44 || All Mine

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Song: PLAZA - All Mine (slowed + reverb)

This is a long one.
Enjoy :)


The universe was a slimly little fuck.

Just when I thought I could get this girl out of my head, it threw me a curve ball in the form of said girl.

And the cherry on top of all this load of shit?

I was feeling things.

Things I couldn't even describe or begin to understand.

I wanted to see her but at the same time I didn't.

The sight of her made me angry, annoyed, frustrated and made my heartburn act up again.

All in all, I had developed a minorly unhealthy attachment to her and I hated myself for not hating her.

I'm just....I don't fucking know.

And she's just... I don't fucking know.

Jesus Christ I wanted to rip my own hair out.

Was this what it felt like to get my feelings hurt?

Because if so, it really fucking sucked.

The door clicks shut and I stare at it, forcing my feet to stay planted to my spot instead of running after Josie.

In hind sight, I couldn't blame her for running. The circumstances in which we met were questionable.

I'd lied, forced, manipulated and threatened her on numerous occasions.

I'd even tried to kill her.

Yet despite all that, her wanting to leave me made my blood boil and my chest ache.

It just fucking hurt.

I turn around and preoccupy myself with cleaning up the mess she'd created when she started throwing my shit at me, all the while my mind races, trying to make sense of all this.

I would've assumed she was here for me had it not been for the way my supplier and that nut case of a woman talked to her.

And suddenly it all makes sense.

The man who'd driven me out here, the one with her brown eyes and the nut case with her big lips and slender nose.

They were Josie's parents. 

What Kade was to her, I had no fucking idea.

But I was going to find out.

A knock sounds on the door just as I finish unpacking and storing various guns and weapons around the room.

I ignore it.

It sounds again, I ignore it again.

But by the fifth time they knock, i'm too pissed at the fact that they hadn't been able to take the hint and leave me alone, to ignore it again.

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