The Aftermath

57 9 32

Song: Celtic Tears by Celestial Aeon Project

The dormant storm within me raged.

Screams of raw anguish pierced the quiet of the night as I cradled Aunt Meg's cold body. Choked sobs clawed free from my throat. I fell apart, lamenting the loss of the only person that ever loved me.

I never knew true sorrow, real misery, until now.

For all the torment I endured, this was by far the most excruciating to accept.

I couldn't endure it.

I relinquished myself to the wailing agony of despair claiming the last of my pure heart. My tears of gold never stopped flowing, merely hardening on my cheeks as I succumbed to the woes of grief.

I shuddered as gold sprouted from where my leg touched the ground. The shiny metal hardened before spreading like wildfire.

I watched through golden tears as General Hector smiled. It was the sweetest I'd ever seen him look in my whole life. His entire face softened as he dropped his sword, allowing the gold to travel up his legs and petrify him.

He never tried to flee like all the others did.

The kind general simply accepted his fate, departing this life with a free soul and a soft smile.

Consumed by grief, I closed my eyes to the horror of my curse and mourned. I trembled as the screams grew quiet and the leaves stopped rustling. A barren emptiness filled the heavy atmosphere. All that could be heard was my shattered cries.

When I opened my eyes the only thing to be seen under the bright moonlight was sparkling gold.


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QOTD: Did you expect things to end this way?

QOTD: Did you expect things to end this way?

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