014. ❛ abuela ❜

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"Ella perfecta" Dolores tells me, as I stood in front of her

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"Ella perfecta" Dolores tells me, as I stood in front of her. My back turned towards where Mariano stood, gawking at me- not very subtle at all.

"I'm sorry Dolores, it's just awkward knowing he's staring at me and I don't know what he's saying"

"It's okay, I know it's what Abuela wants" Dolores says with a sad shrug, sitting at a table. The same table me and Gael sat at a week ago. I sat across from her, grabbing one of her hands.

"I'm sorry, Dolores- You know it's just a betrothal and I don't like Mariano like that"

"I know, I know- it's just I wish I were, you know?" I laughed, squeezing her hand a bit.

"Trust me, you don't want to be me- Abuela puts so much pressure on me, by pushing me to be the most perfect child" We both sigh, and Dolores mentions an important comment.

"You know she only pushes for you to marry Mariano because you are the one that looks almost exactly like her when she was younger and..." I nod.

"Mariano looks a lot like Abuelo Pedro... Not just because he's the most strong- most handsome and healthy man in the village. It's because shes trying to relive her life through you, and makes choices for you that she would have made when she was with Abuelo, had she not lost everything at your age, pfft next thing you know she'd be telling you guys to start planning on having children and have list of names for them!" We both laugh, knowing it's true. But I can't help but squirm not liking the idea of living the life I don't want too.

"I just think you are doing this... Is helping her cope through the loss of her husband's death- yeah it was years ago but it's making her revert the loss and tragedy to her and her husband, giving herself maybe a-"

"Second chance" I finished for her, and she looks at me. I give her a sad look and she gives my hand a squeeze. We sat in silence for a bit before we spoke again.

"So... You and Gael?" Immediately, bright red flowers sprouted upon my head, in my hair.

"Ooo- there red this time" Dolores teases, and I throw her a little glare.

"Oh shut it, there's nothing happening between us" Dolores darted her eyes behind me, and I turned around just to see Gael.

"Oh here comes the charming prince-"

"Dolores! Shut up!" I scowled at her quietly, and she smirked. He came up to us, and if there weren't already enough red flowers in my hair- more appeared.

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