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Word Count: 3571 words


Author's Note: im nervous to post this chapter bcuz as it says above...there is a sexual scene. im really excited for yall to read this!! ENJOY!!


Penelope had just finished unloading more information onto you guys via the laptop.

"Okay, once we land, Reid, Derek and Rossi go to the precinct. Talk to the police officers and find out what they know. Reid, start a geoprofile." Hotch spoke, the three men nodding, "Emily and JJ, talk to the most recent victims parents. Me and Y/n will go to the most recent crime scene, it should still be taped off." Everyone nodded.

A few hours later the plane landed and you all shuffled into two SUVs. Aaron, Emily, JJ, and you in one and the rest in the other. Aaron dropped Emily and JJ off at the precinct where they got into another SUV and drove to the most recent victims parents house. You and Hotch then went to the most recent crime scene, which was luckily still taped off.

When you pulled up you were met with a police SUV. A man stepped out of it, he was wearing a suit instead of a police uniform.

"Detective John Phillips." The man said, shaking Aaron's hand before shaking yours, "I was in charge of this case before we handed it off to you guys, figured I'd meet you here. The sheriff is back at the station filling the rest of your team in."

"Great, what do you know about the victims?" Aaron asked.

"Middle class, unemployed, stay at home mothers." said the detective, "Nice ladies, as I've heard, don't know who would want to do this to them."

"Low risk." You spoke, "Any idea where they were abducted from?"

"All of their husbands say they were going to the grocery store and then were never heard from after that." said the detective, "Each went to different grocery stores though."

"Have any other women gone missing from grocery stores since the last victim was found?" Aaron asked.

"Not yet, that we know of at least." The detective said, "I assume your technical analyst, Ms. Garcia, is on that though. She's quite the character, isn't she?"

"She's really nice actually." You spoke, "Thanks for the information."

"Of course." The detective said, "If you need me, heres my card. I'm going home for the night, you guys take care." He said handing Aaron his card.

"I don't like him." You said as he drove away, Aaron chuckling softly before walking towards the crime scene, lifting the tape over his head.

You did the same, walking directly behind him. You guys combed through the crime scene, looking for anything the police may have missed. You guys found nothing, at all.

"Well this sucks." You said.

"Indeed." Aaron said, "Usually we arrive at the crime scenes just after they happen, this is tougher."

"What do we do now, boss?" You said, Aaron looking at you weird.

"If were going to be in a relationship, never call me boss ever again." He said somewhat sarcastically.

You chuckled, "Sorry, would you prefer sir?" You spoke.

"In bed, maybe." He said with a smirk, making your eyes widen, "If you don't want to raise any alarms, Hotch is what everyone else calls me, besides Dave."

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