.
"Not yet," Red answered, standing up and diving farther away from Casey. Shawn fired again and his fire bullet burned a hole through Red's leg.
Red quickly stopped the blood and fought against the pain. Shawn, certain of his victory, walked straight into the brush where Red was laying. He saw her on the ground and smiled triumphantly. Red fired and Shawn dropped his gyun and grabbed his shoulder at the same time. Red stood up and limped away from him. She didn't watch where she was going and tripped over a log. She rolled down the hill, losing her gyun in the process.
"You will pay for that." Red heard Shawn yell. When she came to a stop, she stood up and leaned against the tree. She reached for her left hand gyun only to find it missing as well.
She looked around and saw one of her gyuns only a few feet from her. She heard Shawn coming and dived for the gyun. She reached it as Shawn came into view. Her momentum caused her to continue rolling, allowing her to turn her back away from Shawn.
Shawn fired quickly and his fire bullet burned her side. She turned faster and fired three times. The first lightning fired clipped a tree behind Shawn, but the other two hit him in the chest and on the left side of his body. He fell to the ground and laid still.
Red scooted away and kept her eyes on him. Casey came over and snorted at Shawn. Then he walked over to her. He bent over so she could drag herself onto his back. He then stood up and began walking away. Red prayed a silent prayer of thanks to the Lord for keeping her and Casey alive. She then looked at her wound on her side and cleaned it with her canteen. Then she bandaged it and turned Casey west. She didn't know if Shawn was really dead or not, but...
"Well, that's in the Lord's hands," she said to Casey. He snorted, causing her to smile.

Meanwhile, Shawn looked up and watched Red riding away. He moved his hand, trying to get his gyun in a position to shoot her. He realized he was no longer holding his gyun and started to search for it. He saw it off to his right and reached for it. His hand stretched for it and grabbed a handful of dirt. His fingers tightened, relaxed, and then he laid still.

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