chapter fifty-six

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hey guys, sorry i disappeared for like a year, it's been hectic. i'm trying to get back into writing this and i apologise if the writing style has changed, as you can imagine it's been a while since i've written anything like this so it may take me a while to get back into the hang of it -author

jimin pov

i've been sat in my room feeling this huge sense of just emptiness and confusion

life has been so topsy tervy since everything happened, funnily enough, life in an apocalypse isn't the same as what life was like before

in this new strange world you don't have control over much, that's why i like to use my calender. someone picked it up at the store a while back and i like to cross of dates as they go. it gives me a sense of control i guess as i am aware of the day, it helps stop them from all merging into one. i struggled with that a lot at the start, everyday felt the same making everything we did feel pointless.

grabbing my pen, that i soon expect will run out, i cross off yesterdays date 'february 18th'

i freeze for a moment, 'why does that date ring a bell?' i think to myself

"no it can't be!" i whisper to myself

after pondering for a moment, i decide to ask, otherwise i'll be stuck trying to figure this out all day. putting my calendar and pen down, i headed straight across the hall and raised a hand towards y/n's door

wait, i can't ask her, for one, it would give it away and two, she's already very angry with me and namjoon, pestering her wouldn't help at all

i knew i needed to talk to one of the other boys about this and thankfully i can hear conversation coming from the dining room meaning both yoongi and namjoon must be there as everyone else is at the shops

me-"guys," i say as i turn the corner into the room, grabbing both their attentions, "does anyone know what y/n's birthday is?"

namjoon tilted his head, as if scrambling through his brain for an answer, someone else didn't have that problem and immediately answered

yoongi-"february 18th" he stated so casually as though i just asked him what colour the sky was. (this is the date i published the first chapter, you can always change it to be your birthday in your head).

he may pretend he doesn't care but he really is a big softy, he knew her birthday so easily so he clearly cares for her a lot

as much as i wanted to pick on him for this, i knew there was more pressing matters currently

me-"guys," i say as i turn the corner into the room, grabbing both their attentions, "i was looking through my calendar and todays february 19th, we missed it! we missed y/n's birthday!"

namjoon- "wait? really?" he asks

me-"well i wouldn't just say this for fun" i said, earning me a glare from namjoon in response

yoongi-"so the little anklebiter is now 15" he says mainly to himself

namjoon-"do you think she will be upset that we missed it?" he asks

me-"probably, i mean she is still young so birthdays mean quite a bit to her i imagine. this will probably be her first birthday that's been entirely missed"

namjoon-"so she's already upset with us for breaking her teddy bear and now we forget her birthday! god she's going to hate us"

yoongi-"who is 'us'? i didn't break her bear and i didn't forget her birthday, i just didn't know the date, you two are in trouble, not me" he states smugly, earning a glare from both me and namjoon

namjoon-"either way we should do something for her"

yoongi-"like what though?"

me-"this may sound dumb but we could host her a make shift birthday party with like snacks and some decorations"

namjoon-"we could do that actually, the shop may have some birthday stuff that people haven't rushed to get in the middle on an apocalypse that we could use" he suggests

yoongi-"the others should be walkie talkie-ing in soon so we can ask if they can get anything that would suit the occasion. although they won't be back tonight as the van broke down so we will have to wait to set anything up"

me-"the van broke down?"

yoongi-"yeah so they are gonna walkie talkie us every half and hour or so till they can get it working just so we know they are okay."

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