Chapter 2

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I was tired, cold and angry as I got off the bus with a small bag of clothes. My mother had convinced my dad to let me take some extra clothes with me before he kicked me out of the house I grew up in. He didn't even look at me as I walked out the door.

I couldn't believe he would do this! If someone told me my dad would throw me out because I got pregnant I wouldn't believe them. I mean, I was daddy's little girl! He spoiled me rotten due to the fact that I was the only child.

I shook the thoughts from my head as I realized I was on my own now. The only people that mattered to me now were Brad and our baby. Thinking of my baby I rubbed my belly and told my child I would never do to them what my dad did to me.

It took me longer than expected to make it to Brad's place since I couldn't move that fast. He had moved out of his mom's home last month, as he had been saving up money since discovering I was pregnant. I was going to move in with him anyway once the baby was born, so why not now?

I saw his old beat up Honda in the parking lot and I was happy that he was home. I approached his door and blow out a breath as I knock.

I hear someone moving around and talking. What was going on behind the door? Finally the door opened and a large black man appeared. His eyes were glazed over and he immediately relaxed when they settled on me. A smile crossed his face.


I stepped back from him and tried to look over his shoulder inside the house. "Is Brad here?"

He looked at me like I asked if Jesus was inside.


I looked at the number on the door. 23. I was at the right house. I helped him pick out the apartment.

"Brad. I'm here to see Brad." I tell him.

The guy goes back in the house and calls out Brad's name. "Which one of y'all mofos knocked somebody up?!"

I heard some scuffling around and finally Brad appears at my door. He looks shocked that I here.

"Whit? Baby, what are you doing here?" he asks me while stepping out of the apartment and moving outside with me.

I break down crying and move into his chest. I feel his arms around me and he asks me what's wrong.

"My dad...he kicked me out...he wanted me to give up our baby!" I cry into his shoulder.

I feel Brad tense up as he held me.

"You're joking right?"

I wish I was. I just shake my head no. I feel Brad's hand drive into my hair and I wrap my arms around his neck. He lets out a sigh and pulls away from me. I look into his face and I see something I've never seen before: fear.

"Can I go inside? I really need to lie down." I tell him. I had been walking for half an hour and my legs felt like jello.

He sighs and leads me inside his apartment. Upon entering I see three other black guys on the couch, each smoking joints. There are some other drugs on the coffee table and a pornographic movie is on the TV screen. What the hell?

I turn to Brad and look at him in disbelief. He doesn't say anything as he escorts me to his bedroom. He grabs my face once I'm in his room.

"Just stay in here. I'm going to get rid of them okay."

I nod as he places a kiss on my lips.

He leaves the room and closes the door. I hear the guys talking to him, as they are loud as hell.

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