Chapter 4: The Drawbacks of Change

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It had been two long weeks. Really long weeks and a lot had happened. To begin with, the eventful evening when Anna did get home, she finally come home, she saw two black cars outside her house and her house drowning in an atmosphere of thick tension. Her mother had finally been pardoned from her sins. She was free of all obligation and duties. She was free. She was dead.

Asuming that she was not completly ready to take care of herself and her siblings, she was sent to live with her aunt. Rather, her aunt was sent to live with her. She had not seen her aunt since she was 4 and her siblings did not even know who she was. Her aunt was none other than Cordelia Witherstone, the world famous fashion designer who as of now was the Creative Designer of Dolce & Gabanna. Yes, her aunt was rich, famous and envied. To make things better, she had married the iconic David Witherstone, the sole owner, founder and the CEO of Witherstone Enterprises- an organization which plunged its enterprising fingers deep into industries from manufaturing to entertainment. Both of them were dashingly perfect- they looked amazing, had charismatic personalities and were bottomless pits for talents. They even had two perfect little children. Okay, maybe not perfect but very close to. Alexander and Sofia Witherstone were idols to ever teenager in the world. They were like the royalty for teenagers. Beautiful features, impecable intelegence and creativity, charismatic personalities and above all, they were different. They had this approachable aura so rare in one of those 'elite' types and, they were Anna's cousins.

Aunt Cordelia strongly felt that in order for the children to truly get comfertable, they must remain in their own natural environment- home. Yes, this was just perfect for Anna. One of the world's most elite and richest families was going to be living in her cramped dump of a house which was barely big enough for 3 people an definetly not 7. This was going to be pure heaven wasn't it?

But that was not how it turned out. From living on the area bodering East End, Anna suddenly found herself moving to live in a massive luxurious pent house in Belgravia, one of no, the poshest area in London. Each person there was somebody. Each person there owned a Louis Vuitton or a Chanel. For them, money was paper- a commodity so easy to waste that it was in fact a joke. But to Anna, it was far from this. Seeing, breathing and living the live of poverty, she valued money more than her life. She has never even heard of half of these things and knew extremly well that if she went to school, dressed in the crisp black Valentino mini pencil skirt which reached a few inches above her knees, along with the pretty white Chanel ruffled blouse and the brick red Alexander McQueen blazer along with the nude Christian Loubotins and the nude patent leather Prada tote bag like Sofia, not only would she be stared at like an exotic animal but, she would also be the center of attention. People would hound her to be her aquantince. Boys would flock around her for her wealth. She would never be ignored again. But the worst of all, Harry Styles would notice her and for once, he would stop teasing her.

It was his teasing which kept her sane. She would never admit to this off course. His continous teasing would remind her that she had to work hard to get away from all this- she had to escape. But, with Sofia and Alexander, she could never do that. Her siblings would forget the importance of patience, respect and family and would become spoilt and lazy. They would become superficial and annoying, like Harry Styles. How could she possibly let such a thing happen?

As her mind was filled with such thoughts, days went by a lot faster. Time just sped away until, she had been away for more than a month. A hundred and ten percent certain that her absence would not have significant impact, she desperatley tried to drown away thoughts of school. She was in what most people would call 'heaven'.

Her aunt and uncle were always busy and seen rarely by the children during the weekends and even rarer durring the weeks. Their absence did not seem to bother Alexander and Sofia and Anna guessed that this was because they were used to it. It was durring this time that Anna realized that both her cousins were beautiful internally and externally. They were kind and down to earth along with drop dead gorgeous. Sofia strongly resembled her mother- standing proud and tall at 5"9, she boasted off a highly enviable size '0' waist along with a head of gorgeous, lucious lighlty wavy silky brown hair. Her face was oval and her sapphire blue eyes shone like gems behind her forest of thick black eyelashes. She owned high cheek bones and a pair of lucious, plump and moist rose red lips. Her skin, porcelin white was as soft and creamy as a dolls. The rest of her body was similar to a supermodel's. She seemed almost other worldly- too perfect to be real and perhaps she was. This was a perfectly functional product of the highly competitive fashion industry. Her brother, only a year older at 18, as 6"2 and very well built. Taking after his father, he had his gold blonde hair, sharp angulqar face and his mother's sapphire blue eyes. He was the prize all girls wanted. There was no suprise when he revealed that he rode horses and played football at a national level. He was a sportsman and you could tell by just looking at him.

So naturally, the question came up in Anna's mind.

If they're so perfect why am I like this, she thought to herself every time she saw them, which unfortunetly for her was a lot.

She tried so hard to hate them sometimes. So hard. She would desperatley be mean to them, ignore them sometimes, not give them what they wanted instantly, refuse to help out around the house at times and simply would thrive to make their lives difficult. But they never gave in. Always, with a small smile, they would nod, give each other a strange look of mutual understanding and leave. They would leave her hanging as if she were a wounded child. It infuriated her. She was no child. She had lost the childish innocece the moment her mother got derailed from life. She resented their pity.

But, even when she was difficult, something always whispered in her mind like a broken tape recorder.

"They are your best chance of escaping from this hell. Don't let yourself get dragged back into it,"

Then, reluctantly, the anger would mellow and she would resume normality. Yes, this was her daily cycle. There was no break to it. Or that was so until her aunt broke a terrible piece of news to her. Preocupied in this mock war, Anna completly forgot about school. Naturally, they were being educated in some fancy private school. That would mean that she would have to move there. Surley her aunt and uncle did not want children shuffling from different parts of the city. They would want them to be together. So, returning to the crux of the matter, would she ever fit in? To her, money had always been a scarce commodity so, could she ever truly adjust to the excess spending? No. She would never fit in. Never.

This was what she expected but things never actually went the way she wished they would. Instead, she got the shock of her life. Aunt Cordelia was not sending her to Bradford Preperatory, the most expensive and elite day school in the United Kingdom but, was sending two of the most amazing and perfect people to a small, unknown little shack of a school called Riverside Public School. How was this even possible?

Everything she had ever bothered to know would change instantly. People would flock them. She would be ignored again. Or, she would be used to get to them. Teachers would be partial. They would forever be the center of attention and she just could not have that. She liked being invisible and with the limelight blarring down upon them, she would not be able to any more. She would be known and she did not want that. She hated the limelight. Despised the Popularity. Resented the attention. She could never be known.

Thus, a final decicion was taken.Anna Collies would no longer roam the shadows of Riverside Public School and would no longer be dominated by the hellish Harry Styles. Instead, she would attend Bradford Preperatory- the capitail of London's elite, rich and famous. Everyone who ever hoped to get known in the world, more than just a face went to Bradford and now, Anna was one of them. If she was lucky, the mad thirst for success and ambition would slowly drown her and if she was not, she would be embaressed in front of the most influential people in London. That stain would remain for ever and this was more daunting than anything Harry Styles ever could even dream of accomplishing.


hope you guys liked it! i'm so sorry about the late updates but i've been kind of busy with school and stuff.

but anyways, please vote, comment and tell everyone who you know about this!

i really do love the plot and the way its developing so i want to see it do well.

also, credit happysmilebtr with the original plot idea & feel free to suggest what happens next.

anyways, I hope you guys liked it and that's it for now :p

until next time :)

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