You walked through the airport, overwhelmed by the mass of people and the newness of it all. You made your way around everyone while holding on tight to your hero costume suit case and your other suitcase.
Your eyes caught sight of a familiar red spiked boy. You quickly made your way over to him.
"Kirishima!" You yelled out, making him turn around.
"Oh, hey Y/n, what's up?" He said, smiling to you, showing off a shark tooth.
"I have no idea where I'm going, please, I need some help." You sweat dropped.
"Of course! I was just waiting for B-"
"Oi! Shitty-hair!" A voice called out, you turned to see Bakugo. "What's with Doll face?"
Doll face?!-
"I just found her! She can tag along, right?" Kirishima smiled once more, ignoring the fact Bakugo called you doll face.
"tch, whatever" Bakugo scowled.
So welcoming.
All of class 1A travelled to I-Island for a popular event known as the I-Expo. But, only a few could go see the Expo early and attend the feast held the night before the grand opening. You were lucky to be one of those few.
Bakugo had invited Kirishima as a plus one since the host of the I-Expo gave him another ticket for winning the sports festival. You walked around the Expo and quickly ran out of the way from the hero that looked too much like Godzilla.
"Hey, are you from UA? For the Villain-bot course, right?" A lady stopped us, "I can show you to i-"
"We don't need your help you hag-"
"Yes, that would be lovely, thank you." You cut off Bakugo before he made the poor girl cry.
She nodded and waved you along, taking you to the villain bot course. Bakugo's scowl slowly became a smirk as he saw what he'd be fighting.
He is going to embarrass me with that look.
We lined up and put our names down, you had to calm Bakugo down when a little kid tripped over on him. You apologised to her and pushed Bakugo away, making him put his name down.
You waited for your name to be called out. Since you put your name down last, it makes sense you were called out last. But when the girl's voice went over the intercom, announcing your name, you walked out, blinded by the sun for a few seconds.
You felt a surge of power flow through your body as the sunlight hit you.
"Ready?" She said into the intercom, your eyes went orange. "Set? GO!"
You shot forward, blasting energy behind your back as you sharply turned and hit the robots. It reminded you of the entrance exam we had to do.
You blasted around the course, destroying the robots and landing back down with a slight stumble. That landing wasn't so bad...
"13.2 seconds!" The lady said into the intercom.
It didn't beat Bakugo's record, but his reaction skills are far better than yours, so-
You had a puzzled and annoyed expression on your face as you saw Bakugo hanging off a rail and swinging around. He looked like he was having a fit.You blasted your quirk and made your way up there.
"Who pissed in his cup?" You asked, looking at the blond.
"Y/n! Hey, you did really good down there!" Uraraka gave you words of encouragement.
"Thank you." You nodded your head at you.
You noticed how some of the class was here. Other than Kirishima and Bakugo, there was Midoriya, Uraraka, Jiro, Momo, Iida and Todoroki. Next to Midoriya was a girl with a bitching rack.
"Oh!" Jiro made a noise. "Happy Birthday Y/n, by the way."
Oof, I forgot it was my birthday, Lol.
"It's your birthday?!" Midoriya looked at you.
"Oh yeah, I'm 16 now...the dangerous age" You made a dramatic voice.
"Yeah? Welcome to the club." Bakugo grumbled.
"Your 16 as well? Since when?"
"Kacchan was born in April." Midoriya helps you out.
"Hello, I'm Melissa!" the girl with the bitching rack smiles and stick out her hand, offering a hand shake. "Happy Birthday."
"Y/n, nice to meet you. And thank you." You shake her hand.
"Are you going to be coming to the banquet later this evening?" She asked, retracting her hand to her side.
"I might make an appearance." You say, you'd completely forgotten about the banquet while you were packing.
Isn't that going to be funny when you show up in sweatpants. Oh, they'll be talking about that for ages."I have a proposition!" Iida suddenly said. "We should all meet up at a certain point in time and place so we can go to the party together!"
"That sounds like a splendid idea!" Momo clapped her hand together.
"I shall text you all the meeting point! You must be there at 6:30 sharp!" Iida turned around. "But for now I must take off, see you then!"
"Going to that stupid party is a dumb idea." Bakugo said, laying flat on the bed.
"Your just mad 'cuz you forgot a suit." You side eyed him.
"SAYS YOU!" He yelled back at you.
"Hey! Hey guy!" Kirishima's head peep out of the closet. "I have something for you!"
Then out came a dress and a suit, they were matching. "When my mothers went to graduation, this is what they wore. Since my ma didn't want a dress, she got this suit. And my mum wore this dress."
You felt as if you could die at how wholesome it was. Kirishima was and is and shall always be, the sweetest boy. You stood up from the chair and walked over to him.
"Can I wear the suit?"
"HELL NO! I'M NOT WEARING A DRESS!" Bakugo shot forward.
"Oh, so you want to go now?"
Bakugo carefully, but angrily snatched the suit and walked off to the bath room.
You looked back at the dress and then Kirishima."Thank you man, you're a life saver." You kissed him on the cheek and took the dress, walking back to your room across the hall.
The dress was knee length and a deep red colour and a one shoulder. The bottom was slightly tight, but the slit going up to your upper thigh made it easy to move around in.
When you checked yourself out in the mirror, but your jaw dropped when you saw yourself.Wait, what?
You literally looked like a Goddess. You quickly ran to the bath and style your hair to the best of your ability.
There was a knock on your door and you quickly jogged back out."Alright I'm moving!"
"We're already late, you wombat!" Bakugo called out to you.
You rolled your eyes and patted your dress off, opening the door. Kirishima's eyes seemed to smile as he saw you. Bakugo looked like he was judging you.
"Do I look good or do I look good?" You pose with a smile.
"Since when could you look like that?" That earned Bakugo a slap on the back of his head.
"Okay, so I think we go this way!"

Fiksi PenggemarY/n is used to life being rough on her, but she doesn't want her siblings growing up like she did. A way to save them is to join the hero course and become a hero for them. Little did Y/n know how much that the class of 1A would have an effect on he...