𝟮𝟮 - 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗻

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𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗻

Clearly I wasn't thinking damn straight. My mind couldn't help it self but to search. Search miles away. Away from it's original location. I want nothing in this world but to strip her naked. Strip her bare right fucking here. Right now. Drop right on my knees if I could and have her all. Undressing her carefully but slowly, like I was taking my time with her. Like I never want it to end without it even beginning.

I was thinking about a lot of things right now. How she presses her lower lip to her top together lot, slowly sucking them before releasing them. She's fucking playing with me. Messing with me like she always does. Like she did when she started working for me. Like she's doing to me right now. And somehow I'm fucking liking it.

How she looks me in the eye with no remorse like she's coming out to kill me, fresh and raw. And that's what gets me so excited and thrilled to be around her. That's what gets my briefs tight as fuck allowing my dick to increase in size which wasn't my intention.

And here I was, the top half of me completely and utterly naked for her to touch on. For her to feel on. To do anything she wants with my body. She can touch it. Lick it. Bite it. Fuck me, I don't care what she does. All I want from her is to make contact with my skin. All I want to feel is her touch. All I want is for her to be comfortable with my skin. To be comfortable touching on it. Feeling my skin against the tip of her fingers. That's all I want. That's all I'm asking for.

I don't know what happened for her to not like being touched. I don't want to ask and I'm not planning on to. But when she raised her hand up and made contact with my bare collarbone I almost felt the material of my underwear rip to shreds. I could see that her knuckles were pretty fucked up. The soreness as the dark colour of red spread across her skin. When she fainted in my arms she looked extremely pale. The blood was practically living raw on her skin, dripping from every area of her body.

She doesn't know I told Seokjin to keep the fact that she's a women a secret and she doesn't need to know. She doesn't know that I visited her for those two days and she doesn't need to know that either. She simply doesn't need to know any of that because if I do tell I she might just grab that gun from the counter and pull the trigger on me.

Apart of me wanted to rip my father to pieces for even allowing her to welcome her near death with open arms. Another part of me wanted her to go for it. Knowing that Nani probably had something on her she wanted him dead and she did it. But looking at her bruised up face. Her wounded stomach and that scar across her eye.

That was when I experienced a sudden urge and desire to actually commit murder for her. But then I found out that she did the job quite damn well and she did it fucking solo. Hell this women murdered and beated the fuck out of Nani and had time to set his whole fucking mansion on fire which I was extremely proud of. Just the thought of it makes me want to laugh.

𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙮𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙙 • 𝙥𝙟𝙢 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now