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"No chance Potter wins," Draco scoffs, "he's honestly lucky he made it this far."

"Maybe Cedric will win," Mattheo jokes, easing tension.

"Maybe," I whisper anxiously.

Harry appears in the middle and I smile when I see Cedric with him. They won together. I look at the ground. "Oh my God." Draco says.

"What?" I ask, looking back up. Theodore hugs me, tumbling us both to the ground. "What's going on?" I ask.

"Keep her down!" Draco yells.

Mattheo's face is so white he could be a ghost. "Let me go, Nott!" I yell, waving my wand.

He flies off of me and I jump up, staring at the field. I can't see Harry or Cedric anymore, there are too many people.

"Mattheo, what's going on?" I ask.

He looks scared. "My boy!" Cedric's dad screams. I run away from my friends and to the field.

Cedric is laying limp on the floor. Limp and lifeless.

A ringing echos in my ears and a screaming fills my mind as I break to my knees. "It was Voldemort," Harry announces.

I sob as I yell out in pain. My soul shatters right her in the center of a crowd. People give me space, backing away from my common area.

"Taylor!" Mattheo yells, "You're ok, you'll be ok!"

I draw my wand on him. "This was you! Your father!" I yell, standing and threatening him.

Mattheo's POV:

She's right. I'm the reason Cedric Diggory is dead. My father is the reason he's dead. I got her to trust me and now I've ruined it. It was supposed to be Harry.

She throws me across the field with her wand and walks over, punching my chest frantically.

"I hate you!" She screams. A little piece of me is affected by this, but I don't let it show.

"I'm sorry," I say quietly. She swings, hitting me in the face. I don't react.

"Taylor!" Draco yells, grabbing her away and holding her close to himself. She cries and grabs tightly onto him.

"He's gone because of him!" She screams at me.

I'm so sorry Taylor.

Draco's POV:

I gently lay her on her bed. "Come in, she's asleep," I say to Mattheo, who I know is waiting outside the door.

"I didn't want Cedric to get hurt," He says, appearing right next to me.

"I know that," I say, "now you have to let her know."

"She hates me." He states.

"She doesn't know how she feels. The guy she'd been dating for a year and a half died and she needs someone to blame." I explain.

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