chapter fifty-seven

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jimin pov

me, namjoon and yoongi sat in the living room chatting for a while about things for the house and the garden and what not while waiting for the walkie talkie to go off

but it didn't

i could tell the other two were getting nervous as yoongi kept looking over at the walkie talkie and namjoon began fiddling with his hands, i just don't think they wanted to acknowledge aloud that the others haven't yet gotten in touch

i wanted to stay quiet and not bring it up but i couldn't take it anymore, i started to get a really bad feeling about all this

me-"why haven't they walkie talkied yet?" i ask nervously

yoongi-"maybe they all fell asleep.." he suggested timidly, clearly not believing his words but trying to convince himself of them

namjoon-"why don't we try get in contact with them? just incase they did fall asleep" he pushed

yoongi picked up the walkie talkie and pressed down, "hello?" he questioned

the only response we received was static

3rd person pov

the three boys kept trying but to no avail

all they heard was static

one by one they slowly went to bed as it had already been dark for some time, they didn't want to go to bed but they knew being sleep deprived wouldn't help anyone in this situation

yoongi stayed with the walkie talkie the longest and ended up taking it into his bedroom, just incase anyone got in touch during the night

the night was quiet, as though the surrounding woods were sleeping too. despite desperately hoping, yoongi was not awoken to the sound of the walking talking, only to the morning sun of the next day

the three boys went about their day trying to keep their brains occupied, somewhat thankfully, y/n was mad at them so didn't really leave her room and ask about the others

by this point, it was already mid way through the day and the drive to the store was only around 20-30 minutes so they should have been home by now since the sun rose at around 6:45

'what happened?' the three wondered all day, preventing them from getting any task done well

namjoon-"maybe they couldn't fix the car?" he suggested when himself, yoongi and jimin had all remet in the dining room as y/n read

yoongi-"yeah but they would still be able to answer the walkie talkie because they knew this was important"

jimin-"what if something bad happened to them?"

after a lot of deliberation, they decide that some of them should go out and check on the others. yoongi didn't know the way to the store so jimin and namjoon put on shoes and set off on foot, promising yoongi they would try bring the boys home by evening and would walkie talking him on the others walkie talkie as soon as they could

about twenty minutes after namjoon and jimin set off, y/n came out of her room, somehow bored of reading for the day

y/n-"where are the others? i want to talk with them about what happened" she asked confused when only seeing yoongi

yoongi-"okay, come sit with me and promise not to panic"

y/n-"not panic about what?" she asked, panic already spreading across her face

yoongi-"the walkie talkie isn't working so we haven't been able to contact the others" he states in a calm voice, knowing if he stressed it would make everything worse

y/n- "oh god, are they okay?"

yoongi-"we don't know so jimin and namjoon set off to the shop to try and find them"

y/n-"oh my god, i hope everyone is okay"

yoongi- "they will be kid" he says while messing up her hair "how about you and i get some work done in the garden? it'll be good to take our minds off this" he suggests, y/n nodded in response so they both put their shoes on and headed the other garden, taking their walkie talkie with them

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