𝟭𝟲 - 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱

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𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱

Tick. I've been sitting here for fiftern minutes straight. Tock. My hands on my thighs as I leaned my back on the chair. Tick. I could say this was the most uncomfortable setting I have ever attended. Tock. But then again I'll be lying if I said that. Tick. The clock on the wall continued it's awfully loud noise as the silence filled the office room for a few more seconds. Until a voice filled the air.

"What have you been thinking about lately...?" The man opposite me spoke while having a file to his desk. What haven't I been thinking about lately..? I wish my head would stop fucking spinning for one second. This is fucked up. And telling myself to do this shit is also fucked up. But I can't control it. This is one thing I can't control and it feels like shit. It feels like I've truely lost it. And I tell myself I haven't. But I'm lying to myself. I lost it. I lost control.

Getting to this stage itself was fucking hard. I had to kill two other men to get to this man in front of me. The first qualified guy was too observant and I didn't like that, it reminded me of a certain someone. The second guy was too nervous to even speak to me because I'm the prince of this kingdom so I lose all my patience and shot him dead.

"Jimin...?" The man by the name of James called out for me. He told me it would be easier dropping formalities when I'm in his office. Although I fucking hated it, he's right. That would be easier. My head rose slightly looking up at him across the desk.

"What have you been thinking about lately..?" He repeated the question word for word. This was pissing me off. The fact that I couldn't get a single amount of sleep in peace for a straight month pisses me off. The fact that every single time I try and close my eyes all I see is a gun to my head and the person that's holding the gun is her. It's fucking her. Fuck me I don't even know her actual name. Let's be real, Mr Yuan is probably not even her real name. All of it was fake. All of it was a lie. Just a lie.

"Death..." I uttered as I watched the man write a few words on his notepad.

"Death...? Tell me more..." he answered. I'm sure you'd love to find out more. He shot me another question knowing I won't answer his pervious one.

"Is there a reason why you're thinking of death...? Do you have a certain person in mind...?" Her trembling pairs of eyes came to mind. How tried she looked that night, how beat up she seemed. But then it shifted to that one night in the club, yesterday to be specific. She knew I was there. I know that because she held eye contact, for a good amount of times. Also because she does that one thing. That one thing that pisses me off. Being confident. She's fucking confident and knows how to perfectly mess with me. And that's what I hate about her.

Her hands wrapped around a stranger's body as she continued to dance for what seemed like too long. And that's when the word death comes in mind. I wanted to hold a gun to her head just to see what she would do. What she would dare to utter to my face. Just to see her dark eyes sparkle against my own. Land on my own. Fuck me, this is ridiculous.

I did question why she'd show up. Not only once but almost every single damn day for the past month. She caught my eyes. How can she not..? She's a hard one to miss. But she didn't come for me, she wanted to do something. Or someone. After finding out that Sliver Wayne was murdered in one my rooms, I immediately knew it was her doing. And she seemed to be having a fucking blast while doing so. The bloody walls, the sixteen stab wounds that ended Sliver's life.

I know it was her just because absolutely no one would dare to murder someone in my club. But her of fucking course. And I won't let her get away with it so easily. Even if my father send her to do so.

"I heard you got engaged a couple of weeks ago to princess Julia. How do you feel about that...?" engaged..? I forgot that event even happened. Yes I fucked Julia in the past but I don't want to marry her. That's all it was, a fuck. I'm not interested in her at all. I'm not interested in the topic of marriage as a whole but that's not what the kingdom needs. I gazed at James, giving him a shake of my head. Telling him I'm not interested in that topic of discussion. He nodded, changing the topic quickly.

"Why does this person make you think of death..? In what aspect...?" My eyes dropped at the clock on the wall behind him. Times up. I immediately stood up adjusting my sleeves before turning around. I heard James close the file, slipping it inside one of his drawers. I reached for the knob answering his question before turning it.

"In every way possible, even by breathing..."

𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙮𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙙 • 𝙥𝙟𝙢 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now