Princess Ningfu

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Ouyang Wu's body is getting heavier and heavier now, and she just feels more and more sleepy.

I talked a lot at the full moon banquet of King Anyang, and when I went back, I felt a little tired. After washing up, I lay down and slept until noon the next day.

When Youyou woke up, she saw that the person beside her had long since disappeared, and Ouyang Wu's eyes flashed with surprise. Ye Chonghua always likes to accompany her to sleep a little longer when he is not going to court.

It's a little weird today.

Seeing that Ouyang Wu had woken up, Zhu Lu stepped forward to wait for her to get up. Ouyang Wu couldn't help but ask, "Where's the prince?"

As if there was something unspeakable, Zhu Lu hesitantly said, "The prince is in the front hall."

After speaking After waiting for Ouyang Wu to wash up and dress up, Ouyang Wu's heart became more and more strange.

When I got to the front hall, I found that the front hall was very lively at this time.

There were a dozen or so young girls standing in the hall, all of them very slender, all with a soft and weak appearance. Although they all lowered their heads, they could also see that their faces were beautiful, and there was a hint of beauty between their eyebrows. A bit of natural charm.

In Ouyang Wu's mind, four words could not help but appear - Yangzhou thin horse.

Ye Chonghua was sitting on the side drinking tea, without raising his head, he was discussing something with Xiaodao in a low voice, Xiaodao nodded repeatedly and said yes, his indifferent lips pressed tightly.

Seemingly finished, Ye Chonghua raised his head and saw Ouyang Wu who had been standing for a while, so he waved to her, made her sit beside him, and instructed Zhu Lu, "Go to the kitchen and cook the stew. Get it early."

"Yes." Zhu Lu responded and turned around and backed away, only when his eyes swept over the women standing in the row, there was a hint of complexity in his eyes, is the prince wanting to take a concubine? And let the princess help you choose?

Obviously, Ye Chonghua's thoughts, Zhu Lu can't guess.

Ouyang Wu smiled and asked in a low voice, "Your Highness woke up early this morning, is it because you are fascinated by these Yingyingyanyans?"

Ye Chonghua couldn't help but glared at her, held her cold hands in his hands, slightly Nodding his chin, he pointed casually in the direction of the rows of women standing in front of him, and said, "Do you think Yin Shangshu would like it?"

Ouyang Wu was carefully looking at the appearance of the women in the hall, thinking about the night. How Chonghua should deal with these women, he was slightly stunned to hear him ask such a question.

When he realized Ye Chonghua's intentions, he couldn't help but burst out laughing: "King Ning rewarded him, how could he not like it?"

Seeing Ouyang Wu's full smile, Ye Chonghua's lips also burst out. A wicked smile.

But after a while, the door of Prince Ning's mansion began to beat gongs and drums. The sound was so loud that it attracted a lot of people to come and watch.

There were many sedan chairs neatly lined up outside Prince Ning's mansion, each of which was hung with red silk, very bright. In the eyes of people's curiosity, many well-dressed women walked out of Prince Ning's mansion. They were invited into the sedan chair one by one by the maids.

Xiaodao's face was solemn, and when he saw that everyone was ready, he turned on his horse, and with a wave of the long sword in his hand, he began to ride his horse forward.

Xiaodao led the way in front, and the mighty team in the back followed neatly, which was very spectacular.

Behind the two rows of red sedan chairs, a group of young men were beating gongs and drums, blowing suona vigorously, and it was very lively for a while, as if they were marrying their daughters.

The people who were already watching couldn't help but follow the team. It's been a long time since such a spectacular team was seen, and they didn't know where to go. More and more people joined the viewing team, and people on both sides of the road stretched their necks to watch the fun.

As the team progressed, the voices of discussion grew louder. I don't know whose daughter is going to get married. Looking at the direction of the walk, it seems to be going to Yin Shangshu's mansion?

Xiaodao didn't see the crowd of onlookers at all, and he still walked forward with a sullen face.

When he reached the door of Yin's house, he violently restrained the horse, raised the long sword in his hand, and the team behind him stopped.

This team really attracted the attention of the entire capital. The servants of the various houses in the path also came out to look, and the servants of Yin's house also looked at the door. They were watching the lively, but watching, this Why did the team stop in front of their own door?

The servants at the door looked at each other in dismay, stunned for a while.

The team stopped so steadily at the door of Yin Shangshu's house, it didn't seem to want to continue.

This festive team came to his own mansion? But there is only one young lady in their family, and there is a young man who is not old enough to marry, and they have not heard from the master when there will be a wedding in the family.

Just as he was in doubt, he saw Xiaodao turn over and dismount, and he came to the front in a few steps. His voice was cold and he said loudly: "His Royal Highness King Ning has come to give a big gift to Yin Shangshu. Which of you will announce it?"

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