Placement of Beauty

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 Ye Chonghua's face flashed a gloomy look, he had never seen how Ouyang Wu repaid him, but he didn't like to talk to Yun Shang about such a thing, and gave him a stern look: "You recently Isn't it too leisurely?"

Ye Chonghua stopped writing for a while, looked up at Yun Shang and said lightly: "After you left that day, Wu'er said that she recently developed a new drug, maybe you are interested in giving it a try?"

Yun Shang This time, she was choked by a sip of water. Although Ouyang Wu looked at the gentleman, sometimes the medicine she developed was extremely poisonous. Ye Chonghua said that he didn't want to be a medicine person. Thinking of this, he hurriedly stood up: "I suddenly remembered that I have something to do, so I'll go first!"

It was just a flash, Yun Shang had already rushed to the door, and then disappeared. Ye Chonghua smiled helplessly and continued to be busy with official business. Recently, there was a drought in the south, and it was not peaceful. He had to deal with a lot of things. Only then did I have time to see her.

Ouyang Wu has never been a person who can be lonely and empty. She has some ways to entertain herself. King Ning is very big, especially there is a shaded pavilion in the garden. She moved a chaise longue and took it from the study. Several books about this continent are slowly flipped through. While reading it with gusto, I heard the complaining voice of the little unicorn in my mind: "Master, don't read these boring books, come and play with me!" Ouyang Wu ignored him and let him roll around coquettishly, only focusing on his work in the books. But the little unicorn did not give up: "Master~Master~Master! Master!" Ouyang Wu was finally forced to be irritable, put down the book, and said silently: "What do you want to do?" The little unicorn who was rolling on the ground saw Ouyang Wu finally took care of it, so she jumped up and stretched out her claws, excitedly saying, "Let's play rock-paper-scissors!"

As he said that, he took a paw and stretched it slightly. Ouyang Wu glanced at Xiao Qilin's claws lightly, and said, "Tell me, what's the difference between your rock, scissors, and cloth?" Xiao Qilin put his claws in front of him and tried them one by one. Rock... claws , scissors... claws, cloth... claws... The little unicorn was very frustrated looking at his claws, and walked slowly back to his small tent with his head down. Ouyang Wu looked at the appearance of the little unicorn and couldn't help but say to its back: "Little unicorn, I will play with you, no matter what, I will win."

"Master, i hate you!" The little unicorn moved towards Ouyang wu from a distance shouted, then quickly swayed and ran back.

Ouyang Wu was in a good mood for a while. It turned out that bullying the little unicorn was such a fun thing. The corners of Ouyang Wu's lips were still lightly raised, and suddenly she felt someone behind her gently wrap her in her arms: "Why is it so funny?" Ouyang Wu raised her head slightly, and saw Ye Chonghua was looking down at her with a deep expression. The eyes seem to be a vortex, as if they will be sucked in if they are not careful. Ye Chonghua looked at Ouyang Wu's rare sluggish expression and thought it was very funny, so he couldn't help reaching out and gently caressing Ouyang Wu's face. nodded. Ouyang Wu was confused by Ye Chonghua's movements, she tilted her head back a little, and said, "What are you doing?" Ye Chonghua walked to Ouyang Wu and smiled, "Nearly Two days, Wuer seems to look more beautiful, presumably the effect of blood swallow is good, but it is still too thin."

Ouyang Wu looked at Ye Chonghua with contempt, and said proudly: "What blood swallow? This lady is naturally beautiful. What does it have to do with Xueyan?"

Ye Chonghua heard that his smiling face turned gloomy, and looked at Ouyang Wu and said, "You haven't taken Xueyan recently?" Ouyang Wu looked blank: "I don't know. , but the fungus and lotus seed soup has been eaten several times."

Before Ouyang Wu could react, she saw Ye Chonghua turned around with a gloomy face and walked out, the pace was hurried and heavy.

Ouyang Wu looked at Ye Chonghua's back, pondered carefully, she already had a result in her heart, presumably the blood swallow that Ye Chonghua pointed out to her was stolen.

In a corner of the kitchen, a casserole was steaming hot, and a maid was squatting in front of the pot to carefully watch the heat, and occasionally lifted the lid to see if it was ready. It was half an hour after college, and the bird's nest in the pot was already stewed, so she put out the fire in the stove, put the casserole aside, took a bowl, and scooped a bowl from it.

When she looked up and saw that the door was open, she put down the bowl in her hand, walked to the door quickly, looked out the door, turned around and closed the door. The maid picked up the bowl she just put down, took a spoon, scooped a mouthful and slowly put it in her mouth, chewed it slightly, and looked very happy with narrowed eyes, suddenly she seemed to remember something, put down the bowl and spoon, and took it out of her arms. He took out a mirror and looked at his face left and right. He was very satisfied. After reading it, he put the mirror back in his arms and continued to swallow with a bowl and spoon. As she was eating, she heard a voice and asked, "How does it taste?" The maid was startled by the voice, the bowl and spoon in her hand fell unsteadily to the ground, she looked up in surprise and saw that the door had been opened at some point in time. , the door is standing in a person, his face is hidden in the shadows, and his whole body exudes a coldness. The maid looked at the person in front of her, she already understood who was in front of her with the sound just now, she immediately knelt down in panic, and shouted, "Your Highness!" Ye Chonghua looked at the bloody swallows scattered on the ground, her lips became colder, and she shouted in a low voice. Said: "Someone."

As soon as the voice fell, a man in black clothes came out from the side, standing on one side. Ye Chonghua looked at the maid and said, "Don't you want to eat? Go, feed her clean." The man in black walked over to the maid when he heard the words, grabbed her hair and pressed her straight to the ground. The broken pieces of porcelain on the ground either plunged into her hands, or slashed across her face, leaving a deep incision on her face. Ye Chonghua was standing in front of her dressed in black, her dark black eyes were as cold as a cold pool, her nose was high and her thin pale pink lips were tightly pursed into a line: "I didn't expect that there are people in Ning's mansion. Such people with unclean hands and feet even take the blood swallow of the princess privately."

"Pull it out and hit the 100 big board!" The 100 big board, the 100 big board in Ning Wang's mansion is so strict, it is estimated that they have not yet hit the full one. Hundred big boards, life will go to the west.

The girl's face was ashen, and she was shaking violently because of panic. She couldn't take care of the blood on her face: "Your Highness, forgive your life, Your Highness!"

Ye Chonghua said coldly, "Pull it down!"

"Forgive my life, my lord, spare my life, my lord, it's the empress, the empress ordered me to do this!"

Ye Chonghua narrowed his phoenix eyes, and seemed to be more and more annoyed: "Don't talk nonsense! How can the empress control my Ning King? The matter is not of the palace!"

"It's true, it's true!" The girl kowtowed heavily, as if to promise something, "The Empress asked the servants to put medicine in the bloody swallow..."

"Then what?"

"Then the servants , The slave also secretly tasted the blood swallow, and thought it was delicious...I ate it up, slave, slave saved the princess' life, please forgive the slave."

"What a maid who is full of lies, she actually arranges it at will. Empress!" Ye Chonghua looked at the embarrassed maid on the ground, the empress actually wanted to drug Wuer, and dared to bribe the maid in his house, he smiled coldly, and there was an indescribable femininity in his eyes: "My name is Gu Dao. Come, tell him what the shape of the bird's nest is, and make it for me. Let all the servants in the house watch."

Gu Da!

He used to be a cow slaughterer, and he was a good knife at cutting meat. He was a good executioner. When he executed the execution, he moved gracefully and attentively, but the person being executed could be forced to the most desperate point, watching the wounds on his body helplessly. The meat was cut off piece by piece.

The maid naturally knew the old man. As soon as she heard the name, her lips were gray, she couldn't speak, she couldn't move her hands, and finally she couldn't hold it anymore and fainted.

This matter didn't reach Ouyang Wu's ears, but Ouyang Wu recently discovered that the servants in the house looked at her with fear. She couldn't help but be curious and glanced at Zhu Lu, only to see that she hesitated.

Zhu Lu inserted a yellow peach into Ouyang Wu with a toothpick. Ouyang Wu took it over and tasted it slowly. The fruity aroma filled the entire cavity. She said, "Zhu Lu, what's the matter, you can say it directly." Zhu Lu Seeing Ouyang Wu taking the initiative to ask, she hesitated, and then said: "Princess, a maid in the mansion stole your bird's nest a few days ago, and framed it because of the empress. She's shredded.

The lord also made all of us watch from the bottom, so now everyone is very afraid of doing something wrong and angering the princess. "

Zhu Lu shuddered as she spoke, as if she was a little scared. Ouyang Wu heard the words and said lightly: "Old? "Zhulu explained quickly: "The ancient king was invited by the prince to the mansion to punish those who did wrong." 

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