The Fall Of Feixi

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 Ye Feiqing was walking back and forth in the house at this time, her deep eyes were gloomy and terrifying.

The little Zhuozi beside the emperor actually died violently! Xiao Zhuozi was the eyeliner he placed beside the emperor. He observed the emperor's every move. His temperament was unusual and cautious. He could be alert immediately after a little trouble, but now, why did he die suddenly?

Ye Feixi couldn't help but shuddered, and suddenly remembered the emperor's attitude towards him after the early morning, and his cold eyes.

The good-looking brows frowned slightly, and a heart gradually became uneasy.

He originally designed it well, how could things go this way now?

Ye Feixi conspired with King huaian to leak out the border defense map in order to seize the crown prince. When the emperor told him in the morning, he was already surprised, but his face was as warm as usual, and he did not show any strangeness.

The emperor said these words to him for no reason, he was testing him, maybe he had already suspected him?

Ye Feiqing took a deep breath, her expression froze, who is it?

Who put the letter in front of the emperor?

Xiao Zhuozi's sudden death was definitely related to this incident, but he was his own, so how could he do such a thing, and how could such a private thing be picked up by him.

At this moment, a man appeared in Ye Feiqing's mind, a sullen and cold man, the man who always looked at him with alienation and indifference in his eyes, and a guard!

It must be Ye Feibai, it must be he who has the ability to defeat Ye Feixi who he supports, but isn't Ye Feibai not here?

Could it be that he is back? !

Thinking of this, Ye Feiqing's face showed a stern look, and it became more and more gloomy, and there was no longer the gentle color when dealing with others in the past. He raised his hand and knocked the tea set on the coffee table to the ground, and the tea set fell to the ground and shattered!

Looking at the debris on the ground, Ye Feiqing's eyes were full of anger, it must be him, it must be him who shot from behind, trying to kill himself!

Over the years, he has not only kept a low profile, but also tried to figure out everyone's preferences and please everyone.

His mother was killed by Concubine Rou back then. He knew that, but he still recognized Concubine Rou as his mother and tried his best to please her! He has endured for so many years, not only to avenge his mother concubine, but also to make up his mind to take that position.

Why can't he fight for something that others can compete for?

His unfavored prince has everything he has now, and he has worked hard to get it! His fists were clenched tightly, everything he had done could not be wasted, and now the fire has burned on him, forcing him to have no way out, so he can only give up Ye Feixi!

As the direct son of the queen, he has enjoyed the love for so many years, and it is time to end it!

Ye Feiqing stood in front of the window lattice, looking at the lush plants in the garden, his eyes flashed: "Come here, give Su Si a message."

Ye Feiqing has installed plants in various prince's palaces, even the emperor's side. Eyeliner, and Su Si is the eyeliner he placed in the Fourth Prince's Mansion.

Speaking of which, he picked Su Si for a reason. Su Si's parents were harmed by Ye Feixi, and he hated the fourth prince for a long time. At that time, Ye Feiqing obeyed because he was willing to avenge him. Now that Ye Feiqing gave him such an opportunity, he would definitely be able to do it perfectly.

Ye Feiqing's eyes became darker and darker, fourth brother, I'm really sorry, anyway, your time is running out. After the death of Xiao Zhuozi, the emperor ordered the leader of the imperial guards, Commander Xu, to thoroughly investigate the mansion of the Fourth Prince. In just one day, Commander Xu brought one person.

Su Si knelt on the ground, and the emperor sat upright on the high chair, his face was not angry, and the corners of his lips pursed a trace of anger.

Commander Xu said from the side: "Report to the emperor, when the minister was searching the Fourth Prince's Mansion, he found that this man was sneaky and wanted to leave the back door, but was caught by the minister." 

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