Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

THE PARTY WAS ALREADY ON full swing when Nora realized her plan wouldn’t work. At all.

She had managed to hide successfully. Her chance of running into Mrs. Crawley was null where she was, that being the place where all the little kids were. Loud, nosy kids who wouldn’t let her read in peace.

She considered for a second the possibility of finding an empty room to sneak into, but she decided against it. Even if what she was doing was already rude, she didn’t feel like breaking an entering into areas of the house she hadn’t been invited to. She did want to be a lawyer, so breaking the law wasn’t something she was keen of.

In the end, she decided to give up on trying to read surrounded by all those kids–it was impossible anyways. Instead, she walked out of the kiddie room and headed in the direction of the place where men with trays flowed in and out every few minutes. If she was right and that was the kitchen, maybe she would find some friendly cook that would lend her a seat and a peaceful corner to read.

She didn’t even make it to the door, though.

Before she could even touch it, someone pushed it open from the other side and knocked Nora right on her forehead.

And for a few seconds, her world went black.

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