Revenge and relaxation

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(Arivan's making his way through the caves looking for the crones, and he finds a hole in the floor with a waterfall going through it)

(He looks down the hole with his enhanced witcher sight and dives through headfirst)

(He lands in the water below, swims to the edge, and lifts himself out of the water)

(Arivan runs a hand through his hair to get some of the water out and presses on through the cave)

(Eventually, he sees the light of fire, and three naked witches gathered around a cauldron mixing it)

(Under the cover of darkness, Arivan sneaks through the cave and takes a closer look at the cauldron, and is legitimately terrified by what he finds)

(He finds the blood, guts, and bones of Velen's missing children, among other human remains in the cauldron as the crones have a taste)

(Arivan immediately leaps down to the ground on the crones level)

Crone 1: Young succulent flesh

Crone 2: This one will do nicely

(Arivan is a bit confused, but gets an idea)

Crone 3: Tell me. Do you... desire us?~

Arivan: I do~

Crone 3: Then come to us, you handsome stud~

(Arivan slowly walks towards the crones, but as soon as they get close enough, he quickly draws his sword and decapitates one of them with it)

(The other two crones transform from their beautiful selves, to their twisted, rotting, ugly, warped selves)

Crone 1: Trickery! Deceit!

Crone 2: Why are you here?!

Arivan: I'm here to show you ugly bitches the taste of real magic


(Arivan casts an aagni sign at the other two crones, and they scream and hiss as they receive some burns on their unnatural bodies)

(One of the crones transforms into a murder of crows and teleports away to attack Arivan from behind, but he ducks and rolls away)

(The two crones cast some magic at Arivan, and he either dodges the bolts or blocks them with a magic shield)

(Knowing he can't keep this magic up forever, he holds the shield up with one hand, and throws a bomb with the other)

(The explosion slightly injures the crones, and it makes them both lose track of Arivan, and one of them gets a nice surprise of a crossbow bolt to the head, killing her instantly)

Crone 1: There you are!

(The crone throws a fireball at Arivan, but he crosses his wrists to make the heliotrope sign and make a shield)

(No matter how much Arivan fights or tries to use his magic, he can't land a good hit on the final crone because she always teleports away before it lands)

(Arivan tries to shoot the last crone with his crossbow, but she teleports away and tries to attack from another angle, landing a scratch on his cheek)

(Arivan runs his fingers along the scratch, and there's a little bit of blood dropping from it)

(The last crone licks her scarily long fingernails)

Crone 1: Your blood... So hot and sweet. I must have more!

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