A new start?

440 13 47

Custard helped crepe over to the entrance of the kingdom but Crepe stopped "Are you sure they arent going to hate me..?" The pinkette looked at the blonde, "Yes, im sure.." Custard felt his face turn red. He couldnt have a crush on Crepe..Could he..? No..! Thats insane...they were enemies a little less than a month ago!..But his heart beat fast and he felt..different near them...






He walked into the kingdom with Crepe basically hiding behind him, And walked to his house since kids have houses too cause that makes perfect sense. (no it doesnt but thats fine its for the fluff thats coming later ;)) It had to bedrooms in it because every house is designed like that.  Crepe sat on the arm chair while Custard looked for bandages for any wounds he could heal. Crepe looked around and started wondering what was happen if dark Enchantress found them here, with an enemy.





Custard came back with band-aids and bandages. He cleaned their wounds while they zoned out staring at a paining-no photo of Pure Vanilla and Custard on his wall. Crepe didnt notice that Custard had already finished patching their wounds. I cant believe im getting help from an enemy.............!   my headsets gone..! He mustve took it while I- "Crepe?" They were cut off by Custard who had noticed the distressed look on their face. 

"Did you take my headset?!"

"What no!"

"Lair! I know you took it!"

"Prove it!"







Crepe yawned as it got late fast..Custard found them yawning cute- What?! No! he doesn't like them! (Keep telling yourself that) He's just their friend.. But Custard (An empath, senses they are tired) noticed they were tired and startled them by picking them up bridal style, and carrying them up to the spare bedroom custard had and placing them on the bed. "What did you do that for!" Crepe yelped at them. "Well your leg wasnt going to let you do that yourself." Crepe puffed their cheeks out which made Custards face turn a shade of red. "W-well good ni-" Right when Custard was about to leave the room.. Crepe yelled but not loudly....


.(A/N : Pretend they both had a change of clothes ok im to lazy to put it in somewhere)








"Wait please dont leave me alone...!" That startled Custard, making him turn around and see Crepe tearing eyed, sitting on the bed, slightly shaking. Custard walked over and sat next to them on the bed. He lifted the blanket  and moved them both under. He hugged them close reassuring them he wouldnt leave them. They cuddled up to him making Custard's heart beat faster and him to blush. (haha simp) He rubbed their back until he knew they had fallen asleep. He clicked the lamp next to them off and fell asleep aswell, holding the pink haired cookie close.









Word count : 469

hehe 69

anyways im enjoying writing these, give me recommendations for chapter 4 please-

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