chapter 1: the background information.

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Life isn't so cookie cutter, that's what she has told herself, who is this 'she' you ask, Anna. Anna Collies to be much more exact. It all started kindergarten where she has then told herself life sucks. Her day started off perfectly normal like any other day for a typical five year old right?

Sitting on the swing and softly humming the Barney theme song where she then met a specific person. Never seeing him before she raised an eyebrow at the curly mopped kid standing in front of her

"erm...hi?" she said softly.


"..I’m Anna" she continued, still nothing, just getting a blank stare from the kid.

She huffed as she crossed her arms and looked at him

"Do you talk or what?" she asked, still getting no answer from him as she groaned a bit.

 Weirdo she thought.

she was about to go back to swinging when the no talking boy was in front of her, a slight smirk appeared on his face. Next thing she knew, she was pushed off the swing. She shook her head to get the wood chips out of her messy hair and glared at him

"Hey!" she said, standing up from the ground

"My swing!" she exclaimed

"No, it’s my swing" the boy finally replied.

"No, i was here first, so mine" Anna said, stomping her foot, causing the flock of mops chuckle

"Well, are you sitting on it?"  He mocked.

"No i-" "good, then it's no yours" he said, shrugging his shoulders like it’s no big deal.

But, for Anna it was. Getting annoyed, she basically pounced on the boy like a cat trying to get a mouse. Screaming, hair pulling and name calling was to be seen and heard. Thankfully the teacher came to stop it by pulling them apart, both kids glaring at each other as they were being escorted to the principal’s office. The occasional 'i hate you' and 'you're stupid' came out of their mouths. That day, marked their rivalry. But that was seven years ago, this is present. Nothing has changed, Anna still hated harry, harry still hated Anna. Now it was start of middle school.

Since that day, Anna swore to make a difference for herself, even if it means being nice to harry which is highly impossible for them to of them to do. But of course there were some changes, mainly to harry.  He had gained popularity since the age of seven. He became the guy that girls wanted to be with and guys who wanted to be, more or less he became a miniature player if you must say. Never could stay in a relationship for more than three weeks. The longest was four weeks. As for Anna, well she was at the bottom of the food chain, never gained friends really so she was a loner. The pranks that harry did on her of course have bigger and crueler over the course of time but the worst one for her was fourth grade. Let’s review that shall we?

Anna was walking to the bathroom and she saw harry out on the hallway as well, he offered to show her where the bathroom was since she never went in school before. She thought he was trying to be nice and boy was she wrong.  Instead, harry shoved her into a janitor's closet and locked her in. leaving her inside the small space until next morning when a janitor found her. She cried all night and wished her father would return to teach him a lesson but nothing like this was even close to happening.

Now, another cruel memory. Anna was sitting by the front school steps, getting herself lost in the world of 'harry potter and the half blood prince'. She wanted to be a bit ahead in the series before the last part was supposed to come out, even though she is reading the sixth book of the series. She got so in lost in her reading, the she never noticed harry taking her backpack and putting a brown paper bag, inside. Dog crap. He slides it back next to her, watching her reaction and of course, Anna didn't react at anything at first. Until the popular girl, Mindy laughed at her.

"Wow, need a dipper change Collies" she smirked.

 What the... she thought and sniffed, opening her backpack, Anna scrunched up her face at the stench, hearing Harry's laugh

"Oops" he said in between them.

Oops my ass, she thought as she took the sleeve of her foodie, she took the brown paper bag and flung it over at Harry's feet.

She glared at him as she got up from the stairs, walking inside into the school building and finding her classroom. of course, harry 'magically' found out what her homeroom is since there was a drawing of a beaver of some sorts and her last name written, the picture was tapped on one of the lockers "wonderful" she muttered as she ripped the paper off, crumbling it up into a ball as she threw it behind her.

And as I suspected: he can’t even draw properly, she thought as she left the class.

She got out her locker combination from her class schedule and entered it in, opening the metal door with ease. But what she didn't expect was a pie being flung to her face. Everyone turned to see what had happened and well, laughter erupted. Wiping her eyes from the cream, she looked to her left and saw harry smirking at her

"Welcome to middle school" he said, waving innocently at her. she felt tears fighting their way to coming out but she fought them in time when she got to the bathroom, locking the door and let the tears fall as she washed her face. What did she do to make him this.....this cruel to her??? She didn't do anything wrong, beside sit on 'his' swing when they were five? Bull shit really. This was going round and round, in 360 degrees, a full circle nonstop. This isn't going to stop anytime soon.

But what she knew for sure was that he longed to see her cry. Yeah, as if that’s happening any time soon, she thought to herself as she wiped the remnants of the cream of her face. The reason why she remembered this day so well, so clearly was because something significant happened. It was not Harry or any of the other annoying people in her school. No. this was the day her father- the one person she truly adored, save her mother and her younger siblings finally let her go. This was the day her father finally died, throwing their family into a strange kind of emotion. It was relief because no longer were they tortured with the thought of him being alive or dead but they were also tortured as her mother took up two jobs. This meant no more toys, no more dinners out, any more new things. Anna didn’t mind, she never cared about all of this anyways. But this meant that her mother was going to be burdened with work. Her dreams of becoming a ballet dancer now ceased. She would do what it took to get money for her family. It was always her family first and then her. Now, a junior in high school, Anna was a straight A student. But, she was invisible. No one bothered with her. She hardly spoke and Harry’s teasing had ceased. But, she had forever become the wallflower and no one could change that. He made sure of that. She had to escape. She just did but how?


please vote, comment & read. hope you guys liked it as much as we did.

this story is co-written by happysmilebtr so guys, congardualte her! :)

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