𝟯𝟱 - 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗺𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁

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𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗺𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁

"What the fuck are you saying then.?" I'm about two fucking seconds away from throwing my phone across this whole fucking office. My jaw tightened and I felt the heat from my body rise at it's peak. I'm pissed. Not only pissed, I'm ready to rip whoever told Yura to leave without letting me know into fucking pieces. How can that just happen..? She's under my care all the time so she should have came to me before going elsewhere. Fuck me I'm about to go insane and the feeling of shredding the first person on sight only increased when the voice from the other side of the phone speaks.

"Your majesty, we have a footage of him getting into one of the public buses in the kingdom but he hasn't been seen ever since and that footage was captured twelve hours ago. I've scanned through all the other cameras but he wasn't in any of them..." twelve hours. Twelve fucking hours ago my life decided to fuck up from the gates of hell. I haven't slept for twelve hours and I'm surprised I could even stand up straight right now.

When I woke up with her empty side beside me I didn't think much of it then. She could have rushed to the toilet, she could have went down to the kitchen. Fuck's sake she could have left to sleep on her own bed which I'm fine with. But what I'm not fine with was her running her ass off without telling me. Without her giving me the time to convinced her otherwise. To convince her to stay because I want her to, I need her to and now here I am standing in the middle of my office searching from the sky to the ground for Yura.

All I want from her is to be okay. She needs to be okay. Not only for her sake but for my sake. I don't think I can ever forgive myself if anything happens to her. If anything or anyone harms her. For me to be able to breath normally I need her to okay until I find her. I fucking need her to stay safe.

I cancelled the idea of physically going out and looking for her because if I do that I might just murder a total number of fifty people that I know will piss me right off in a span of ten minutes.

"What was the destination of the bus that he took..?" I asked gripping the phone even harder than before. The line was silence for a few seconds and more silence filled my ear as time went by, completely getting me angry.

"If you don't speak up I'll gladly make my way to that small desk you're sitting at and rip that tongue from inside your fucking mouth..."I demand and his voice stutters a little before finally making sense.

"We don't have that on camera, we only have the footage of him getting on the bus..." how fucking perfect is that, just what I needed to make my day even worse. The only think I gathered from this useless conversation is that she got on a fucking bus, a public bus and didn't use any of our vehicles for her escape. She doesn't want to get hacked or traced by our vehicles which means she doesn't want me to find her either. I hung up the phone and make my way out of the office. She might not want me to find her but there's one thing I'm definitely sure of and that is that my father needs some serious ass kicking and the only person that has the guts to do that is me.

𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙮𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙙 • 𝙥𝙟𝙢 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now