A Flower up on the hill.

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It is a slight winter bright day , the light of Alfhiem which beams in the middle of the world shines strong today despite it being the season of cold , somewhere in this world ,  a small riverbank should be of attention ,  two strong figures appear to be near it , the first one is a middle aged ,  stoic straight medium length black haired man , sporting a steel breast plate for Armor , he has a steel axe attached to his right  hip , the man stands straight with folded arms , observing his partner , the second figure , sits upon a rock near the river bank , rubbing his steel sword's end on a wet rock , the second man has shoulder length spiky ashen white hair , he wears a leather armor to his chest , with red sharp eye pupils , he continues to rub his sword's end on the wet rock

" Gestalt , i think that's enough sharpening"  the first man calls out to the second , Gestalt halts his movements when the voice comes upon his ears , but his stillness is only momentary as only after a few seconds , Gestalt continues to sharpen his sword 

"Gestalt , i said it's enough." The first man calls out again , this time Gestalt lets out a heavy sigh and stands up , he puts back his sword on his hip and faces towards the man who has been ordering him

"Why am I even here Garl ? You can hunt alone , Goddess Astrea knows this , why was I asked to tag along ?" Gestalt asks the man ,  "That i can , but however we may disdain each other ,we are bounded together through Astrea and as such , we should follow her words with utter and blind faith"  Garl answers with a stern voice , his expression remaining unchanged , as where Gestalt's changes in a second , his expression is of annoyance , he rolls his eyes at Garl

" I want to go home soon" Gestalt announces to no-one but loud enough for everyone

"As soon as we are done with our deer hunt , we can" Garl states , looking around the river bank , his eyes squinted ,   "Yeah yeah" Gestalt mumbles ,  " Do you see any kind of tracks ? Marks ?" Garl asks while still on the look out ,  "No , not really but i do smell deer feces"  Gestalt kneels down and aims his head and eyes down at the ground , big thick feces of deer are on the ground , wrapped in the nearby sand ,  Garl kneels down opposite to Gestalt and inspects the manure ,  "they look fresh , maybe 15-20 minutes before we arrived here" Garl announces  "you know it's very weird and creepy you can tell all that by just looking at it ... Right ?" Gestalt questions Garl , Garl stands up and simply  goes deep into the forest , Gestalt taken aback by surprise , follows soon after , they soon end up inside a bush from which , a big healthy deer isn't far from , it is big in size  but no antlers on it's head , it eats the grass below it slowly chewing and swallowing while Gestalt and Garl observe with complete stillness , 

"So... What now ?" Gestalt whispers and , asks his superior

"Now... We think." Garl states , not even taking a second

"Think ? That's your grand idea ? Think ?"  Gestalt raises his eyebrow and lets out a strong blow of air from his nose , scoffing 

"Mock me how you may child , but your words won't help you finish the hunt quick"  Garl answers back , Gestalt gives Garl a strong glare of anger and takes out his sword  , in response , Garl takes out his Axe 

"Have you finished your spell ? Of you know.. thinking ?" Gestalt voices out , "maybe one could concentrate if your voice wasn't a constant annoyance in one's life , hmm ?" Garl replies ,  Gestalt gives a second glare , they both wait still , observing their prey , "I will slow down the animal by throwing this axe onto her body , then you can finish it off with your sword" Garl orders  , Gestalt nods slightly ,  "make it a quick , clean cut , our goddess she may be , but no animal deserves a painful death to become a meal" Garl reminds Gestalt , "yes , yes , i have heard this from both you and Monreau a thousand times , let's just finish this." Gestalt sighs again.

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