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Hello my cute litte lattes! This is Lehua and I'll be entering the Open Novella Contest for the first time this year with my second entry, Mature Decedre.

This novella is based off prompt #5: A soldier always has two options when at a crossroads: to follow orders or to abort the mission.

In this case the soldier will be known as a Golden Warrior of Midas!

Special shoutout to Carolyn_Hill and her amazing ONC entry, Light and Shadow. I originally wanted to use this prompt but ended up taking it out of my first entry, Boil the Ocean, because I felt it didn't fit. But, after reading how well Carolyn handled the prompt, I was inspired to give it a shot in a separate entry. Hopefully it works out!

For those that don't know, mature decedre is Latin. Will I tell you what it's Latin for?


You can look it up or figure it out as the story unfolds 😉

My personal challange for this entry is that, besides the prologue and epilogue, the entire plot will take place in one day.

I would also like to take the moment to state that this is a work of fiction that has references based off of stories/individuals from Abrahamic religions, Catholocism, and Greek mythology. This is in no way an "accurate" depiction as they are written in holy scriptures and I'm in no way claiming to depict them as such. So if there's anything that you think is "inacurately" represented, please keep this in mind.

If you ever see any grammatical errors or have constructive criticism to give, then go ahead and point them out in a comment. I appreciate any advice given.

Thank you for being here and I hope you enjoy this story!

Special shout out to TheSimpleWitch for this GORGEOUS cover 😍 Make sure to show her some love!!

Mature DecedreWhere stories live. Discover now